In the bedroom, Kardashian was sitting on the big soft bed, staring at Barr with her eyes, slowly raised her arm, and hooked her fingers at him.

She has creamy skin, wearing tulle pajamas, sitting there with her legs crossed, her graceful and delicate body looming, like a ripe peach, which is mouth-watering.

Barr was completely dumbfounded. Which warrior who loves sprinting can stand this kind of test?

He got up slowly and stepped forward to greet him, while Kardashian looked at him with neither love nor expectation in his eyes, only the various amorous feelings in his every move.

The dining table was about a dozen steps away from the bed, and as soon as Barr walked across the room, only a pair of light blue pants remained on his body.

He has traversed the Frank block for so many years, and he still has the most basic speed.

Barr came to Kardashian and stretched out his excited and trembling hands: "You are so beautiful!"

As he spoke, he leaned forward and was about to step forward, while Kardashian slowly raised his right leg and pressed his round white toes against his abdomen: "...I need you to kill someone for me."

Barr, who was already at the top, was obviously startled when he heard this sentence.

"Of course, I will let you get what you want." Kardashian's voice was mellow: "It's fair, isn't it?"

Barr stared at Kardashian, he couldn't see any emotion in the other person's eyes, if he had to say something, maybe she looked at him like a male dog with a haircut. Contempt? despise? Maybe a little bit of both.

Barr was born in a humble family, and he can be regarded as an out-and-out grassroots class in Europe. He hates others looking down on him, but it's just disgusting. He will not affect his mentality because of other people's opinions. He is really upset, and he will just kill the other party and it will be over.

However, at this moment, he was inexplicably stung by Kardashian's eyes. From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want the woman in front of him to despise and despise himself too much.

This feeling is very strange, making Barr feel uncomfortable all over. After a long silence, he slowly bent down, reached out and stroked every inch of Kardashian's calf, and kissed it gently like a mutant.

Kardashian looked at him quietly, and raised his chin with her toes: "Look at me, answer me!"

Barr still lowered his head, and responded in a thick voice: "I once had a friend in Frank Street. He was a beggar, his legs were broken, and he survived on other people's charity. I often chat with him. He told me Said... In fact, he is not afraid of those drunks in Frank Street bullying him, beating him, or even humiliating him, but he is very afraid of those charity givers who look at him with pity or contempt, like God, although those People tend to be very polite."

Kardashian frowned unconsciously when she heard this.

"I don't want to play the role of a beggar in front of you." Barr's ability to organize words was slightly poor, he shook his head and said intermittently: "I... I am indeed dirty and rascal, and should have been sentenced to death long ago .But for some reason, I want to leave some dignity in front of you...!"

After finishing speaking, he gently put down Kardashian's feet, raised his head and said, "I will no longer go against your will and rely on begging to get those happiness, although I am very eager. Tell me, who are you going to kill, I will do it."

Kardashian looked at him incredulously, and was speechless for a while. You stinking hooligan, what are you talking about about character and morality?

Is he acting? Probably not, this kind of scoundrel is often too lazy to play a gentleman.

Has Barr's personality changed quietly? It's hard to say, maybe even he didn't realize it.

Kardashian was silent for a long time, and responded in a flat voice: "I want you to kill the regional speaker of the League of Gods...Kang Nai. It was he who secretly promoted the war in Selva City, and he was also the one who planned the killing of the Golden City , I lost my lover and my son. Before I die, he must die."

Kang Nai was the one who picked Barr out of the prison, and later appointed Barr to go to the Golden City to intercept Kardashian and others who fled.

Therefore, he almost single-handedly facilitated the sadomasochistic relationship between the stormtrooper and the queen.

During the killing of the Golden City, Kangnai not only successfully obtained the core scientific research materials of the Jena royal family, but also obtained the original version of the Shenlong virus, successfully developed and mass-produced it, and finally put the virus into southern Yunnan in the Red District small town.

This is a bastard who does all kinds of evil and will do anything to achieve his goals. It is precisely because of this character that his status in the League of Gods has risen sharply recently. It is said that he is also involved in planning to explore the Tiankeng.

This kind of leader-level leader of the Alliance of Gods, the security forces around him are naturally very complete. Not to mention the ordinary super body, even if the Dirty Blood Squad tries to kill him, the probability of success will not be too high, and it may even be wiped out by the reverse group.

Especially at the sensitive juncture where the tiankeng is about to open and all forces are secretly surging, he will be very careful. It is undoubtedly difficult to kill him. Moreover, there are rumors outside that the fighting nation has long wanted to get rid of Kangnai, because the latter had proposed to the Alliance of Gods that the fighting nation area should be used as a pilot site for the Shenlong-2 virus.

This kind of proposal is undoubtedly dehumanizing, so the fighting nation secretly sent many people to try to get rid of him, but in the end they all failed. This also shows from the side that Kang Nai is not only surrounded by strong security forces, but also a cautious, treacherous and cunning person.

