American fame and fortune

Chapter 111 Finding a Way (Subscribe)

Marietta, Clayton community.

Fifteen-year-old Lily got off the school bus when she heard Nani, the owner of the convenience store, yelling, "There is an express package from your family, from Los Angeles."

"Los Angeles?" Lily knew who sent it, so she ran over and rummaged through to find two boxes, picked them up and left.

The big box among them was a bit heavy, so Nani lent her the cart to push the goods, and asked, "That idiot Martin Davis?"

Lily put the box away: "That's right, that idiot."

Pushing the cart, he came to the door of the house. In James's yard next door, Hall was digging holes in the front yard with cardboard at his feet.

Lily asked loudly: "What else can you do, you idiot, besides digging holes?"

Hall is still digging: "When he comes back, he falls in and breaks his leg."

The children of the Carter family have always expressed their feelings unpretentiously. Lily said: "Dig deeper, wait for that idiot to come back, and let the earth not break his legs."

After the box was moved into the house, Lily returned the cart and unpacked it when she came back. There were only two things, exquisite animal tusk accessories and relatively primitive bison horns.

Among them was a piece of paper. Looking at the crooked letters on it, Lily knew it was written by Martin.

Each of the four brothers and sisters has animal fangs, but the horns are the raw materials for handicrafts.

Just give her Lily Carter alone.

Lily threw off her long legs, ran out like flying, came to the yard, and shouted to the neighbor: "Idiot, stop digging the earth! Fill back all the holes you dug!"

Hall turned around: "Are you stupid? Just now..."

Lily resorted to a big killer: "If you don't fill the hole, I will tell Elena, what do you think she will do?"

Hall turned back aggrievedly, and filled the hole with a shovel. He dug too many holes in this yard and wanted to give it to that bastard.

Fill it all back.

Lily returned to the living room, took out all the horns, placed them on the table, and found a set of carving tools, thinking about what to carve first.

After the engraving is completed, it will be mailed back.

Lily's eyes fell on a thick, long and slightly curved bison horn, and she immediately thought of a good idea to make a special horn carving.

Just carve it like Martin.

"I'm a genius!" She laughed happily.


Los Angeles, Century City.

Martin received a call from his agent Thomas and drove over in a hurry.

As soon as I entered the lobby of the company, I found that there were a lot of young men and women in their 20s, and some of them looked familiar, obviously they were all customers of the company.

Thomas, who was waiting for Martin, waved to him.

Martin went over and asked, "What's going on? Is the company going to do team building? Or is it a big party?"

While speaking, his eyes fell on the young man next to Thomas, a Latino.

Thomas introduced: "This is Oscar Isaac, also my client, Oscar, this is Martin Davis."

Martin shook hands with Oscar, and said a few words casually.

The relationship between the two is fairly peaceful, because there are obvious differences in their positioning, and there is basically no resource conflict.

Martin quickly scanned the lobby on the first floor, and found six or seven handsome brown-haired guys. These were his competitors within the company.

Of course, it is inevitable to look more at the young actresses.

Some are in excellent shape.

Martin asked again: "What are young actors and agents gathering here for?"

Thomas simply said: "Many Hollywood film and television production companies have replaced a brand-new digital management system. In order to facilitate the recommendation of actors, the company needs to update your information, one of which is digital photos and videos."

Oscar asked at this time: "The company's young customers are not limited to us?"

Thomas said: "Star level is not counted, those who have not really become popular, you are the most valued group, the company recommends young actors to the production company, and will recommend you first."

Oscar sees a female Latin actor: "I'll go over and say hello."

Seeing no one around, Martin said in a low voice, "Who bastards are our competitors."

Hearing us, Thomas got serious and pointed his fingers quietly: "See that handsome blond guy who is shorter than you? His name is Mike Vogel, he used to be a boxer, and the company's positioning of him is basically the same as yours. He has already Starred in three films, "Skateboard Fever", "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "Wuthering Heights", and has accumulated a certain popularity."

He turned his fingers slightly: "The long-haired one on the left is called Joe Anderson, who starred in "Subway Cry" and "Traveling the Revenant". On the right, the two brothers and sisters together, Eric Lively, his father Ur Nicky Lively is a veteran actor and producer in the industry with a very wide network of contacts."

Martin asked, "Is that next to his sister?"

"Blake Lively." Thomas urged: "You can make friends with this pair of brothers and sisters, but don't mess around, their father is not simple."

He looked around, but didn't see another person: "Originally, Adrian was the focus of the company's resources, and he was going to cooperate with Anne-Hathaway on a project called "Death Party", so don't think about it now. "

Martin nodded: "Are these people ranked ahead of me in terms of resources?"

