You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 399:

The comics seem to have reached the final chapter. Before reading today's issue, Gao Ling was still very worried.

Because she is thinking about a lot of things in her mind, now the comics have drawn this way, and reality has become like this, she does not know how long this situation can last, and now even novels and comics I don't like watching things like that, and I numb myself by drinking Coke all day.

This is not a long-term solution, but Gao Ling feels that she is in good condition. She even thought about whether to travel abroad recently... But her parents and her mother seem to be both He didn't want to leave, because he had to go to work, and Gao Ling even had a big fight with them about this, but he didn't persuade him.

In addition to her parents and her mother, she has many relatives and friends, those people asked around, some said they wanted to go, some said they didn't want to go, Gao Ling even almost said She had to pay by herself, but she was scolded again by her mother when she heard it.

Parents, relatives and friends were unwilling to leave, Gao Ling suddenly felt that he was a Buddha. Then why is she leaving?

No wonder when watching apocalyptic movies in the past, many people would not run away when the apocalypse came, but chose to die with their families. At this moment, Gao Ling is probably in this mood.

She doesn't move anymore.

, the connection is very close. At that time, not only domestic monsters were fighting, but foreign monsters were also fighting. Gao Ling didn't feel that he had enough financial resources to support it until it was all over.

Although I haven't touched comics and novels for several days, but at this time, Yaoji can't help but read. When Gao Ling thought about it, he suddenly admired it for a few years. Looking at others, the sales volume was guaranteed. How can anyone who hires sailors everywhere to brag about this and that is reliable? It is mandatory to read comics and ask if you are convinced. Who dares not to read it? If you miss a publication, maybe you will die tomorrow, and it will be unclear.

Gao Ling is also a cartoonist. At this moment, he can't help but feel that he is quite salty. Jiqiu is simply a big mountain that cartoonists can't climb...

Then she suddenly remembered an exclusive interview with Jiqiu a long time ago, when the host asked him, "Why do you want to draw this cartoon", Jiqiu replied calmly, "I just want to create a A manga that sells the best in the world", Gao Ling had the feeling of "sleeping in a trough" at that time.

Because I wanted to draw a comic that sells the most in the world, I created such a comic. If this reason can be said, Gao Ling thinks that he can be elected as the most willful reason in the world .

She opened the comic and saw the cover. The cover is a very vague cover.

As I said before, the cover of comics is usually drawn with a single person's whole body, but this time the cover is just a black bottom with two big characters flying like a phoenix.


"Damn it, what a terrible name. It has a strong Japanese style." Yuan Yuanyuan couldn't help but complain when she saw the name. And Gao Ling's reaction was different from hers. She was stunned when she saw this cover, wait a minute, it's over?

Nothing happened in the real world! She had no idea what had changed.

Gao Ling's brain is a little dazed. According to her idea, if this matter is to end, at least some great changes will definitely occur in real life. He has even prepared the possibility of being discovered by all human beings that this comic is actually an adaptation of a true story. Think about that scene - everyone looked up at the crackling open in the sky, and looked down at their hands in confusion. 's comics, and then began to wonder if I had time traveled... In fact, it looks very emotional, it depends on whether I can live to that time.

She had been worrying for so long in vain, but when she opened the manga today, it ended.

The end should mean...everything is over?

How come it ended so quickly? Uh... It's not that Gao Ling didn't want things to end, it's just that she was already prepared for the storm, but found that things ended... unexpectedly gentle.

Then she opened the comic and looked at what was drawn in this end.

["Actually, we have another way." After Yuan finished saying this, before Fanning, who was opposite him, came back to his senses, he suddenly stepped forward. The dagger just pierced through him. 】

[Blood flowed quickly. At that moment, Fanin didn't even realize what was going on. 】

[The face opposite him is still the same smile on his face. He used this expression to provoke Faning just now, and now he is also using this expression, watching the dagger stab into him 's lower abdomen. 】

["You did it on purpose?" Fanin asked in disbelief. 】

[The expressions on the faces of the surrounding monsters and humans froze at that moment, and their eyes revealed different brilliance. 】

[The surroundings seem to be a frozen black and white painting. 】

Gao Ling also knocked over his water glass.

She felt that something was ringing in her head, but she didn't know what she saw.

She looked down mechanically.

