World of the War Machine

Chapter 298: Calel joins the battle

The phantom pain tactical armor seems to become a meteor. The huge propulsion brought by the full power startup of the six large thrusters pushes the tactical armor forward quickly, and also makes the six rays of light become one. Long white trails.

The number of enemies that appeared this time is not large, that is, a battleship that is slightly more than the Spark fleet, but the opponent ’s battleship configuration is much higher than that of the Spark fleet. The same level of warship, plus Qin Yun has never been a frontal battle of the Calel Silver Light Battleship.

If such a fleet is just here by coincidence, it is enough to make the Spark fleet vigilant, and if it is a special trip, it is not only necessary to be vigilant.

Even if it ’s just to buy time for the rear fleet, I can change it and think that such a small fleet dare to appear in front of the Spark fleet, which has always been playing less, and appear in front of the super pilot Qin Yun. This shows that the other party is confident.

The opposite side is taking advantage of the opportunity to attack, and the backlash of the phantom pain tactical armor is equivalent to hindering the opponent's attacking rhythm. In the face of the oncoming sparse attack, it is just a few levers. Make the body easily avoid two turns.

But the impact is obvious. The original mecha units scattered by the enemy began to gather below, that is, in front of Qin Yun, before the phantom pain had not entered their optimal attack distance. Then, the sparse attacks became dense at once, and began to build a fire barrage to intercept and reduce the speed of the phantom pain.

In the face of this situation, Qin Yun also just gently tapped the operating lever with a few clicks to open the pod of the tactical armored missile, firing several anti-beam thunders continuously in front of the rhythm, using the anti-beam The particles easily block the beam coming from directly in front.

Being able to intercept the attack of enemy mechs with the simplest method, there is no need to continuously evade with both hands.

Suddenly, two frames popped up on the screen on the right. This is the information sent by the glory side. The frames are juxtaposed side by side, highlighting some things and several pictures.

Battleship, mech.

The silver-white silver light warship has a main body shape similar to the round bar shape of a submarine. The two sides are integrated ailerons. You can see the obvious missile launch port and fixed muzzle. There are many styles of the ship and the glory. In similar places, the biggest feature is the feeling of being in one.

There are basically no straight lines and corners. The entire warship even the ailerons are full of arcs. In the battle state, the armor on the surface of the battleship will rise or open, exposing the ship ’s main combat weapons. Basically all Arming is all such containment.

And the size of the battleship is not comparable to that of ordinary battleships. The trident-class battleship is like a child in this silver-light battleship. The single-wheel-length silver-light battleship is even longer than the Tenjin-class.

The bigger the battleship, the more things it can represent. The firepower, energy, and load capacity will all be improved by printing.

The first frame shows the information of the silver light warship, including basic information such as the position of the weapon, and the second frame shows the mecha on the side of the Calel.

If the iron ball is a Caleb's armed reconnaissance aircraft, or it may be a conventional cannon gray-level armed, then this mech is the main war weapon of the Calel people.

The armor used by the Calel people is totally different from the armor used by the Blue Star humans. The first is the appearance. If the shape of the armor used on the human side is infinitely close to that of humans, the machine used by the Calel people The shape of A is more like a monster.

Slender and rickety, with long and sharp claws, large flying wings, feet like claws, one-eyed head, the shape does not look like a helmet but a hood.

The deformation function seems to be very popular on the side of the Calel, so the mechas they use also have the ability to deform. The first form looks like a monster with four claws, huge wings and tail, and the head is invisible. The front is a giant mouth that opens and closes to release a beam attack, and the flying wing can completely wrap most of the body in it.

This shape Qin Yun can only be described by monsters, but this shape design allows Qin Yun to see a lot of things at a glance. Under the package of the flying wing, this body seems to have the possibility of a single aircraft bursting into the atmosphere and other bad environments. The wings look very strong.

In the second form, it looks normal. At least it has a basic humanoid appearance. The tail becomes a cannon-type third mechanical arm. The flying wing rises backwards, and the arm feels slightly longer. The existence of any hand-held weapon.

However, according to the data, this mecha officially named Wagner has a high-frequency beam generator on both hands, and the arm is equivalent to a high-speed beam rifle. The body is very flexible and has strong defense capabilities. It uses special armor. It's the pair of flying wings.

A strange body is not a human-style creation at first glance. For humans, this strange body is not good at all, just like a monster, a real monster.

Qin Yun is facing this kind of body and mech for the first time. In his eyes, it still looks a bit fresh. The Federation has always regarded Calel as a mist to hide the Star Gate. The two sides are fighting and conflicting. There are also quite a few, and naturally there is certain information about the armed forces of the Calerians.

The information sent from the Guanghui was rather meticulous, enough for Qin Yun to have a basic understanding of these things.

Qin Yun ’s biggest impression on Caler has not been mysterious, powerful, or advanced ...

Cough cough cough, two impressions, the first one does not say that Feiying understands well even with Qin Yun, that is, art should be treated with sincere eyes, the second thing is to be solid, really solid.

The first iron ball, and then the shield of the Thunder mecha, do not know the technical content is not content, anyway, it is quite strong.

There are now a lot of Calelese mechas in front of Qin Yun, as well as a lot of iron balls, and there are also many Thunder mechas and the like.

It ’s just that Qin Yun ’s body rushed from under the fleet, which made the opposing fleet directly away from it by almost one-third of the power to intercept, and the remaining two-thirds were actively continued to spread apart. Straight distance from the phantom pain, and then rushed towards the direction of the Spark fleet.

At this time, the battleships on both sides finally launched a counterattack. The Spark fleet took a free attack. The main guns and secondary guns of all battleships released a bright and dazzling light beam irregularly one after another. The Bianzhouyuyuan lighted up a bit.

Mech to mech, battleship to battleship, the battle is on the verge, and the intensive firepower also begins to move around.

The number of battleships on both sides is similar ~ ~ But in truth, the firepower of the other side is still higher, and the battleship's shooting is actually a very monotonous and dangerous thing, which requires every commander to Put all your energy into it, and then set fire in that direction from time to time according to the command of the commander in chief.

It ’s not easy to say, the danger is really there, but even if the two sides are so bombarded, it is actually not very useful, because the battleship will always maintain a certain action, even if it does not fight, there are anti-beam thunder to defend, some beams can even The threat of thunder through the anti-beam will also become very small.

And some attacks with little anti-beam thunder defense effect will of course become the main object of evasion. In short, the attack between the fleets is a very grueling thing, but accidentally it will cause the warship to be sunk. Compared with the fleet operations during the Great Ocean War, the fleet operations in the universe are still very different, but there is no change in the point of worrying all the time. The key is timing.

The anti-beam thunder is time-sensitive. When the timing is wrong and it is directly hit, the result will also be the destruction of the ship. Every attack and defense is a series of speculations and calculations.

On the side of Qin Yun, the first iron ball greeted by Qin Yun was the iron ball belonging to the Calel people. It was very useful for armed reconnaissance and routine operations. The dense iron ball flew from all directions towards the phantom pain, dense 'S attack struck the phantom pain in a hemispherical wave after wave.

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