Gongliang Mu took his mobile phone and followed the map to the address of Sakita Azusa Chuan. Today is Saturday, and he came over to talk to him about puberty syndrome as agreed.

Although in this matter he has an element of deception. However, it doesn't bother them, and it might make things work for the better.

Whether it's Mai's senior sister in the first volume, the senior sister in the second volume, or the last Shoko chapter, it's basically a happy ending in the end, but there is only one Kaede, and only a diary is left to prove that she really exists.

He doesn't know if he has the power to change all this, and he doesn't know what the outcome will be for the best, but he at least has the ability to change the original book.

For Azusa Kawa Sakita, although he has only known him for a few days, Gongliang admires him very much. Not only is his high emotional intelligence, but he is able to give Kaede warmth when she is helpless, and he can resolutely decide to sacrifice himself to save her after discovering that Shoko Makinohara's heart belongs to him.

Now that he has come to this world, he also has the same wish as Uejo Danma, hoping that the people around him will be happy, and that the anime characters he knows and likes can be happy. He is not a virgin, he will only lend a helping hand to relatives and friends, and Azusa Kawa Sakita is his friend, although they have only known each other for a day at that time.


"Ding-dong, ding-dong".

As soon as Gongliang Mu rang the doorbell twice, Azusa Kawa Sakita opened the door for him.

"Mu, you're here", Azusa Sakita handed him a pair of slippers.

"It's not easy to walk when you come here, the construction has been going on in the neighborhood for the past two days, and the road has to be detoured a long way


"yes, I just took a detour, otherwise I would have arrived earlier."

Azusa Kawa Sakita walked in the direction of the refrigerator, "It's just me and Ichido at home, you don't have to be too restrained." What kind of drink do you want to drink, there is cola and black tea here".

"Black Tea Bar, Aligado".

waited until Gongliangmu drank a few sips of black tea before he began to get down to business.

"Hello, Gongliangni-chan".

The girl in the panda one-piece suit hid behind Azusa Kawa Sakita shyly, her palms tightly grasping his clothes, and only half of her head was exposed to look at Gongliang Mu.

When Gongliangmu saw this scene, he felt very cordial, whether it was for a girl or a panda.

"Kaede is really similar to my sister at home, the same don't go out and the same cuteness."

Seeing the girl in front of him, Gongliang Mu couldn't help but think of Hequan Sawu.

Heaven is always unfair, some people have no worries about food and clothing and live happily all their lives, while others will always suffer and experience those cruel things early.

"Is Gongliangni sauce the same as me", Zichuan Feng heard that Gongliangmu's sister was also squatting at home, and he suddenly became interested, and his voice also raised a few points.

"Yes, I haven't stepped out of the house since her parents died, and I've become a squatting house like Kaede."

Gongliang Mu said cruel words with a peaceful smile, which made Feng feel a little empathetic after listening to it. Izumi Saki's parents who have lost in this world, and her own current situation, although her physical parents are still there, is the same for her.

Gongliang Mu said this on purpose, he didn't know how to change it, but he wanted to make Kaede have a stronger desire to exist.

"But, even if Ni-chan has lost more than one of my dearest, she still has me, just like Kaede you also have your Oni-chan. I love my sister so much that I can't imagine losing her at all, I want to share all the beauty of the world with her, and I want her to stay by my side all the time, and I'm sure Sakita thinks the same way. You all have a family member who loves you very much."

Gongliang Mu walked to Kaede's side, stroked her head and said softly, "So, my touch of more and more than Feng has to respond to the expectations of my brothers, but don't make it difficult for my brothers, you must be happy every day." Your smile is the best reward for those of us who are brothers."

Kaede didn't notice at all that the newfound Ni-chan was stroking his hair, and he was stunned as he recalled his words.

"Is that really what Ni-chan thinks? But if I stay here forever, Kaede will disappear. Both Tosan and Gasang were waiting for her to return, and Ni-chan must have thought so too. Can I really stay selfishly".

