World of Xianxia

Chapter 361: Star Smasher

Chop Star!

The simple two words revealed the magic and power of this sword technique.

Above the world, the sun, moon, and stars.

In ancient legends, the sun, moon, and stars are the aura that was born in the universe when the world was opened. The first Reiki turned into a golden day, illuminating the Three Realms, and another turned into a bright moon, so that the night would not be dark, and the stars were the third Reiki, turning into stars, guiding the world.

According to legend, for each of the three realms of the Three Realms who cultivated as heaven, they can travel through the Three Realms and live with the heavenly and holy saints. In the sky, a star will condense.

In today's sky, there are thousands of stars. The Three Realms have appeared for tens of thousands of years, and there are also saints who do not know how much the Three Realms can look up to. Every saint, in the legend, has the ability to overthrow the river and destroy the sky and the earth. They have endless life and live with heaven and earth, with the sun and the moon.

Each saint represents a star. And Su Hao's sword was actually called Star-cut.

Star-cutting is the sacrifice of the saint. This is a great disrespect to the saint. It is a arrogant sword move. What kind of power will such a sword move have?

On the ruling table, the two confronted each other quietly, and no one rushed. They knew that after this move, you would die.

"The sword cuts the stars? In a big tone, the stars are transformed by the Holy One, and they dare to call this name."

"This is indeed the case. There is no arrogance of breaking the sun and cutting the moon without the sword. The sun and the moon are nothing, but the stars are saints."

"I'm going to see how powerful this sword is, how dare you call it a sword."

"I think it's a show of favor, even in Jin Dynasty. If it was in the Great Qin Empire, I was afraid that the words" Sword and Star "would be killed and killed on the spot."

"But Su Hao is the Lord of Tianjian Zong's Wuyingfeng, and his wife is from the spirit spirit demon. Perhaps he is very different from us, maybe he has great power."

"What do you guys mean? It means that Master Su Hao may also have the blood of the monster race?"

"I just talk casually, it's not true."

Under the ruling, there was a lot of discussion, but there was some taboo about the trick of star-cutting.

"The Lord Su Feng is really magnificent, extraordinary. Chopping the stars and chopping the stars is to kill the Holy One under the sword. The two words alone make this seat feel excited and sigh." Du Chuntian shook his head and shouted. .

"I can't think of a man who is even more domineering than the emperor's words in the Tianjian Sect. It's really unexpected." Duan Shaosha was amazed.

"The emperor is the Lord of the Kingdom of Jin. It's natural to speak and act overbearingly. I can't think of the Lord of the Four Peaks of the Tianjian Sect. It's amazing that he has such ambitious ambitions and minds." Duan Hong smiled strangely.

"The two princes still don't know enough about Master Su Haofeng. Is Master Su Haofeng an ordinary man? His wife is a demon, his daughter has the blood of a demon, and the top ten disciples under the door are all elite. Confronting the powerful men of Jin Danjing, the ambition here is clearly revealed. His style of swordsmanship is very low-key. "Du Chuntian laughed and seemed to know Su Hao very well.

"That's the case, I would like to thank Mr. Du for his guidance." The two princes bowed back in return and laughed.

"Is that true? The word" Xing Xing "is very arrogant? But it seems that a master of the Du family is even more arrogant."

As the three laughed loudly, a voice came coldly, and the three turned to look, but Ye Yun looked coldly.

"What's your kid talking about? Don't think that we are afraid of you if we don't care about it." Duan Hong yelled angrily.

"Is there someone in the Du family who is more arrogant than Su Haofeng? You can say it." Du Chuntian looked cold and shouted in a deep voice.

Ye Yun smiled and said, "I heard that the famous young disciples of the Du family had amazing talents, and they were amazing. They touched the true meaning of Kendo when they were in their teens. I wonder if there is such a person?"

Du Chuntian said coldly, "You have only fought with Jian Yin before. You don't need to talk like that."

Ye Yun said with a loud voice, "It turned out to be Du Jianyin, that's right. He did say that he had realized the true meaning of Kendo. I thought the Du family had two amazing young talents. I remember Jian Yin My brother practices a set of swordsmanship, and his name is extremely unusual. "

Du Chuntian's complexion changed, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"What's your name? I want to hear it. Can it be even more arrogant than Star-cutting?" Duan Hong shouted loudly.

Ye Yun glanced at Du Chuntian and said with a smile: "Since Prince Hong wants to listen, then I will tell you what to listen to. Brother Jian Yin's sword set is earth-shattering, breaking through the sky, and cutting Jiuyou. But yes For his part, names like breaking the sky and cutting Jiuyou are not enough to show the magic of this sword art. "

"What's the name of that swordsmanship?" A voice came from the crowd.

"This guy asked me very well, in fact, the name is very simple, only three words, called, cut off the heavens!" Ye Yun shrugged, speaking of the last three words, very slow and heavy.

Kill Tian Jue!

What is Teana? The heaven is the palace of heaven. Who lives in the heavenly palace? It is the King of Heaven.

In the realm of the human realm, each and every enshrined is the Celestial Immortal, and most of the practice methods come from the Celestial Reality. It can be said that the path of human practice is in the same vein as the Celestial Celestial. The human world respects and worships.

However, Du Jianyin's set of swordsmanship is called, cutting Tian Jue. This is to kill the immortals of the heavens under the sword. This is more arrogant than star-cutting. After all, the saints are only legends, and the immortals actually appeared during the war of immortals ten thousand years ago. Without their shots, the human world would be punished. Devils engulfed and occupied by demons.

"That name ..."

Everyone looked at each other, and even Mei Yansheng didn't dare to speak. Celestial immortals existed supremely in the hearts of every monk. They could only be used for reverence, and they must not have any sense of shame.

"Hugh is going to talk nonsense, at this moment Jian Yin is not here, you can say anything." Du Chuntian shouted loudly, this kind of words can't be talked about, otherwise the great disaster of the Du family is at hand ~ I don't know how many tricks, but I remember that the first style seems to be called Jianzhanshanhe, and the second style is Jianzhanxing. Ye Yun seemed to have heard Du Chuntian's questioning and said to himself.

"The sword cuts the stars ..."


Up and down the whole square, there was a sound of cool air. The first type is to cut mountains and rivers, and to a certain extent, it is not impossible to cut mountains and rivers. But the second type is the sword to cut the stars. Where does this arrogance come from? What would be the third form? What to cut?

"Stop talking nonsense!"

How could Du Chuntian let such words spread and scream loudly.

In fact, he did n’t know Du Jianyin any more. He only knew that Du Jianyin had a chance encounter five years ago and got a set of swordsmanship and practice techniques. He was a rare genius. Touched the barriers of Kendo and realized the true meaning of the sword. As for what this set of swordsmanship is called, Du Jianyin didn't say, and he didn't bother. In his opinion, the true genius is that they don't need to care about and cultivate, they have the fortune that others can't reach, and they will grow by themselves.

I never thought that it was because there wasn't much questioning, but I didn't expect that Du Jianyin's practiced swordsmanship would have such a name, which really killed him.

"So, let's see if my Master ’s move to cut the stars is not arrogant at all, at least compared to Brother Jianyin, it is far worse." Ye Yun laughed, his eyes fell on the verdict On stage.

The people on the stage are noisy and have a lot of discussion, but the two on the stage have entered a realm, and they have no sense of external changes. They know in their hearts that life and death are after this trick. Who can win? Whether to look at the heavenly rune or the sword to cut the stars is terrible.

The battle of life and death is just around the corner!

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