In the afternoon class, Gongliang Mu still lay on the table and continued to sleep, he had just tasted the sweetness, and now he was full of energy, and he was full of horsepower to calculate.


exaggerated expression technique that smokes in my head when I usually watch anime is reproduced in Gongliang Mu's body at this time.

If someone sees this scene at this time, they will probably wonder: why does the brain smoke that is common in anime appear in reality? If so, will a big bag grow when you hit your head, will there be a question mark next to your head when you have questions, and will there be zzz above your mouth when you sleep?

Coincidentally, Megumi Kato, who was sitting next to Gongliangmu, noticed the smoke coming out of the head of her tablemate, and the whole paragraph above was exactly what she was thinking about now. Questioning, she craned her neck to look at his face, as if to see if there was any English letter zzz.

After a few seconds, Megumi Kato, who had re-seated, sighed, as if disappointed that she didn't see the picture she wanted. If Gongliang Mu knew that Kato, who is usually quiet and occasionally black-bellied, has such a rich psychological activity, he would definitely say, "It's really unseemly."

In this way, the day's class was finished without Gongliangmu's knowledge, until the big teacher woke him up.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's time to get out of school, it's time for a club activity


Hikiya Hachiman nudged his arm, which was agreed between the two before class, and he would push his arm to wake him up after class.

Gongliang Mu opened his eyes, not at all like he had just woken up, stood up and stretched.

Then let's go and sleep in a different place

After comparing Kiya Hachiman, he began to pack his school bag.

"Don't you forget that you have a monthly exam next week, and if you don't pass school, you will be left behind for tutoring, and you dare to blatantly ignore the class?"

The big teacher saw that he was acting like a rebellious student, and couldn't help but dissuade him.

"Don't worry, I'll do this month's teaching course, and if you don't know if the ranking will still be in front of you, you're still worried about your science."

"Cut, this boring science".

So the two walked out of the classroom chatting side by side. And unlike usual, the often overlooked family Kato Megumi didn't go back directly today, and the direction she walked seemed to be called a recently built game club activity room location, and the gears of fate began to roll normally.


When Gongliang Mu arrived at the Ministry of Service, he also opened the door, said hello to Xue Xia Xuenai, and then returned to his table.

The difference is that last week I went to the position to, and today I slept on the table. If you are careful, you may notice that the eyes of him and Yukino when they look at each other today are a little different from before. Unfortunately, this slight change could not be detected after all, and the Ministry of Service returned to its original state, and Miss Danzi's voice began to fill the entire activity room, and Gongliangmu seemed to be isolated from their world.

Before Gongliang Mu closed his eyes, the door of the Ministry of Service was opened, and a familiar voice came in, but he didn't notice it at all.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our light music club has finally received an application to join the company."

Tianjing Zhonglu waved the paper in his hand and couldn't wait to share it with everyone in the Ministry Department, after all, they had helped the Light Tone Department before.

"Oh, has anyone finally joined in?".

Xue Nai didn't feel surprised, after all, the light sound department is also a club that has been inherited for a long time, as long as the publicity is in place, it is estimated that there are still a lot of people who want to join, probably yes.

"Yes, it's called Yui Hirasawa, and it seems to be a great name, but it's really a guitarist, so I'm looking forward to it."

The law team stared at the application form in their hands, and imagined with a look of fascination what the real face of this guitarist named Yui Hirasawa was like.


The self-satisfied lawyer raised his hands and danced in the service department. Although Yukino didn't know why Tanai Nakaritsu thought that this classmate who had only submitted an application form would be a strong member, she was silent at this time, not wanting to ruin her interest.

While the legal team was happy, they patted Gongliangmu's body a few times, and Gongliangmu, who woke up, also understood the situation, and also began to look forward to the same frame of the light girls.

Ten or twenty minutes ago, a girl who looked cute and stupid walked into the club building with trembling feet, and kept muttering "Light Sound Department... Light Tone Section..."

As soon as I walked through the door, I saw the various clubs on the floor, and I was uneasy to cheer myself up.

