World of the War Machine

Chapter 238: Doubt

"You think it's right to kill them. It's not wrong to say on the battlefield, but I'm not wrong to not kill them."

Qin Yun explained to Lisa with a smile: "The original role of those people was as a hostage, because my purpose was this fortress, which was also the task given to me by the headquarters at the beginning, to win this fortress."

"Almost 100,000 hostages. As long as these hostages are in hand, they will distribute the warships around the entire fortress. If they want to attack the fortress, the first thing they must face is their own."

"And if the rebels really do not hesitate to attack their own people, then I will definitely rescue them, because these captives have been betrayed, they have been targeted and attacked by their own gunpoints. , And they will create gaps and hatred for the rebels, at least most people will, so that the Spark fleet can take advantage of this opportunity to reassure these people for my use. "

"Even if there are more than a hundred broken ships, as long as they can be repaired, they are good ships. Even if only half of the 100,000 people are willing to support the Spark fleet, the size of our Spark fleet will grow several times."

"That was my idea at the beginning, and of course it is perfectly feasible to do so."

Qin Yun said that he also laughed at himself here: "I just thought about the feasibility, and ignored the Star Fleet's manpower is really not enough to control so many warships. In this kind of chaos, there is no way to completely settle the chaos inside the fortress. We need too much time to make more arrangements, and we don't care about the lives of so many people. "

"It's just that we don't have that much time to come slowly, and we don't have enough manpower to fully control everything inside the fortress, so I can only change my mind, take away those who are willing to return to the Federation, take away the fortress and surrender those who have surrendered. The people stayed there, and even more than half of the fortresses were sent to those warships. "

"In this way, our landing force and the personnel transferred from each ship can receive and control the fortress. Since I didn't kill them at the beginning, and later they became captives, I would not be able to do so, if it is not the case No, I even want to take all those people away and leave it to the Federation to deal with those who may be able to exchange to our rebels at this time. "

"But leaving them is not completely meaningless. This will also have a very large impact on the rebels. First, rescue those in the warships. Tow those warships will require at least 300 warships to do this. It's hard to say how long this process will take, but now if the rebels really deploy three hundred battleships to rescue that fleet, then the possibility of chasing after us is not so great for us. "

"Even if there will be chasing and interception, I believe the number will be within a certain range, otherwise we really have to deploy a fleet to deal with us, then the second and fourth fleets will not just stare at the theater, for sure He will seize this opportunity to launch an attack on the key points of the rebel party. "

Qin Yun raised a finger: "This is the first benefit of leaving them."

"The second benefit is influence. Once these people are rescued, they will use their mouths to describe the Star Fleet as a fleet of only 50 warships, and more than a dozen mechas will be able to break through the defense line of more than 300 warships and eliminate three points. One, a third of the captives, a third of the run, and a horror fleet of a stronghold by the way. "

"After such a statement is accepted by most people, as long as the enemy meets us in the future, the first reaction will only be to run away. Even if they are forced to fight as soldiers, they will definitely be affected. Naturally, they will lower our heads and meet us and they will be afraid of affecting Their combat effectiveness. "

"Things like morale are invisible and intangible, but they do exist, and they will greatly affect the combat capabilities of a team."

"The third benefit, if you kill everything, do you know what the consequences will be for the Star Fleet? In the future, if any enemy fleet meets, we will only fight back and fight hard. We know that death will drag us all to death. The kind, this will bring a lot of unnecessary losses and trouble to the Spark fleet. "

"But if they knew that the Starfire Fleet would never kill anyone who dropped their weapons, and surrender from the Starfire Fleet would ensure their normal captive treatment. After testing the offensive to confirm that they are not our opponents, there are so many people who want to survive. What will he do? Oh, of course, we put down our arms and waited for us to take them in. This is the soldier who humiliates without fighting. "

"The fourth benefit is the impact on the enemy fleet. The fleet we have left now can be said to be obsolete. It is a piece of sand. Without the pilot, the captain, deputy captain and commanders at all levels, Both the backbone and the main combat capabilities are gone, not to mention that the psychological shadow that they have brought to this failure is also an item that needs to be dealt with. "

