Early the next morning, the Sui army officers and Chen prisoners who had returned to Beijing had begun to pack their bags and prepare to continue marching. The large group of people left the Dongdu camp and continued westward. After Chen Shuxuan recovered, he was able to sit in the carriage.

The long journey to Guanzhong made Chen Shuxuan, who had lived in the south of the Yangtze River for a long time, full of curiosity. The passing business travelers embellished the powerful dynasty rising in the north.

Looking at Chen Shuxuan's expectant eyes, Xiao Jun said:"I think the princess is handsome and sensible. She feels very sorry for what happened to her. I wonder if she can be a sister?"

Chen Shuxuan was already flattered by Xiao Jun's kindness, and now she wants to be a sister again. He was sincere and frightened, and said to Xiao Jun:"Your Majesty loves me so much, Chen Shuxuan is so heartbroken that he can't repay your Majesty.""

"Don't call me Niangniang from now on. I'm ten years older than you, so just call me sister."

Chen Shuxuan was only fourteen years old. He was grateful for Princess Jin's care and could not repay her kindness. Xiao Jun said:"My sister has been raised in the palace since she was a child. When she first arrived in the North, why not express her feelings in poetry."

Xiao Jun took out a small tray from the carriage with paper and ink on it. Xiao Jun studied the ink and handed the pen to Chen Shuxuan. Shuxuan opened the curtain and felt that the cold winter in the north was gradually returning to spring, so he wrote with a pen:

Spring is coming with snow. It has melted, and the northern country is like a painting. The bright sky is green, and the green grass is resurrected. The geese are returning to the north, and the frogs are about to wake up from their sleep. The winter plums are withered by the frost and snow, and the clear water is full of hibiscus. When Xiao Jun saw it, he was happy and said happily:" It is indeed a good poem, but my sister has just arrived in the North, and hibiscus does not grow here, so it reminds me of the beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River.

Uncle Xuan said:"Will my sister return to Jiangnan in the future?""

This question made Xiao Jun think a lot, recalling Jiangling's homeland and falling in love with the beautiful scenery of Huaiyang, which made people feel deeply. Xiao Jun said:"One day, it would not be a bad idea for the King of Jin to return to the Southern Kingdom."

The two sisters talked and laughed along the way, accompanying them day and night, which relieved a lot of boredom and fatigue on the road.

After days of trekking, they passed Tongguan and arrived at Daxing in the capital. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty was overjoyed when he learned that Empress Chen had been escorted back to the capital. , Longyan was very happy, and rewarded the meritorious generals in the Xuanwen Hall. The hall was newly decorated, the ceremony was strict, and hundreds of officials came to court and lined up to congratulate each other.

King Yang Guang of Jin, King Yang Jun of Qin, You servant She Gao, Yang Su, the general manager of Xinzhou, Han Qinhu, the steward of Luzhou, He Ruobi, the steward of Wuzhou, Yan Rong, the steward of Qingzhou, Wang Shiji, the steward of Qizhou, Liu Ren'en, the steward of Jingzhou, Xue Daoheng, the minister of the Ministry of Personnel, Pei Ji, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, Yu Wenshu, the concubine on the left, Zhang Heng, the concubine on the right, General Li Yuan, Yin Shi Shi, Qu Tutong, Qu Tugai, Yu Juluo, Yu Ju Zan, Lai Hu'er, Li Yuantong, Du Yan, Quan Wu, Xiao Xun, Xiao Jue, Xiao Yu and others came to the hall one after another, and Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty discussed his merits and deeds in turn. Reward.

All the officials received the reward and paid their respects. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian said to all the officials:"I will work hard to unify China, the four seas will surrender, and all nine states will celebrate together. After great chaos, there must be great order. All of you who love me should do your best to support the imperial court."

Yang Jian issued an edict and demoted Chen Shubao, the empress of Chen, to the title of Duke of the Great Wall. He stayed in the capital to take care of himself and showed his kindness. All the officials returned to the court. After the Daqing, Xiao Jun went to the palace to pay homage to Queen Dugu. When he came to Ning'an Palace, Dugu The queen was lying on the couch on her side. Xiao Jun came in and knelt down to pay homage.

When Queen Dugu saw Xiao Jun, she sat up and said,"Concubine Xiao, please get back on your feet. It's been two years since I left. I can't see you. I still miss you from time to time.". Xiao

Jun sat aside and said,"The child misses the queen all the time. I don't know if the paralysis in the queen's legs is getting better. The child is far away in Huainan, and I am always afraid that the queen will have leg pain again.""As he spoke, Xiao Jun sat down on the bedside and beat Queen Dugu's legs.