"No... If you don't pass from here, you won't be able to reach the light sound department...", the girl who stimulated the second attribute of the middle school held her ordinary chest and headed upstairs.

I met Xiao Zuo and the teacher at the door just now, and I heard her say that the club is upstairs.

I don't know how long it took, but the cute girl finally walked to a classroom with a light voice tag hanging outside. At this time, she was standing outside very tangled.

"Here, although I just came in, it's hard to say, but I still have to say that I won't join."

The girl reached for the doorknob as she spoke, and it was the time for the legal team to wake up Gong Liangmu in the service department.

"But what kind of people are there in the light sound department?"

Thinking of this, the cute girl stopped her hand to hold the doorknob. I can't help but imagine the result of waiting and saying that I won't join.

"Ah, don't do it, don't you do it, don't you do it, kill you!".

The girl who made up all kinds of strange pictures in her brain began to struggle with what to do again, and hesitated at the door of the club until a small hand slapped her on the shoulder.

After explaining that there is a new person in the ministry department, Ritsu plans to go back to K-ON. Gongliang Mu due to today's brain overdevelopment, now urgently needs desserts to replenish energy, and also went back with this minister side by side, as soon as he went out, he saw a girl who didn't know what to do at the door of the light sound department.

"Ah...... Yes...... Ah......


The cute girl was frightened the moment her shoulder was touched, as if the picture she had just made up in her mind was reappearing, and she couldn't help shouting.

"That one... No, no, no, no... No, no, no... No, no, no, no..."

The girl seemed to have a stuck brain, her speech was slurred, one hand was waving in front of her, and two lines of tears on her face were particularly eye-catching.

It's said to be tears, but it's actually more like two stickers stuck under the eyes. People who have watched anime will definitely ridicule again: Isn't this an exaggerated expression, is this really a normal world?

"Can't keep up with the tune and clumsy natural stupidity".

Ritsu turns her head in front of the girl and discovers that she is the clumsy female classmate she saw in the classroom office last week.

When Gongliang Mu saw this scene, he was also overjoyed. The light sound department has finally gathered this F4, and the warm, beautiful, funny and interesting club life is about to begin.

"What are you doing", the law team couldn't help but interrupt when they saw that this natural stay was still yelling.


girl was interrupted by this, stopped imagining in her mind just now, opened her big watery eyes, and found that the person who came was a classmate who had spoken to Yamanaka Sensei in the office before, and patted her chest again, which was as flat as the other party, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Scared the hell out of me..."

As if thinking of something, Patio Nakatsu put his head close to the girl's face

"You are Yui Hirasawa".

"It's... Yes".

Yui Hirasawa leaned back and replied without confidence.

The Ritsu team opened their mouths wide and let out a whoosh sound, then took Yui Hirazawa's hand.

"Sorry to misunderstand you! You're so good at playing the guitar! We're all waiting for you," and jumped up.

"Let's go in first."

Gongliang Mu couldn't help laughing, interrupting the legal team's self-praise and Ping Zewei's embarrassment.

"Everyone, the new members are coming."

The Ritsu team opened the gate and shouted at Mio Akiyama and Kotobuki, and then took Yui Hirazawa's small hand and walked over.

Gongliangmu knew that the remaining two people in the light sound department must be drinking tea in the classroom. Sure enough, when the two of them turned their heads to look at the door, they were still holding their hot tea in their hands. Look at this condition, a proper high-end product.

He didn't really want to participate in the first meeting of the light-sounding girls, he just wanted to sit and see it as a bystander, and he was very satisfied.

"Welcome to the Light Sound Club".

"Warm welcome".

By the time Mio Akiyama and Kotobuki stood up and greeted Yui Hirasawa, he had already gone over to make tea, including Yui Hirazawa's share, of course.

"Okay,?, ready for tea."

"No need, I'll just soak it, you can continue chatting."

The voice of Gongliangmu came from afar, so the girls who were now light and vocal continued to warmly entertain this future group pet.

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