"Like the Fourth Fleet, to bring back more than a hundred warships to the battlefield, it took not only three months to repair them, but also to mobilize corresponding personnel from other fleets and from their rear. Filling in the fleet, running in is a big problem, and since it is transferred from other places, it will affect other places. "

"The people who are transferred from the rear are also recruits. The recruits that can be easily handled are exactly the same as those that were affected by the Fourth Fleet. I used more than 100 junk warships and those on the warships. People, in exchange, it is likely that the average weakening of an entire fleet of the other party is considered to be a benefit. "

"Killing them will only spread our bad names, but leaving them to spread is indeed our prestige and kingship, then of course my choice is to leave them."

The four girls have been listening to what Qin Yun said. At first, the four girls did not feel that there were so many different options for one thing here. The four people actually did n’t understand Qin Yun well. This kind of killer method, obviously has killed so many people on the battlefield.

But at that time Qin Yun was only a soldier, he could fight without any concern, but now he is a commander, and needs to consider the future path and development of the Spark fleet, but like Qin Yun said before, at first he was really They plan to use those people as hostages, but they simply ignore that their current manpower cannot take over so many captives, so they will become like this in the end.

Take the fort to run.

In the future, if you encounter such a small-scale enemy fleet, fifty, one hundred, or two hundred, then it is likely that the opposite side will only pretend to counterattack a few times to see if the main combat forces can take advantage. If it cannot be occupied, it is very likely to make a direct surrender.

After all, they surrendered, that is, the Spark fleet brought them back to the Federation. Anyway, if the people are not dead or injured, they can ensure the normal treatment of prisoners. It will be almost a good transformation. Their weapons and propellers were destroyed, and they were able to return to the rebel side. This is really a humiliating soldier without a fight.

Lisa listened to Qin Yun's explanation and nodded her head. At first, she was dissatisfied, she was a little cyanotic in the back, she was confused, her face was recognized, and her two eyes were finally shining. Interesting, it is simply that Qin Yun is regarded as his idol. At least this moment, Qin Yun is treated as an idol.

Mei Sisong also showed her admiring eyes until she stared at Qin Yun. Now Qin Yun is showing more than just his destructive power on the battlefield, not just his deterrent to the enemy, but he is really standing The commander's point of view is the decision-making power of the entire fleet.

Ephelia also nodded from time to time. Only Luna looked confused and didn't seem to understand what everyone was saying. She could understand what Qin Yun said about these things, but she couldn't understand where the connection between these things was.

So in the end it was because of force? Whoever has the force kills indiscriminately, but if he has the force to stop killing and become king?

The four people stopped talking, Lisa was not stubborn, and Qin Yun nodded gently: "The four of you are my deputy and secretary, but the work is actually the same. If you don't understand, you can ask. I will also give you a certain explanation. When you grow up, you can share more work for me, and the more you understand the style and ideas of what I do, the more I will fit in the direction I want to develop. "

"Is there anything else I need to answer?"

The four girls quickly shook their heads ~ ~ Qin Yun also stood up: "Meisei, I have standardized some of these personnel's information, and conduct the most detailed investigation of these people. I want to know their Family, background, personality, performance in school, performance at work, interpersonal relationships with those around you, etc.

"Find as many as you can, and do this as soon as possible. You can also contact the Lunar Base for assistance there, and you need to find out the entire federal database."

Mays emphasised: "Yes."

Qin Yun waved his hand and left the suite: "You stay here to continue your work, I'll go around."

After Qin Yun left, Messie glanced at Lisa with helpless eyes: "You are asked not to ask, not to ask, if you stand up so vigorously, no matter what he will do, there must be something we can't think of Why are you convinced now? Isn't that to make the Star Fleet a little safer during the return journey? "

Lisa lowered her head and said to him, "Hungry, if you want to eat, I'll get it for you."

Messie raised her hand and nodded on Lisa's head: "You."

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