Even so, Feng Qingxue had to get up several times every night.

Newborn babies have small appetites and don't drink much milk each time. They get hungry quickly and have to be fed every two hours. As a mother, she doesn't have a good night's sleep at all. When she wakes up in the morning, her eyes are black and blue.

Feng Qingxue's skin was very white, and she didn't go out to be exposed to the scorching sun during the confinement period, so the blue and black were even more obvious.

"Xiaoxue, who hit you? Did it go straight into your eyes?" Wang Jiao screamed as soon as she saw her appearance. She quickly came over and took a closer look, "It doesn't look like a fist hit."

Feng Qingxue gently patted her son who was awakened by Wang Jiao's voice with her backhand. Seeing that he was sleeping soundly with his eyes closed again, she chuckled and said, "Who dares to hit me? I got up several times at night and the dark circles were caused by not sleeping well. When my cousin has a child tomorrow, she will realize that being a mother is not easy. If you don’t obey your strict father and loving mother when you grow up, you will be struck by lightning!”

"It's not good to be parents and parents-in-law. Do children also have to be filial? I don't. I will be nice to whoever treats me well. I don't care about whoever treats me badly!" Wang Jiao raised her head. road.

Feng Qingxue said helplessly: "I'm talking about a strict father and a loving mother."

It is because she knows that there are some parents in the world who rely on their own parents to continuously squeeze their children, some impose their own ideas on their children, and some exploit their children's hard work, so she calls them strict fathers and loving mothers.

If parents are neither kind nor kind, they cannot seek filial piety from their children.

Wang Jiao couldn't help but feel happy after hearing her explanation, "Well said, well said, that's the truth. You treat me badly, and you still want me to show my heart to you? How can such a good thing happen?"

"Cousin is coming to see me now. Is there anything wrong?" Feng Qingxue quickly changed the subject.

During the busy farming season, no matter how much Wang Zhengguo loved his daughter, he would order her to work in the fields.

The wheat in the field has not been harvested yet. There is still wheat on the field, and there are wheat grains that are being exposed after threshing. Even people and animals, including stone rollers, are busy running around. How can Wang Jiao be free to visit?

Wang Jiao stretched out her arm towards Feng Qingxue, "I haven't changed my bath for two months, please feel my pulse."

Feng Qingxue was stunned. Could it be that she was pregnant?

Wang Jiao has never suffered any hardships since she was a child. She is well-nourished and has strong vitality and blood. She has not become pregnant after half a year of marriage. This is unbelievable to ordinary people. Yuejin's mother often whispers to others in private, and gossips are spread from other people's mouths. It reached Feng Qingxue's ears, but she never said anything in front of Wang Jiao.

"I'll take your pulse. But I'm not very skilled, so it's more accurate to ask a doctor in the city to take your pulse."

"I believe you, please take my pulse first."

Feng Qingxue asked her to sit on the chair in front of the table, took out a small pillow and put it under her wrist, then carefully felt the movement of her fingers on her pulse, and checked the pulses in both hands, "Like a moving ball. , it is indeed a slippery pulse. However, a slippery pulse does not 100% represent pregnancy, because there may be a slippery pulse due to phlegm in the body, strong qi and blood, or the onset of menstruation.”

"My period hasn't come for two or three months!" Wang Jiao said.

Feng Qingxue pursed her lips and smiled, "Listen to me, cousin. Combined with your physical condition, it can be shown that you are indeed pregnant. Your pulse is very obvious, so I can tell."

Wang Jiao blurted out: "Then is there any reason for me not to work?"

"You can still do light work, right? Let's dry some wheat grains or something." Feng Qingxue said.

"Good sister, even if I do light work, I don't want to bask in the sun! You can take care of the baby at home, why can't I raise a baby? Just tell them that I am weak and need to rest!"

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