American fame and fortune

Chapter 112 New Tricks and New Ways of Playing (Leader Plus 11)

The stylish party was held in a luxurious Beverly Hills estate, and Bruce drove a Volkswagen, following Louise's Bentley, so that he could support Martin at any time.

When the car arrived at the gate of the manor, Bruce spitting out the dog food when he saw Louise, who was dressed up, holding Martin's arm and entered the door generously.

I have been fed a lot recently and feel like vomiting.

In the stylish setting of the vestibule where the party is being held, the hostess Joanna greets the guests standing in front of the fountain.

Kate Winslet had been waiting for Louise, and when she saw her coming with Martin on her arm, she quickly went up to her and hugged her friend: "You are so beautiful tonight."

Then he turned to Martin and said, "Handsome guy, you have finally come to Los Angeles to develop... Let me take a closer look, you and Louise are like a golden couple."

Like a gentleman, Martin took Kate's hand and kissed the back of it lightly: "Beautiful English rose, can we dance together later?"

"No problem." Kate led the way, "I'll introduce you."

Louise nodded: "It's better for you to introduce formally than for me to rush over."

The three walked to the fountain, and Kate introduced Louise and Martin to Joanna, who was also from the UK.

Harvey Weinstein also came over from the side and chatted with Louise.

Soon, the three of Martin left and walked towards the crowd.

Louise asked, "Kate, are you going to use Harvey Weinstein's power?"

Kate shook her head: "This year is useless, the film is not his, how could he contribute." She wanted to win the Oscar queen: "Let's wait until later, if it doesn't work this time, Joanna can help me to some extent."

Louise's sincere suggestion: "Find a crazy or ugly character."

Kate couldn't help laughing, and looked at Martin: "Remember what you said last time."

This wasn't a joke at the time, Martin was self-aware: "I don't even know which side the college gate opens to."

Kate came over and took Louise's arm: "Can I borrow a few words from your girlfriend, can I?"

Martin automatically slowed down.

Kate whispered, "If Harvey Weinstein wants to talk to you in private, Martin must be with you."

Louise knew what she meant: "I wouldn't work with him, and I'm not interested in working with him."

"If possible, I don't want to." Kate still said the same thing: "If you don't win an Oscar statuette, you will always be short of something."

Louise could only say: "I wish your dreams come true soon."

Kate gestured unconsciously: "Because I got a high box office, I was discriminated against by a group of old men who didn't have any achievements in business. Where can I justify it?"

"Don't talk about these troubles." Louise also lowered her voice: "Do me a favor later."

She and Kate whispered to each other for a while before they stopped.

Kate agreed: "Okay, it has nothing to do with you, it's mainly because Martin treated me well in Atlanta."

Louise's face changed in an instant, and the slutty air couldn't even be suppressed by a formal evening dress: "What? Sam can't satisfy you? Kate, if you want to join, I don't mind, and Martin certainly doesn't mind either."

Kate throws her arm: "I'm going to Wes Craven."

Martin followed from behind and asked, "Can you do it?"

Louise said, "Do you think there is something wrong with Kate's acting skills?"

Martin faintly saw the tall Wes Craven, and pulled Louise up: "Let's go from the other side."

Louise asked, "Are you sure it will work?"

"Not sure, you said that Wes Craven likes group parties, so I'll give it a try." Martin still said, "Try hard, if it doesn't work, withdraw."

He whispered: "You have squeezed out a lot of funds here, and if you don't go to the market in the short term, I have to think of a way. Is it really for you to support me? What should I do when you squeeze me dry and kick me?"

The two went around in a circle, and waited until Kate and Wes Craven had a conversation, then walked over there unhurriedly, and greeted people on the way, no different from people in normal communication.

In addition to Kate, there are two other people in Wes Craven's small circle, the actors of the "Scream" series David Arquette and Courteney Cox.

The latter is one of the heroines of "Friends" and has a great reputation.

These people are discussing horror movies.

Martin and Louise approached, and Louise greeted Kate: "So you are here."

Kate smiled: "I met Wes, just when David and Courteney came over, and we chatted about horror movies together."

Craven looked at Louise slightly: "You are Mel's daughter."

Louise said: "Yes, my father mentioned you several times, he is a loyal fan of the Elm Street series."

Then she introduced Martin.

Even if you don't know the male companion brought to a formal occasion, everyone will pay attention to it.

If Martin himself couldn't participate in such a circle at all, he could only take advantage of Louise's influence.

It's not wrong to say that she was taken care of.

