World of the War Machine

Chapter 229: Combat mobilization

(I want a monthly ticket for a reward ~~~~~)

With the order of Qin Yun, the Star Fleet launched an attack far from the garrison in the direction of the fortress. This was really random, and it did not start to create a colorful neon beam for the purpose of attacking the enemy.

Under the distance between the two sides, even the beams produced by the warships could not cross this distant distance and finally achieve an effective killing effect, but it seemed quite energetic.

In these numerous beams of light flying, all members of the Vulcan Mech formation set off, then quickly turned and rushed towards the several warships that had been hanging behind the Spark fleet for some time.

The fleet's attack was meaningless. Instead, the mech formations that were sent out were actually performing their missions, but Qin Yun also wanted to tell the other party this way. I am now provoking you. I am now preparing to attack. No The special purpose is just to see if the fleets defending in front of the Resource Point Fortress will break away from the fortress and rush forward.

However, the opponent is also quite stable. There are more than 300 warships and all the mechs. There is no meaning to go forward, but they cooperate in launching a meaningless attack in the direction of the Spark fleet. It seems like you are coming and going on both sides, but it seems that both sides are fighting very seriously, but both sides are unable to hit each other.

Sitting in the bridge of Vulcan, Qin Yun couldn't help laughing when he saw the response of the local fleet in the screen. His left hand was fisted into his head and his shoulders shook with a smile, which was really interesting.

This smile was a bit inexplicable, but Qin Yun suddenly said, "Connect to the ships."

Wang Hai quickly asked CIC to connect communications to all fleet warships, and then Qin Yun's seated figure appeared on the main screen of the entire fleet bridge.

Qin Yun raised his head with a smile on his mouth, as if he was asking and answering loudly: "Our Spark fleet has less than 50 warships and less than 50. The number of airframes it carries is more than 300. But there are almost 350 warships on the opposite side, carrying more than six times ours. "

"Don't you think such a picture is very interesting now? With more than 300 warships plus a resource point fortress, there is no threat of confrontation between us and less than 50 warships, as if there is one on each side. When the road scolded, no one dared to approach anyone, and no one was afraid of anyone. They could only use some meaningless and painless saliva to scorn but the other party. "

"If you compare quantity to strength, then they are much stronger than us, but they dare not come over to us. Why is that? In addition to our Spark fleet, who else in the entire Federation can do more? Enemies who made more than six times would dare to make such an action? "

"We are not close because we are small. Even if we can storm the fortress ahead, we will lose a lot. We will worry that it is normal, but at least we can fight less and have the courage to challenge and fight. But the opposite, What's so dare to dare to take the initiative when you have a six-fold advantage? "

"It is clear that their 350 battleships faced our Starfire fleet with less than 50 battleships. They did not have the courage to fight. They have no confidence, they are even more afraid, no morale, and they have no courage, confidence, Morale is still scared of our enemies. Even if they are six times as many, what's the use? I just want to ask you whether you can overcome their confidence and courage in the face of such enemies. "

When Qin Yun's last sentence fell, Wang Hai stared directly at him with incredible eyes, and the entire bridge also showed a look of astonishment. He looked at it in astonishment as if he was mobilizing for war. Qin Yun, is this ready to use the power of the Star Fleet to attack the opponent completely?

God, isn't this really a joke? The Starfire Fleet is not used for frontal operations! Even if the other party is a pig, there are more than one thousand mech pigs, more than three hundred battleship pigs, and raging wild boars with fangs and anti-injury armor. This fight will really die.

In the big screen, some captains in the divided picture immediately stood up and raised their hands to salute the military salute after hearing Qin Yun's words, while some people were dull and silent at first, but as the screen stood More and more people got up, and all the captains of the entire fleet all stood up and made the same action.

Qin Yun looked at every response in Rao's eyes, and also remembered those who stood up first and had the strongest eyes.

With a smile, Qin Yun also stood up and nodded gently, "I'm glad you're all ready, so let this be the official debut of the Spark Fleet. Use this battle to tell the Federation and tell the rebels. Tell everyone in the entire Blue Star circle that the Spark fleet is the most powerful fleet. "

"Our goal is not to completely destroy the other side and win the fort, but we must hold this mood and purpose to deal with the next battle. Either you die or I die, and the brave will meet on the narrow road to win. Only the strong side on the battlefield can survive From now on, it will be the glorious starting point of the Spark fleet. "

"Even if we have given up our immediate goal and decided to leave, but before we leave, let the enemy feel the fear we bring to them, release all mechs, and wait for orders to launch an attack."