Azusa Sakuta had already told Kora about what happened to his sister at the last burger restaurant. Campus bullying, inexplicably wounds appeared on his body, closed himself, and the personality of Kaede appeared, as well as his own entanglement with Kaede and Hua Feng.

Now seeing that Gongliang Mu's words seem to be hoping that Feng will stay, what should Hua Feng do if this is the case. Azusa Kawa Sakita couldn't understand Gongliangmu's approach at this time. But out of trust in him, I still chose to wait and see.

"Mu, what you said before was very serious, now you can talk about it."

"Well, let me repeat it again, you must not say what I am going to say later, whether it is for me or yourself", at this time Gongliangmu also became serious.

"Actually, I also have puberty syndrome on my body now", Gongliangmu finished talking and touched the drink bottle on the table with his fingers, and then the bottle suddenly left the table and slowly hung in the air.

Both Azusa Sakita and Azusa Kaede were frightened by this scene.

"This ...... Is this magic".

Azusa Kawa Sakita carefully examined the bottle in mid-air with wide eyes, and Kaede covered her mouth with wide eyes.

"This is my adolescent syndrome, the superpower "vector operation". "

Immediately, in order to make Zichuan Feng hopeful, Gongliang Mu also lied.

"Kaede works hard, and may have cool superpowers in the future


"Really", there seemed to be light in Azusa Kaede's eyes.

"Of course it's true, and I'll teach you how to master it then."

Then Gongliang Mu looked at Zichuan, "Sakita, you should have read my catalog of novels and forbidden books."

"Yes, I saw it in an Internet café the other day."

"Huh?", Gongliang Mu remembered that the chapter scroll that appeared on the party was released the day before yesterday, and he was a little skeptical that he knew this character, so he questioned.

"Do you know that one side passes?".

"What side passes?", Azusa Sakuta looked at him suspiciously.

"I'm so ......", Gongliangmu was a little slumped in his heart, he originally told him last time that he went to see it just to do today's foreshadowing, and he didn't need to explain too much at that time. But it doesn't matter if you haven't seen it, just say a few more words.

"One side pass is the NO1 of the seven superpowers in my novel, and when I wrote this plot, I was thinking about this superpower too much, thinking about it day and night, which led to the appearance of puberty syndrome in my body and got this ability."

Then he pointed to the bottle that was still hanging in the air, "My ability is to change the direction of the vector, and now I can only do this kind of thing."

Of course, Gong Liangmu will not say that he can be safe and sound in the rain of gunshots now, but only exposes the extent to which he can only control small objects.

"Puberty syndrome is really amazing", Azusa Kawa Sakita has already determined that this bottle is not made by magic, but as Gongliang Mu said. No wonder I could believe his previous words, it turned out that he was also an experiencer, but at the same time he had questions.

"Then why can't you say such a thing?"

Gongliang Mu sighed, "Do you think this reality can be explained by existing science?"

"No", Azusa Kawa Saki thought about it and shook her head.

"If scientists were to discover the phenomenon of puberty syndrome, what do you think would be waiting for the future of the subject that triggered this phenomenon?"

Azusa Kawa thought differently and thought, "If scientists find something special about someone, they may use that person for experiments. Draw blood, take a film or something".

Then he stood up suddenly, "will be picked up for experimentation".

Gongliang Mu didn't expect Sakita to be so upright, and he didn't need to deliberately guide himself to think of this. Sure enough, it is not for nothing that the two of them are together, they always think in a pessimistic direction, and they don't think of making a lot of money or becoming famous or anything. Just like his own thought is to be sliced, Azusa Chuan wants to do experiments, which is basically the same.

"Yes, so, Sakita, you must not casually talk about Kaede's previous events in the future, otherwise, one day Kaede or you may be in danger. Of course, so do I".

Azusa Chuan is also afraid when he thinks about it now. He had told many people about it before, but unfortunately no one believed it. If he had found evidence of puberty syndrome and spread it, he couldn't imagine what would have happened next.

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