Barr was with Kangnai before, so he naturally knew how difficult it was to kill this person, and it was basically impossible to succeed, and whoever went would probably give away his head for nothing.

But even so, Barr agreed without hesitation. He didn't touch Kardashian, just picked up his clothes, and said firmly: "I promise you, he will die."

Kardashian was a little uncomfortable with Barr's sudden sexual change, feeling that she couldn't handle it completely.

"...Of course, I will probably die too." Barr looked at her with a smile: "If I die, please forget me slowly. My name is Barr, and I come from Frank Street."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left the bedroom decisively, simply, and even a little chicly.

five minutes later.

Kardashian put on the thicker and more decent pajamas again, and stood at the window a little dazedly.


The door opened, and a strong man stepped in, bent over, raised his arms across his chest, and shouted, "Your Highness, Barr has ordered a car and has already left here."

Kardashian did not respond.

"He is a despicable and shameless villain. I don't think he has the courage to assassinate Kang Nai. It is better for us to plan this matter ourselves." The strong white man added.

"Go to Europe and observe him secretly." Kardashian paused and responded: "If he doesn't have the courage to go to Kangnai, you can take someone to kill him, chop up his body, and throw it in the desert city ;If... if he really went..."

After listening to the second half of Kardashian's words, the strong white man waited for a while, but he didn't see the other party continue, so he asked, "If he goes, what should I do?"

Kardashian turned to look at him: "If he goes, you do it...!"


In the evening, half past nine.

On the outskirts of the Vesuvius sinkhole, the fifteen-member team led by Shen Dongqing had already passed through more than half of the Gobi area, and was less than 50 kilometers away from the target point.

At about 7:30 in the evening, the group of walking corpses outside the tiankeng began to move regularly, and they collectively moved towards the front of the most central mountain range, leaving a large area without walking corpses. Shen Dongqing and the others are well aware of this kind of regular activity, because he specifically mentioned this in the materials given by Tai Zhenglong.

No one knows why the group of walking corpses went to the very center of the mountains, like a pilgrimage. However, they will end their collective movement around 11:30 in the middle of the night, scatter around, and leave irregularly.

Therefore, for Dirty Blood and the others, they have four hours of travel time, and this is enough for a super body.

Everyone is going to rest and replenish here, and then rush to the scheduled tiankeng entrance at one time.

On the Gobi Desert, in the crevices of the continuous yellow hills, a team of fifteen people was checking their mechs, as well as various medicines and supplies.

According to Tai Zhenglong, there is a large amount of poisonous gas near the entrance of the tiankeng, which will cause people to hallucinate. Even a super body cannot defend against it. Therefore, before everyone came, they all carried fully enclosed helmets that fit perfectly with the mecha. , and has an air circulation and filtration system.

Just when everyone was getting ready, Zhang Yunxi suddenly patted Shen Dongqing on the shoulder, and said to him in a low voice, "Brother Monkey, come here."

Shen Dongqing was startled, and followed Zhang Yunxi to the distance. The departure of the two caught the attention of several people in the team, and one of them had a flash of anxiety in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Shen Dongqing asked standing beside Zhang Yunxi.

"Something's wrong!" Zhang Yunxi lowered his voice: "Among the people we brought, there may be an inner ghost."

Shen Dongqing didn't show an overly surprised expression, but quickly asked, "Did you find anything?"

Zhang Yunxi responded succinctly: "I have been using a communicator to connect to the electrode chip in my brain, and looped the images of the corpse tide I encountered last night. I found a pattern. The corpse tide was consciously guided to us. They The attack was not random, but seemed to deliberately disperse our team. You can recall that you and I could have rescued more people, passed through the field, and led everyone to rush out of the encirclement of corpses, but every time we When we all succeed, the people next to us must have been attacked, forcing us to go back and rescue them."

Shen Dongqing thought about Dirty Blood's words carefully, and couldn't help but nodded: "That's true."

"We are not sure now whether the insider is on our side or in another team. But if someone really set up a trick, it is more likely on our side. After all, you and I are here, and they want to do something. It’s also about taking the lead.”

"It makes sense!" Shen Dongqing raised her eyebrows: "I also feel that something is wrong, but there is no evidence. If there is really an insider, we can't go directly to the entrance of the Tiankeng... Otherwise, we may implicate the brothers who are waiting for us there."

"But how can we identify the inner ghost? Our current route is fixed, and we don't have any special information to send to the outside world." Zhang Yunxi felt a little tricky.


Abda City, inside the Pisces Building.

Liu Jiannan glanced down at the communicator, walked out of the lounge, and came to the door of Jiang Xin's room.


Liu Jiannan knocked on the door six or seven times in a row, but there was no response from inside. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he reached out to pick up the spare door opening card, and swiped open the door with a beep.

Stepping into the bedroom, Liu Jiannan saw Jiang Xin lying on the bed and already asleep, and the water glass on the bedside table was already empty.

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