Queen Dugu looked at Xiao Jun's filial piety and said with a smile:"This maid beats her legs. No matter how good she is, she can't beat her own daughter-in-law's legs. I always feel like there is a lack of family members around me who can talk to me."

Xiao Jun asked:"With the princess and sister in the palace accompanying the mother, the child will feel more at ease in Huainan."

"well!"Queen Dugu sighed, shook her head and said:"I don't know how the prince and his wife lived in the East Palace. I heard that there is a quarrel every three days and a quarrel every five days. I haven't been to the Ai family for some days."

"Oh?" Xiao Jun heard this and murmured in his heart. He thought to himself that he might as well take this opportunity to dedicate Uncle Chen to his mother as a sign of filial piety.

Xiao Jun looked at Queen Dugu talking about the Crown Princess, and his face turned bad, so he said:" The queen mother lacks a lovable person by her side. In two days, the child will be among the maids captured by Chen Guo. They will choose a well-behaved and sensible person to serve the queen mother, so that the queen mother will not be lonely and depressed. Empress

Dugu raised her brows with joy, showed a faint smile, and asked expectantly:"That's good. There are so many Jiangnan women. If there is someone as understanding as Concubine Xiao, choose one for the Ai family.""

Looking at Xiao Jun who was beating his legs, Queen Dugu said again:"You Jiangnan women are delicate and considerate."

Xiao Jun pursed his lips, a little shy, and smiled slightly. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were talking and laughing, which relieved Queen Dugu from many days of depression and made her heart much happier.

Xiao Jun returned to the palace and saw Uncle Chen Xuanzheng. After learning to do chores from the maid Cui Ju, Xiao Jun walked in. Chen Shuxuan followed Cui Ju and performed a half-squatting salute. Xiao Jun asked:"My sister is a princess, do you like to learn to do chores?"

Uncle Chen said:"Sister follows me as if she were a real sister, but after all, my sister is a palace slave of a subjugated country, so how can I overestimate my capabilities?"

Xiao Jun waved his hand at Aster, and Aster retreated. Xiao Jun declared to Uncle Chen:"Uncle Xuan uses my dressing table to make a Jiangnan palace hairstyle. Let me see."

"this……"Chen Shuxuan was a little timid, but Xiao Jun gave him an urging look, so Chen Shuxuan dared to sit on Xiao Jun's dressing table and put his hair up and make up.

After dressing up, Xiao Jun brought his own gorgeous clothes and asked Chen Shuxuan to change into them. At first glance, Xiao Jun is indeed gorgeous and beautiful.

At this time, King Yang Guang of Jin Dynasty returned to his mansion. He happened to return to his room. When he saw Chen Shuxuan dressed up, his eyes were straightened, but he saw: According to the legend, the beauty of the country and the city is overwhelming, and the beauties have been captured through the ages.

If the beauty were not so beautiful, how could she be as beautiful as in this world?

Chen Shuxuan was so beautiful that Yang Guang was also surprised. Xiao Jun asked:"What do you think of Shuxuan, Your Highness?""

"Beautiful, beautiful, stunning beauty!"

Yang Guang stared at Chen Shuxuan intently. He was so impressed by this little girl who had just begun to blossom. She had charming eyebrows, a shy face, pink face, and loving eyes. She lowered her head and did not dare to look up.

Yang Guang asked:"My beloved concubine. What's the grand event for Chen Shuxuan dressed up so gorgeously?"

Xiao Jun was three years older than the King of Jin. Yang Guang looked at the beautiful woman with blurred eyes, and he could guess almost everything. He said:"Your Highness is famous for his diligence and frugality. How dare I let the palace slaves be so extravagant? I just want to teach the palace. Just makeup"

"Oh I got it."Yang Guang also understood in his heart that he was already well-known in the court for his virtue and frugality. How could he be easily tempted by women? So he suppressed his anger, stopped looking at Chen Shuxuan, and turned around.

After Chen Shuxuan showed off, he gave up. Even though she had no clothes on, she was still like a slave. Xiao Jun took Chen Shuxuan's hand and said:"My sister is very beautiful, can do hair buns, is talented, educated, sensible, and has been educated in the court. She is far better than I was back then.""

"The princess and sister received the award, but Uncle Xuan really didn't dare to accept it."

Xiao Jun said again:"My sister pays attention to every little thing and knows what she is doing. The most difficult thing about being a human being is knowing what she is doing. She will definitely be rich and powerful in the future. Chen

Shuxuan quickly stood up, saluted again, and said,"Sister treats me with the utmost sincerity. My sister will never be able to repay her even to her death.""

"What did my sister say? It is much harder to be born into a royal family than to be a commoner. My sister is still young and will understand in the future."

