You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 652: The season ends, there are different opinions

  After Hill's comeback, Mo Mengchen stopped madly averaging 33 points. In addition to 50 points against the Lakers, the rest of the games rarely scored more than 30 points, but each game basically has an output of about 25 points.

   Therefore, his average output per game was finally fixed at 25 points per game.

The game against the Lakers is the key to the top card position, because the Lakers are the only team that poses a threat to the top position of the Pistons. Before that game, the two sides lost three wins. The Pistons finally defeated the Lakers, and the gap between the wins widened to 4.

   As far as the schedule is concerned, the Lakers are more relaxed, but it is also not difficult to make the Pistons lose the advantages of these four wins.

   Two days later, the Pistons challenged the Warriors away.

   Seriously, if possible, Mo Mengchen really wanted to take a look at the future in twenty years.

  He really wants to know what will change in his arrival.

Everyone aspires to be the one who changes the pattern. Mo Mengchen has indeed changed the pattern of the NBA. Because of his existence, a team rises indirectly, and the team falls indirectly. Today’s NBA knows him. The NBA of that time was completely different at the beginning of the magnificent century, and the situation was staggered. Although OK is powerful, who knows what will happen in the future?

   After all, the wheel of fate has begun to turn, and many things will change.

   Against the Warriors, the Pistons have inherited their glorious tradition: stable food abuse.

  Because Mo Mengchen always believed that it was a shame for the strong team to lose to the weak team, especially to the team whose obvious strength is weaker than themselves.

   Therefore, after the Pistons entered the era of Dor.Mo, they almost never lost the weak team, which can be called the little prince of vegetable abuse. Any vegetable team, if they dare to appear in front of them, only greeted them with a fiasco.

  The Warriors don't want to play against the Pistons at home, because these guys are well known and don't pay attention to the away game.

   They have had enough tragedies on the road. Let’s add another one.

   The difference of 34 points, the attacking motor city army relentlessly stepped on the Pingwan District and returned triumphantly.

  Three days later, at home against the Sun, Mo Mengchen faced Kidd for the last time this season.

  The two played three doubles each, and the Pistons were stronger. Hill played the best performance after the comeback, 35+12 in a single game, shot the sun at home, the Pistons continued to maintain their undefeated record.

   Wait until they lose, it is already the end of March.

   A familiar opponent, Indiana Pacers.

   They gave the Pistons a complete failure, and with a tactical victory, they suppressed the Pistons that just didn't feel well.

   At that time, the Pistons, who had achieved a fifteen-game winning streak, was thinking about losing a game, which was just right tonight.

   They simply lost, swallowing the tenth defeat of the season.

In a blink of an eye, the regular season entered the last month. In the final ten games, the Pistons scored 62 wins and 12 losses, still leading the Lakers by 3 wins.

   Since losing to the Pistons at home, the Lakers have won all the way to this night.

  The Pistons finally lost, and they also shortened the gap of a victory.

   is the next game, the Pistons must lose at least four games, and they ensure that the next ten games will be won before they have the opportunity to rise to the top of the combat power list.

   California fans, who have always lacked a sense of humor and optimism, said: "Why must we be trapped in such a formula? If we are lucky, for example, the Pistons lost five of the last ten games?"

   In that case, the Lakers only need to win nine of the last ten games to become the top of the list.

   This ideal is really too beautiful, the Lakers did not dare to think about it.

What the Lakers expected did not happen in the end.

  The last ten games, the Pistons lost two.

   One game lost to last season's opponents Blazers, a game lost to the Western Conference super team supersonic.

   Ten battles and eight wins, the final record is 70 wins and 12 losses, the second record in history, second only to the 96 Bulls.

   In the last ten games, the Lakers also lost two games. In the end, the difference between them and the Pistons was 3 games. Their record was 67 wins and 15 losses, the second in the league. It was also a pretty good record in history.

  The regular season ends here.

   Some people think that the fierce battle between the Pistons and the Lakers is proportional to the desire for MVP on both sides.

   Before the start of the season, O'Neill made a wish and wanted to become the MVP of the season.

Originally Hill was absent for a month and a half due to injury, he basically had no competitors, but Mo Mengchen carried the banner that fell with Hill, proved his ability to lead the team, plus Hill during the offseason, His series of performances, and Staples' 50th night.

  The odds of MVP from the gaming company are 70% for Mo Mengchen and 30% for O'Neill.

In terms of statistics, O'Neal averaged 29.7 points, 13.6 rebounds, 3.8 assists and 3 blocks in 78 games. He led the team to the league's second record. This kind of achievement is a MVP hot spot in any year in history.

   His competitor Mo Mengchen was on duty during the season, averaging 25.4 points, 8 rebounds, 12.4 assists and 2.6 steals. He led the team to the league's first record and also the second record in history.

   In order to praise him, countless people will specially post the data of Mo Mengchen when Hill is absent.

   That was an amazing 33 points, 11 rebounds and 8 assists per game.

   This performance is the key for Mo Mengchen to get rid of O'Neill, and it is also the key for those who support him to choose him as MVP.

