Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver

Chapter 673 I can also explode troops

But at this time, the people on this planet certainly know what they will face next, but they still fight for it.

There is always an unbridgeable gap between low-level civilization and high-level civilization.

Even if the Tyranids release the lowest level of sitting soldiers, it will be a disaster for this civilization.

Some low-level Tyranids carried the various turrets and missiles of these civilizations and launched one charge after another.

In the first round of charge, they actually suffered heavy losses, but the dead bugs were transported back to the mothership by a special bug not long after, and then the mothership absorbed these bugs and regenerated them. Lots of combat bugs.

And as time goes by, the number of these combat bugs not only does not decrease, but also gradually expands, because while they attack, they also eat away at all organic and inorganic matter on the planet.

As the battle began to the present, this civilization finally realized the gap between the two sides.

The only thing they can do any harm to these bugs is nuclear weapons.

Trying to kill these bugs with conventional weapons is like fighting a boss with the lowest level weapon. It takes a long time to kill one with such a huge gap, and the number of the opponent is completely overwhelmed. You, you have no chance of winning.

At the same time, during the attack, these bugs were constantly evolving based on the circumstances of this civilization. In just half a day, they had evolved targeted defenses.

At this moment, basically all the weapons of this civilization are ineffective against these insect swarms.

One base after another was destroyed.

The resistance of this civilization seemed so ridiculous, and at the same time, a lot of thick tubes were born in the Zerg mothership, which were inserted into the planet and began to absorb it crazily.

At the same time, an even larger number of insects fell from the sky and joined the harvesting team.

In less than a week, this planet was completely submerged, and this time it was just an ordinary fleet of the insect swarm that attacked this planet.

In fact, this civilization has always thought that it would fail no matter what, but they did not expect that it would fail so fast, so fast that they felt unbelievable.

So many people in civilization can no longer be called human beings. Even if they were all pigs, it would take days and nights to catch and kill them, yet they perished so quickly.

At this time, after solving this civilization, the swarm did not attack the surrounding planets, because at this time, many Tyranids had begun to rise at the connection of the universe. Yes, the Tyranids discovered this place.

And there are also densely packed warships attacking them here. These are the civilized universes that previously caused trouble for the Zerg.

As a swarm consciousness, a message only needs to be known by one insect, and then the entire insect swarm will know the news.

When they knew that the Universe Junction connected so many universes, they no longer looked down upon the current universe.

Of course, we can't blame them, after all, this universe has been almost completely taken away by them, and it doesn't have much value anymore.

However, it is much more difficult to invade the universe connection than those low-level civilizations.

At the connection between the universe, the progress of the insect swarm was stopped for the first time. After all, their enemy was also the strongest civilization in the universe.

But this time on Jiang Yao's side.

Jiang Yao naturally witnessed the battles of the insect swarms there through the detector that stayed in that universe.

He also had very deep feelings about this battle. First of all, the opponent took the route of maximizing numbers. This route was also considered by Jiang Yao, but due to population restrictions, he also Had to change my thinking.

"What are my chances of winning against this ethnic group?"

He is also very concerned about this issue. However, based on the strength of the troops he currently has at his disposal, his winning rate is very low.

It's not because the bugs in his hand or other combat units are weaker than these bugs, it's mainly because the numerical suppression is too exaggerated.

The mighty reunion, the total number actually exceeds a large galaxy.

You must know that the unit of a large galaxy is billions of light years.

With such a huge area covered by dense crowds of people, one can imagine how exaggerated the number of this ethnic group has reached.

"Although their method is indeed the route that the insect swarm should take, sometimes things are far from as simple as imagined."

"I can create a swarm of insects on such a scale, but the resources of this universe don't support it."

"By constantly searching for resources in the universe, we can get enough bugs here."

"Such an operation is actually not difficult for the entire universe, because the total resources of the universe are here."

"But you need to consider a question, that is, how long can this universe support you according to this operation."

The total amount of matter in the universe remains unchanged, and the amount will decrease as a little bit is used. He doesn't know whether the resources of the entire universe can sustain such a huge insect for one year or two years.

After all, bugs also need to be consumed, but if they use up all their resources and do not go to other universes in the short term, then death may be waiting for them.

Because when there are no resources to obtain in the entire universe, the daily consumption of the insect swarm cannot be maintained.

The resources that the insect swarm wants to digest every day are massive. If your insect swarm has reached the size of a galaxy, the total amount of resources it consumes every day is no longer something that an ordinary person can afford.

"And if you want to do this without worrying about the follow-up, there is only one way, that is, you have a way to lead to other universes at any time. Only in this way can he plunder unscrupulously."

"It's just a pity that he doesn't have this technology yet."

"So how did this Zerg master this technology?" Jiang Yao was also very surprised about this matter.

You must know that compared to which insect group he is now, he has an advantage in everything except quantity.

The first is the reproduction speed. He is confident that if his side really wants to explode troops, the speed will not be worse than it.

The second is the technological level. These Zerg have no technological level and cannot compare with themselves.

As for the last point, it is the individual combat capability of the Zerg itself.

The first is the ability to adapt to the environment.

Although the top combat strength of both sides is similar, their side can evolve.

And in terms of low-end combat power, the springtails on our side are equivalent to some of their mid-range combat units.

The difference in strength between the two is not even the slightest bit.

Although the upper limit is similar, the lower limit is obviously much higher. Under such circumstances, it is because of a core technology that I have not dared to follow the explosive style until now.