Qin Yun smiled and patted Wang Hai's shoulder: "The bridge is handed over to you. As the flagship, the vane of the entire fleet should not be too close to the enemy, but not too far away."

Wang Hai quickly said: "Three hundred to eighteen, how can this be done? If it is possible to launch an attack on a fleet in the face of a large-scale battlefield with the threat of containment by our troops, of course, but now we have no Any helper to restrain each other. "

Qin Yundao: "Rest assured that there will not be three hundred to one thousand Australian mech units, but three hundred to six hundred to nine hundred will be possible. The goal of this operation is not to completely destroy the other party, as long as they can In this case, it is enough to hurt the other side. I want to make me and even the Starfire fleet a nightmare for the rebel party. "

"Let the Star Fleet and me be the only special existence among the enemies who immediately abandon their missions and not be held accountable."

After that, Qin Yun directly turned around and flew away from the bridge. He went all the way to Gnacu and changed into a combat suit. After sitting in the phantom cockpit, he flew out of the ejection deck at the fastest speed. .

The tactical armor was also successfully unlocked after flying out of Vulcan from Phantom Pain, and then successfully combined with Phantom Mech through laser control, slowly approaching the front of the fleet and then stopped.

"Did you have chicken blood today?"

The eagle, who did not have the opportunity to speak in the battleship, did not understand how Qin Yun suddenly became like blood, surging, seeing this posture as if he was preparing to rush up towards three hundred battleships across from him.

Qin Yun decisively shook his head: "No."

The eagle stunned: "So what are you going to be crazy about? A person rushes to a fleet?"

"Because you can't escape without fighting." Qin Yun stared at the main screen in front, calmly said, "Can't turn away because there are more enemies. The nice point is called strategic transfer, but the reality is to flee without fighting, the future of the Spark fleet. It will be my foundation and capital. "

"This time, they really faced the enemy together for the first time after they got together. The beginning must not start with fleeing without a fight. Even if the final decision is made to evacuate and replace the target, this battle must be fought. This is related to the Spark fleet. The strength of the spirit is related to the spirit. If there is a neighbor, there will be a second. After that, the Star Fleet will become a weak and incompetent team. "

"I want to make the Spark Fleet a true Iron Blood Fleet, then I must establish the atmosphere of this fleet from the beginning, which will also become the blood and soul of the Spark Fleet."

"So even if I knew what I was going to do now would be very dangerous, but I still decided to do it. The Star Fleet must not just be useless. I also let this fleet be completely classified as belonging. My imprint is that there is no other invincible division that can be commanded by anyone but me. "

"To this end, I want to lead them to victory, victory after victory. Even if the enemy is in danger, I must win the final victory. The goal this time is to destroy at least 50 enemy ships, more than 300 mechs. Six times more enemies can destroy their equivalent amount of power in front of them. This can reflect the strength and invincibility of the Star Fleet. It can convince everyone in the Star Fleet that as long as I lead it, no matter what kind of enemy is worthless. mention."

The flying eagle seemed to stay for a while ~ ~ said: "You can now have the ability to achieve this with the size and configuration of the opposite side, it will be very difficult to deal with all the fifty battleships and three hundred mechs. This is completely different from the difficulty of destroying three hundred mechs of fifty warships against three hundred warships of one thousand and eighty mechas. "

"You are just a C-class pilot, and the gap between you and ordinary pilots is not large enough to easily do such a thing, even if you take three of them together, it is useless, it can be regarded as a suicide charge, You can't even find a gap in a volley. "

Qin Yun nodded gently: "I know you, but I don't have you."

The flying eagle just felt that Qin Yun had grown a lot. The **** decides his head has begun to stand in the position of the Star Fleet Commander and thinking. Qin Yun's is right. This battle must be played once, no matter what. Bring some losses to the other side and you can't escape without fighting. You must set up the blood and soul of the Star Fleet from the beginning.

However, Feiying did not expect Qin Yun to hit his attention at the beginning ...

Machine War World

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