At the end of the regular season, "Michigan State" shocked the United States with an article "1999-2000 regular season MVP: you can of course not vote for Dor.Mo, just admit that you are unfair". The title of this article is even more Widely spread.

   The popularity of Mo Mengchen's coronation of MVP has reached such a point that it has gone beyond the normal NBA selection of regular season MVP and seems to have become a national problem.

  Because this person is not just Mo Mengchen or Dor. Mo, he is still Ethan.

  Esen, who released three diamond albums for three consecutive years.

   The voice is so loud, as if not giving MVP to him is a heinous crime. For many people in the industry, the attribution of MVP is no longer suspicious, it is only a matter of time.

  Unless the Pistons are eliminated by the Raptors in the first round, Dor.Mo averages 0+0+0+0 per game, otherwise, MVP is none other than him.

  The topic about MVP is quarreling like this, what is Mo Mengchen doing? What does MVP mean to him?

  The day the playoffs came out, he was watching the playoffs in the west at home.

The team with the greatest threat to the Lakers in the West is the Trail Blazers, and Mo Mengchen is considered to be the king of the future. He has scored the sixth record in the West this year. Those few superstars that year are about to accept the playoffs. The test, their first round opponent is to win 55 wins, ranked third in the West Jazz.

  The Lakers' opponents in the first round were supersonic, which basically has no suspense.

   This year's Western Conference, the only thing that might stop the Lakers was last year's Western Conference Trail Blazers, who ranked second in the Western Conference.

   Unfortunately, their leader is Weber.

  Although O'Neal is small-minded, his team is also prone to collapse, but he should not be a problem when he encounters soft people like Weber.

   This pioneer is probably very difficult to drag the Lakers into the tiebreaker in the previous life.

  Although he joined Webb, the best squad star, but this person's key battle is not useful, and there are fewer Rashid, Pippen, Smith and others.

  The team structure of the Blazers has undergone earth-shaking changes.

   It's hard to say how much trouble they can cause the Lakers.

  Maybe within six games, the series is over.

   This is Mo Mengchen's guess.

  Eastern side, he never put the Raptors in his eyes. Carter plus Marbury, at most, just let the Raptors pose and be swept away, there will be no threat.

   "Doctor Mo, will you be the MVP this year?"

   Adrian suddenly came in and asked.

   "Maybe." Mo Mengchen looked at the matchup indifferently.

   "What can you get from being an MVP?"

  Return of hundreds of thousands of attribute points? Isn’t it attractive enough?

  The return was so generous, but Mo Mengchen's brow did not shake. For him now, tens of thousands of attributes, moving his fingers will disappear.

   This is really sad.

   At this moment, Ephraim mysteriously put some breathing thing behind him and slowly walked in.

   should be eaten.

  Mo Mengchen asked: "What's wrong?"

   "I just learned, egg yolk..."

  Finally, she put out the plate.

  If she did not indicate in advance that this is a yolk cake, Mo Mengchen might think it was fried eggs, and more than a dozen eggs were fried together, otherwise they could be stacked into such a large piece?

   "Adrian, if I was poisoned, please be optimistic about your sister and don't let her marry anyone casually." Mo Mengchen joked.

   "Hate!" Ephraim patted Mo Mengchen lightly.

  Mo Mengchen picked up the plate and stared at the suspected yolk crispy egg, which was hard to catch.

   "I heard people say that married women's cooking will become better..."

   "I guess, Tamia said?" Mo Mengchen ignored Ephraim's hint again.

   Ephraim nodded and said, "Yeah."

   "But I remember she and Grant have not officially married."

   "Is there a difference? It's just a ritual." Then, Ephraim remembered herself again. She didn't even know that she would have to wait until the year of the monkey in this ritual.

   However, Mo Mengchen is not a slow-moving pig, he has also considered this matter for a long time, maybe it is time.

   Not Anyway, Ephraim has been waiting for this for a long time, why not wait two more months?

  Ephraim looked at him indifferently, secretly in his heart, more and more affirmed Tamia's suggestion, this kind of thing, since the man refused to take the initiative, then she had to take the initiative, there was always a time when he could not escape.

   There is always one!

   Mo Mengchen accidentally discovered that this fried egg was quite delicious. After eating for a long time, I realized that there was a whole bunch of sticky and sticky in my mouth. It seemed that it was not fried egg?

   What is it? Mo Mengchen wanted to ask clearly, Ephraim had walked away angrily.

   "Dr. Mo, my sister is angry, the kind you can't coax." Adrian said.

   "Ephraim, this thing is delicious! Can you please make another dish for me?" Mo Mengchen shouted loudly.

  Half a minute later, Ephraim leaned over the door and got a head: "Really?"

   "Really." Mo Mengchen nodded.


  After Ephraim left, Mo Mengchen looked at Adrian proudly.

   "Who just said it wasn't good to come?"

   So what is this thing about?

  Mo Mengchen stared at the light, leaving only the shiny plate, deep in thought.


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