I have never experienced the advantage of being crushed by a swarm of insects in sheer numbers.

After all, the Zerg in his hands had conquered a universe before they came to this universe.

Their numbers there were absolutely crushing, and when their numbers reached a certain level, he knew the subsequent series of problems that would be affected.

"The problem is that the other party is basically inferior to me in many aspects, but why have they mastered this technology?"

"This is unscientific."

Jiang Yao was also puzzled by this.

"Forget it, it's pointless to think about it so much now. Let's put our energy and time on other things first."

Thinking of this, he continued to focus on the Tyranids and other civilizations.

Jiang Yao doesn't believe that this race himself knows its dangers, but other races don't know.

Under such circumstances, how will other races behave? He is also very curious whether to work together to solve this race or let him attack other civilizations here wantonly to clear obstacles for himself.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?"

Just when he was about to watch the show, he suddenly reacted.

"I'm really out of my mind. I've been thinking about developing technology and building more warships to defend against enemies. Why haven't I considered increasing the number of insect swarms?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but cursed himself for being stupid in his heart.

"Sure enough, if you rely on one thing for a long time, your own thoughts will be affected if you rely on it for too long."

"In the past, I was worried that if we increased our troops like crazy, we would run out of resources, but now that so many universes are connected, why should I worry about this?"

"The most important thing is that I still have this Tyranids to help me attract firepower. Damn it, it's not difficult for me to develop a race at this time."

Thinking of this, he decided to take action immediately. First, he chose a universe. Seven or eight civilizations had entered this universe before, because after the Tyranids appeared here, no civilization had entered it.

"As long as we solve all the civilizations inside, then this matter will be easy to handle."

"It seems that there is no need to solve it. You can avoid them and find a large galaxy where they have not set foot for development."

"By the time they find their way here, I estimate that my fleet will have been formed, and it shouldn't be a big problem to eliminate them."

Thinking of this, Jiang Yao decided to take action.

Just like that, he immediately summoned all the players and brainworms.

"Everyone's current situation must be very clear to you after observing it for such a long time. The civilizations that can be at this node in the universe are basically standing at the apex of their respective universes."

"Most of these civilizations are similar to the United Universe Civilization, which is the entire universe union. There are very few civilizations like ours that stand alone and stand in this place."

"But many civilizations have not started wars now, but after the resources are almost consumed, I am thinking that wars may start."

"Facing the United Universe Civilization, you must be very clear about how low our chances of winning are. After all, you also saw the strength of those civilizations in the United Universe."

"So what we need to do now is to find ways to improve our strength as quickly as possible. But according to conventional warship production, I estimate that at our production speed, when a war breaks out in the future, our military strength will still be at an absolute level. disadvantages."

"So I thought about it for a long time and decided to change the previous combat strategy."

"You also know the number of Tyranid swarms. As a swarm, we are no weaker than them. However, due to resource constraints, we have not increased the number of zerg swarms crazily."

"It is also for this reason that we are currently focusing on battleships, but now that multiple universes are connected, we don't need to worry about resources at all."

"So I decided it was time to expand our insect swarm."

After hearing this, everyone naturally understood what Jiang Yao meant.

"Otherwise, the number is not a problem, but the number of people we control is not large."

"So in terms of numbers, we won't send too many troops at one time."

At this time, a player said.

Jiang Yao is naturally aware of what this player said. Indeed, the flaw here is that there are too few players who can control the insect swarm.

"I have already thought about this. I can slightly change the psionic energy node genes of the insect swarm."

"Change the target to the Hive Lord, so that the Hive Lord can also release independent ghost nodes to control some surrounding bugs."

"It's just that the bugs controlled in this way can only attack instinctively. After the attack order is given, they will not have any tactics and will just rush directly towards the enemy. At the same time, when there is no order or they are in another area, they will also be eliminated according to instinct. All threats around."

"In this case, these controlled bugs are not suitable for evolution, because they will still be like this after evolution, and their combat power will not be fully utilized, so it is best for these bugs to be in their most basic form."

The players also nodded after hearing this.

"Well, if it's this kind of operation, it's really quite limiting."

"Chief, if you do this, how many swarms can one Hive Lord control?"

"About a hundred thousand or so."

At this time, the players were also shocked when they heard this number.

"One hundred thousand!"

After hearing this number, everyone began to discuss quietly.

"One person can reach 100,000, 10 people can reach tens of millions, and 100 people can reach tens of millions. Now we basically have more than 1,000 people in a guild. This is a small and medium-sized guild."

"That is to say, a small and medium-sized guild can directly attract hundreds of millions of insect swarms in the future, while some large guilds may have billions or tens of billions."

"If it's this kind of quantity, I think even if we retain the most basic offensive instinct, it's actually enough for us, because this kind of army can just crush it without any skills at all."

"But if you do this, as for the cost, you only see the bright spots, but you don't see the costs."

"It is true that if you want to fill up this quantity, the cost will be very exaggerated, but now there are so many, and there are a lot of resources on the Universe Connection. Under such circumstances, it is not a big problem to make up the cost."

"If we throw all the resources into building this, won't we not be able to make a penny this time?"

"You are stupid. If we have such an army, we can invade other universes and even control most of the universes. In this case, we will not be able to make money. The reason why we feel that we can't make money now is because it is just like that How much can we squeeze from two universes?"

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