A few people exchanged simple greetings, Kate glanced over the faces of Martin and Louise, and the topic immediately turned back to horror movies: "The first Scream that year summed up the vulgar laws of a series of horror movies, but at the end , still on these old roads.”

Craven agrees: "It's hard to think about innovation in American horror films today. The Scream series is old wine in new bottles. It's just that the way of killing is more unexpected, the identity of the murderer is more special, and the reason for killing is even more outrageous..."

Courteney answered: "Some horror elements in the East are good, and DreamWorks adapted a Japanese horror film."

Craven said: "The response is average, the culture is different, and the market acceptance is different."

Louise said from an investor's point of view: "There are still audiences for traditional plasma films, and such films have been selling well in the past two years."

Martin also joined in: "The idea of ​​"Death Comes" is good, but the sequel is also stereotyped."

Louise said: "It is very difficult to transform a new horror film model, and it is very difficult for investors to pass."

Craven fully agrees: "No one is willing to invest. Even the best idea is just an idea. The production companies are conservative and only want to continue the successful model. Innovation means huge unknown risks."

Martin said: "So, Freddie and Jason did one after another."

Seeing Martin and Louise join the conversation, Kate would be less talkative.

Louise added: "Last year, I filmed a movie about Freddy vs. Jason. In fact, I think it's very interesting to put monsters from different movies together."

Craven was the screenwriter and producer of that film: "It's a fairly innovative addition to the conservative."

Martin continued his words: "What about integrating more horror monsters into one movie? Such as pythons, unicorns, tooth fairies, murderers, giant bats, ghosts, zombies, witches, werewolves, etc. Find A suitable story and idea, put them into a movie, and make a big mess, will horror movie fans get hooked?"

Craven imagined in his mind: "It's kind of messy, I can't imagine it."

"This is just my humble opinion." Martin looked at Louise: "Next week's makeup party, why don't I have a scary monster theme? In the dark night, all kinds of scary monsters wander around, it's exciting to think about."

Louise said, "You make up your mind."

Kate sends an assist: "Sounds like fun, can I join?"

Martin said: "Of course, my honor." He took the opportunity to extend an invitation: "David, Weiss, Courteney, if you are interested, you can come too."

Louise said with a smile: "He always likes to brag that he is the king of the party, and he likes to do fancy new tricks. You are the judge."

David and Courtney asked about the time and only said that they would attend when they were free.

Craven likes parties. He hasn't attended much in the past two years, mainly because he lacks enough fresh stimulation. After hearing Martin's words, he also became interested. He said solemnly: "You bring out a bunch of scary monsters, just so I can see them effect together."

No matter who Martin is, his words immediately became lofty: "I have also participated in the shooting and production of horror films, and we happened to hold a special seminar on the theme of horror films."

Craven maintains his style in front of people: "This topic is of great research value."

Louise took out her and Martin's business cards, exchanged them with Craven, made an appointment, and said to everyone, "I will send a formal invitation letter next Monday."

Several people chatted very happily, and chatted for a while before they dispersed.

After a while, Louise said goodbye to Joanna on the pretext of family affairs.

Martin and she came to the parking lot, but instead of getting into the Bentley, they called Bruce.

When the Volkswagen arrived, Martin asked, "I'm going to rent the villa in Malibu where I filmed Entourage last time. I'll pay for it myself, but I don't have professional staff here. Please help me."

Louise reminded: "Your debt to me is growing."

Martin simply said directly: "Repay the meat."

Louise opened the Volkswagen door, pushed Martin into the car, and said to the driver: "Old Bu, throw this crap into the sea in Malibu, and I'll pay you later."

Bruce turned his head and smiled: "Civilized people do things, don't worry."

Martin got in the car, took out a small book, and handed it to Louise: "See if you can pay off the debt?"

Louise opened her eyes and smiled with satisfaction: "Old Bu, spare his life for now."

The Volkswagen door closed and roared away.

Louise got into the car and called her assistant: "Nicky, go and rent a villa in Malibu as soon as possible."

Bruce drove out of Beverly Hills, drove northeast along the highway, and asked, "This time the investment will be high, are you sure you can earn it back?"

"Investing now is for higher income in the future." Martin took out his mobile phone and called Jenna Jameson.

According to Louise's description, Wes Craven likes group parties, not pure horror masquerades.

Even if a Hollywood modeling agency is willing to accept it, the fee is very high.

Martin called Jenna Jameson in the afternoon, and at this time it was confirmed that the party would take place. Of course, he needed to find a professional: "Sorry, Jenna, I kept you waiting so late. Old Bu and I are on the way to the San Fernando Valley. On the way There are a lot of cars, and it will take about an hour to arrive."

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