Xiao Jun was kind to Chen Shuxuan, which left Yang Guang puzzled. In the evening, the couple chatted on the bed, and Yang Guang asked:"My beloved concubine is usually diligent and frugal after her mother, and she also supports Chen Shuxuan. What do you think?

Xiao Junyan said:"Didn't His Highness want to place someone beside the Queen?" Although there are many maids around the Queen Mother, there are only a few who are attentive and clever. I think that Chen Shuxuan has a delicate mind and a sense of propriety in doing things, and he will definitely be able to serve the Queen Mother in the future. Besides, when I went to Huainan, I didn’t bring anything to my mother’s liking. If I could bring out a pleasant maid, it would be regarded as a sign of filial piety towards my mother."

"Um. Only then did Yang Guang understand. He held Xiao Jun in his arms and said,"You Jiangnan women are really smart. With this filial piety, I save a lot of trouble." The queen mother was born into a noble family in the Northern Dynasties and had a proud temperament. If a woman like Chen Shuxuan was by her side, she would definitely complement each other. My concubine is really well-intentioned.

Xiao Jun said with a smile:"Isn't this for His Highness' great cause?""The doubts in Yang Guang's heart disappeared, and he was filled with joy. He hugged Xiao Jun in every possible way, and the couple's love was as glue as glue. This is what it is: the princess is filial to the beautiful woman, and wants to relieve the deep loneliness.

The long night of confinement in the secluded palace, only to explore the queen's heart.

Queen Dugu was lonely in the palace all day long, waiting for Xiao Jun to find a considerate maid for her. However, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian returned to Ning'an Palace with an angry look on his face.

Dugu The queen was a careful woman and knew that Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty must have some political issues that were not going well with him. She stepped forward and comforted him:"Your Majesty is not looking well. If you have any troubles, you might as well tell me. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty sat down and said,"

For three days in a row, the King of Hejian issued urgent reports. Jiangnan reduced Buddhism and promoted Confucianism, which aroused public resentment. The people killed Sui officials and rebelled against Sui Fuchen!""

"ah?"Empress Dugu was shocked. Not long after half of the country in the south of the Yangtze River was conquered, the people's morale was in chaos again, which was somewhat unexpected. Empress Dugu said:"How will your Majesty handle this matter?"

"I have ordered Qinghe Gong Yang Su to recruit 30,000 troops and rush to the south of the Yangtze River to quell the civil unrest. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty sighed as he spoke:"I easily adopted the prince's strategy of reducing Buddhism and promoting Confucianism, but I didn't expect that it would have the opposite effect. I really shouldn't have done so." Empress

Dugu advised:"Since the people in the south of the Yangtze River are devoted to the Buddha, it is better to promote the Buddha to calm the people and win back the hearts of the people." If we just hope to send troops to fight, how long will it take for the fight to end?"

Queen Dugu was a woman with very political views. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty agreed with all her views. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty felt that the long-term use of troops would really make it difficult to support the country's strength, so he agreed to the Queen's strategy, and then issued a decree, ordering his servants and ministers to Went to the imperial study room to discuss matters.

On the next day, six ministers rushed to the imperial study room. The left servant She Su Wei and the right servant She Gao Jiao sat on both sides. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty spread out the six hundred miles of the King of Hejian on the long book table and said to them Everyone said:"As the court said a few days ago, the situation in Jiangnan is now tense, and we must think of a complete strategy to alleviate civil unrest. Gao Jiong said:"

Your Majesty, the people in the south of the Yangtze River are in rebellion. Behind the scenes, Mrs. Xian of Lingnan is instigating it, and Lin Yiguo is secretly supporting it. I believe that if these two initiators are not cut off, civil unrest will continue again." Emperor

Wen of the Sui Dynasty nodded and said:"Linyi State is located in a remote place, beyond the reach of the whip, and it is impossible to conduct an expedition for the time being. However, I have to attack Mrs. Xian in Lingnan, and the six counties in Lingnan must be recovered.""

Gao Jiong said:"Wei ministers recommended the prince to be the commander-in-chief to conquer the six counties in Lingnan. Emperor

Wen of the Sui Dynasty had originally complained about the prince's original policy of reducing Buddhism and promoting Confucianism. When he heard that Gao Jun recommended the prince, he hesitated.

At this time, Yu Wenshu said:"Your Majesty, I think it is better to send Jin Wang Yang Guang. Lead troops to regain Lingnan."

Suddenly, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty's eyes lit up. Gao Jiong glanced at Yu Wenshu with his peripheral vision, and felt in his heart that King Yang Guang of Jin was becoming more and more important in the heart of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty. This is: the ministers discuss the imperial study, and the twins compete for power. Of course.

It is easy to conquer South Africa. Who can be the hero of the country?

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