Young Master Qin Keeps Coveting Me After I Beat Him Up

Chapter 68: : Whatever award Jiang Xun won, let him award it

"There is so much water in parallel imports, there is no doubt that it is exposed."

The three roommates, Yu Bingbing, and the trio of school bullies all voted for Jiang Xun.

However, these few votes of them are totally a drop in the bucket when it comes to the total number of votes.

"Boss, why are you not in a hurry at all?" Yu Tailai was quite anxious anyway.

Jiang Xun: "It's okay, I did my best anyway. Am I not in the tenth place? The top ten is already pretty good."

Yu Bingbing: "That's right, it took less than two months for the boss to register for Flash, and he has already entered the top ten of the popular list every year. This is an achievement that no one can achieve."

The school bully trio: "..."

Damn, I was flattered by this stinky boy again!

Qinyang Group.

Zhang Chengnan stood in front of Qin Mufeng's desk, holding the tablet and handing it to Qin Mufeng.

What was displayed on the screen was the voting page of the Flash Red List.

"President, now Jiang Xun's ranking has dropped to the eleventh place." Zhang Chengnan said, "I haven't seen her canvassing for votes, her flash frequency and Weibo have not moved at all, as if she doesn't care about this vote at all. But She is not ranked very high now, and is ridiculed by netizens, and more and more people say she is watery."

"President, do we want to help her?" Zhang Chengnan asked.

"How to help? Is it possible to mobilize the entire group to vote for her?" Qin Mufeng said angrily, "She herself is not in a hurry, what are you worried about?"

That little white-eyed wolf, he doesn't care about her as a dog!

Zhang Chengnan looked confused. Is this the man who gave hundreds of thousands of gifts every live broadcast?

What did he miss?

What happened in between that caused Qin Mufeng to change again?


A fickle man.

"That's all?" Qin Mufeng's tone seemed to condemn Zhang Chengnan for talking about things unrelated to work during working hours.

"..." Zhang Chengnan was silent for two seconds, "Then I'm going out."

"Wait." Qin Mufeng stopped him again.

Zhang Chengnan sneered at this fickle man again in his heart, stopped and turned to look at him.

"Go and talk to Flash Frequency, I'm going to be a guest this time." Qin Mufeng tapped the table twice with his fingertips, "Let them understand something."

Whatever award Jiang Xun won, let him award it.

Zhang Chengnan: "..."

Do you know something?

What do you know?

How can you be sensible?

Even he, the assistant who has been with the president for three years, doesn't understand, who expects flash frequency to understand?

Zhang Chengnan went out with a question mark on his forehead.

Qin Mufeng sneered in the office.

Be a dog when you are a dog!

Zhang Chengnan first contacted Wang Yicheng.

Because he has always been in contact with Wang Yicheng, he is more tacit with Wang Yicheng than the CEO of Flash Frequency.

Wang Yicheng also directly participated in bringing Jiang Xun, and it was more convenient to discuss with Wang Yicheng.

Unexpectedly, upon hearing Zhang Chengnan's words, Wang Yicheng said confidently, "Understood."

Zhang Chengnan: "...Do you really understand?"

"Understood!" Wang Yicheng was very confident.

Zhang Chengnan: "..."

He began to wonder if he was still the assistant who knew the president best.

It's October 30th.

Jiang Xun finished class at 2:30, so he changed into the dress he was going to wear to the event, clicked on the beauty video, and painted himself a makeup while watching and learning.

Unexpectedly, the effect is quite good.

Three roommates: "..."

You must be too hasty for such an important and grand event.

In order to show that he took such a grand event seriously, Jiang Xun also specially called a special car instead of running to the venue on two legs.

When Wang Yicheng was about to arrive, he waited at the entrance of the venue.

"Jiang Jiang!" Wang Yicheng called out familiarly when he saw Jiang Xun.

I don't know when Wang Yicheng's name for Jiang Xun changed from Jiang Xun to Jiang Jiang.

"Brother Wang." After Jiang Xun and Wang Yicheng became acquainted with each other, the address became cordial.

"Go, I'll take you to the lounge." Wang Yicheng told Jiang Xun.

"Is there a lounge?" Jiang Xun participated in such an event for the first time, so he didn't know anything about it.

"Of course, the order of walking the red carpet is pre-determined. You can't let someone take a taxi. Whoever arrives first will leave first." Wang Yicheng explained with a smile, "So a rest room is arranged for you. When you leave, A staff member will come and take you there."

Jiang Xun nodded to show his understanding.

"Where is the red carpet?" Jiang Xun asked.

"Do you want to go take a look first?" Wang Yicheng asked after hearing the words.

Jiang Xun nodded. In fact, she was afraid that she would get lost.

Now familiarize yourself with it in advance, at least a few.

Of course, even if she watched it in advance, she might not be able to remember it.

But it's better than not knowing anything.

"Anyway, there's still a lot of time." Wang Yicheng looked at his phone, "Let's go, I'll show you."

Wang Yicheng took Jiang Xun to the red carpet, and pointed to Jiang Xun, "Look, there is the entrance of the red carpet over there, which leads directly to the lounge. When the time comes, a staff member will take you out of that door, you just go straight. Just get to the red carpet."

Wang Yicheng pointed to the big screen at the end of the red carpet again, "This screen will display the fan barrage in real time and the online viewing number of each fan, which are directly retrieved from the flash to watch with fans. The live broadcast shows a slightly different picture.”

"In addition, when fans watch the live broadcast, the total amount of gifts given to you will also be displayed in real time on the gift list on the right side of the screen." Wang Yicheng pointed to the screen and said, "The gifts sent by fans will be displayed on the barrage. What gift is given to who and whom. And this gift list shows your names. After the live broadcast is over, statistics will be carried out in the background, and the gifts given by fans will still be returned to you according to the proportion agreed in the contract. "

Jiang Xun looked at the screen that was now open and was being debugged, and pouted, "Flash frequency is quite good at picking up wool!"

Fans will lose face when they see that the Internet celebrities they support are actually behind others?

When the time comes, as soon as I get up, I desperately swipe gifts, just to make the people I support come first.

If there is a rival, it is even more extraordinary, and he must not lose to the rival.

And fans send gifts, fans' IDs will also appear in the live broadcast.

Your ID is seen by everyone, what a shameful thing?

Flash frequency can really stabilize the fans' psychology.

Wang Yicheng's face twitched. In front of him, the general manager of Flash Frequency, he said nonsense!

Wang Yicheng introduced Jiang Xun all the way and walked to the end of the red carpet, "There will be someone to guide you, and you can enter the infield from here."

After all the introductions, Wang Yicheng took Jiang Xun to the lounge.

The lounge is actually very simple, similar to a waiting room and a waiting room, with rows of chairs placed there.

It's just that there are more buffet tables, with small sandwiches, biscuits and the like on it.

Because the red carpet started early, the ceremony went straight to the awards ceremony after the red carpet. People didn't have time to eat, so they used these to fill their stomachs.

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