【“Don’t move, do you want the people below to see?”】

["Put down and play a show with me."]

["This is the easiest way I came up with after thinking about it for a long time. Think about it, what other way can be better than this?"]

["Now, the two of us have to continue acting. Go back to the group behind you and throw me down."]

【“Leave you…?”】

["Yes, drop me."]

After Gao Ling mechanically read it, he walked to the window in a daze, opened the curtains, and looked outside.

There was a lot of traffic outside, and the sky was clear, a blue she hadn't seen in a long, long time.

She suddenly looked at the sky and burst into tears.

"What's wrong with this girl?" The old man looked at it, "It's so sad to cry... I'm broken."

I'll go, I can't think of it, this is the first time I've been shocked by this comic, and I wasn't shocked when I last escaped... My God, how dare you do this? really play. 】

【What's the matter? I went to a school, why did Huiyuan become the head of a monster? Why did he suddenly confront Fanin again? Why did he suddenly die again? Return me, Lord Yuan, Jiqiu old thief, I'm not finished with you! 】

. 】

Just so dead! God, I don't believe it, this is the way to die? A generation of elites, actually committed suicide because of such a thing? 】

Comments on the web have exploded.

I don't know who said before that Yaoji is a domestic masterpiece, but now it seems that he may have said this a little too early.

From today, Yaoji is a real masterpiece.

—From today, it can officially be called a masterpiece.

They watched Yuan finally collapse in a pool of blood, and everyone experienced a feeling they had never experienced before.

—Oh, so Yuan’s final ending is like this.

Tragedy is the most shocking, let alone such a tragedy.

People are shocked, and at the same time Taoist priests and monsters are also shocked. They saw all the dialogues at that time in the comics. Although the dialogues at that time were already known by some humans, they didn't want to publish them, so they kept hiding it, hoping that this passage would not be drawn. .

If it is not drawn, then mankind is a complete victory this time. Faning has no objection. In fact, he has been in a state of autism for the past few days. When others talk to him, he will not respond. He eats on time, but he even eats as if he As hard as it is.

Originally, monsters and humans thought that Yuan was no match for Faning that day, but who knows that this is the case now. However, the human Taoist priest never mentioned this matter. When he said it, Fanning successfully killed Yuan, while the monster was silent, an unspeakable silence.

"That's why it's called a human observation diary." Yuan Yuanyuan said, "You can also add a monster observation diary."

"Why do you say that?" A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, it turned out to be a fat cat. Yesterday he suddenly called Yuan Yuanyuan, saying that he would be here soon. Yuan Yuanyuan was overjoyed in addition to being surprised. It's great that now not only has she retired with honor, she even has a cat.

"I can already guess what the situation is from the first few times." Yuan Yuanyuan said, "I remember that Yuan's spy identity was exposed, but the monsters still pretended to be Tsukuru has never seen Yaoji, and doesn't even admit that Yaoji remembers the situation?"

"It's the same this time, the human side pretended not to see it. The monster side...Although I know that Yuan is not invincible, there is still hatred."

"Then your brain is pretty good." The fat cat over there said lazily, "It's beyond my expectations. You should have been recruited by your tavern as an organizer, they are really stupid Good material of yours."

"Hey, that's right." Yuan Yuanyuan got excited when she said this, "The pub came back yesterday! They reopened the store, this time I have money to buy you a small The fish is dry!"


Hang up the phone, Yuan Yuanyuan lay on the sofa, thinking about what she just said.

"Maybe they still hate..."

Damn, what she said actually abused herself.

But she has a good apprentice. I heard that yesterday her apprentice negotiated with the human side. The school on their side is going to be expanded, which is Tang Shi's alma mater.

It is said that they will add a few more classes for monsters and humans, and may recruit a group of monster teachers. Secretly promote the communication between monsters and humans, and the compulsory education of monsters is really a problem now.

Maybe the hope is on the next generation...Ahaha, both humans and monsters have such inferior roots, parents desperately hope that their children will become dragons and phoenixes...but not everything develops ?

The development of things... I'll talk about it later. How can it be so smooth, Yuan Yuanyuan is looking more open now, who knows what it will look like when you wake up the next morning?

Yuan Yuanyuan turned over, so far, Faning is doing pretty well, if one day, Faning can't do well...

Ahaha, then she is probably the time to be resurrected again, right?

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