Thomas thought about it carefully: "The North American box office of "Zombie Gigolo" you starred in was not bad, and you also played the first male role in "House of Wax Museum". The upper management knows that you have Ms. Mel's recommendation, except for Mike Vogel, The others are not as good as you."

Martin glanced at Mike Vogel again and asked, "His agent has a separate office?"

Thomas was heartbroken: "Yes." He quickly changed the topic: "If you can win the Saturn Award, your priority will not be lower than his. There is still hope for nomination, and it is too difficult to win."

The two were talking, WMA board member and senior partner Jim Witt came down from upstairs, looked at the temporary image collection room, and found Mike Vogel to chat with him.

Martin was too far away to hear clearly, but he could see that he was encouraging Vogel.

Martin's name was called in the video collection room. Martin tidied up his clothes a little and entered the collection room. No make-up is required for photography and photography.

Martin usually does not wear makeup, and the shoot was finished quickly.

Jim Witt was standing beside Thomas, seeing Martin nodded slightly: "Are you Martin Davis?"

Martin smiled and said, "It's me. Good afternoon, Mr. Witt."

Jim Witt said: "I met Susan the day before yesterday, she mentioned you, you performed very well during the filming in Australia."

Martin could tell that Jim Witt had a friendship with Susan, and said: "Susan is a very professional producer. She taught me a lot on the set, and I learned a lot from this shooting."

"Do it well." Jim Witt encouraged and left the lobby on the first floor.

The eyes of other people in the hall flicked past Martin.

Martin seemed to be unaware of it, and accepted it calmly.

After Oscar Isaac collected the image information, Thomas verified it carefully, and the latter sent the former away.

Thomas called Martin and went to the office partition.

Martin asked directly: "How is the best young actor operation?"

"Lionsgate communicated with several judges, and I contacted the two reviewers through the company's relationship." Thomas has done a lot of work in the past few days: "The chances of getting nominated are very high, and it is too difficult to win an award."

Martin asked: "How powerful is Wes Craven's voice?"

Thomas was surprised: "Can you get in touch with Craven? In terms of horror movies, his advice is decisive."

Martin shook his head: "What I want to ask is whether you have a channel with the company."

"I don't have it, the company definitely has it." Thomas said very realistically: "But the company will not use such important favors and resources on the Saturn Award for Best Young Actor, let alone an actor of your level. The input is not proportional to the output."

Martin thought for a while, and then revealed something appropriately: "I'll try other channels."

Thomas immediately thought of Louise under Martin: "Call me when you need it."

Getting into the car, Bruce asked, "Where are you going?"

Martin took out a pen and notebook from the storage box, and said while writing, "Take me to Sherman Oaks."

Bruce started the car and said, "One-to-two, after a long time, you will be destroyed."

Martin majesticly said: "Are you kidding, two more are not a problem."

Halfway, he called Louise: "How is it going?"

Louise said, "Kelly and I are back, come here quickly."

"on the way."

The car stopped at the gate of the manor, Martin took the key and entered alone, Louise and Kelly were sitting at the bar drinking.

The cocktail made by the former - expansion screw.

Martin went to the bathroom to clean his hands, came back to replace Louise, fetched gin, violet liqueur, ice, lime and Gatorade, and made a brand new cocktail.

"Welcome to taste, under the platform."

Louise took a sip and said, "It's refreshing and intoxicating, not bad."

Martin offered another glass to Kelly: "Taste."

Louise said softly: "Kate has come to Los Angeles and started preparing for the awards at the end of the year."

Martin knows Kate Winslet she's talking about: "So early?"

"It's not too early. Many people make preparations a year in advance, and even move their families to Los Angeles for a year or more." Louise slowly turned the wine glass: "Kate has a friend who is engaged in fashion design and is also British. His name is George. Na Chapman."

The name Martin knows, Weinstein's wife.

Louise's words didn't stop: "Georgina is Harvey Weinstein's public lover now, maybe they will get married after Weinstein's divorce, and she will hold a big fashion party in Beverly in a few days, Craven has worked with Weinstein a lot, and I'm sure he'll be at Georgina's party."

She said emphatically: "Wes Craven and I only know each other at best, and we can only bring you into the party, and it depends on you."

Martin thought about it for a while: "Give it a try, there is always hope if you try, but if it doesn't work, I've tried my best."

He had no morals, grabbed Louise with one hand, and Kelly with the other: "If there is no way out, rich woman, please support me!"

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