Feng Qingxue rarely went out, so she couldn't tell the world what Wang Jiao said, and she couldn't stop Wang Jiao from having her own mouth.

She first told her in-laws and natal family the good news of her pregnancy, then she held her head and said she was tired, dizzy, wanted to vomit, felt weak, and had stars in her eyes, so she lay down on the bed openly and screamed at everyone except eating and relieving herself. Can't get up.

Zhang Yuejin's parents did not dare to say anything because their son was so obedient to Wang Jiao, and they had to cook for her after finishing their farm work.

After learning that his wife was pregnant, Zhang Yuejin held Wang Jiao in the palm of his hand and tried every means to replenish her body every day. Today he would bring back a piece of meat, tomorrow he would bring back a bag of fruit, and even if things went wrong, he would bring back a few candies. Wang Jiao was so beautiful that she felt that she was living a life like a fairy. She smiled at Zhang Yuejin every day, and Zhang Yuejin felt delighted.

Wang Zhengguo and Miao Fengqin knew their daughter's virtues well, and they were both angry and funny. Zhang Yuejin's salary could support her anyway, and the work points were not enough to share the food, so they just asked Zhang Yuejin to pay for the work points.

Feng Qingxue has not been out of work recently and is focusing on taking care of her children at home, with the same idea.

However, she was not idle and still frequently visited the clinic to deliver babies.

Therefore, the old couple did not care about their daughter's bluffing to avoid work.

This year, the weather was good. After the wheat was delivered to the public grain, the rest went into the warehouse smoothly. Summer sweet potatoes, autumn corn, etc. had just been planted in the ground, when a heavy rain poured down. Within two days, the ground was covered with green seedlings. You can see it , happy in my heart.

Two lifting, four turning, six sitting, seven rolling, eight climbing, nine standing, and one walking.

In one sentence, the various developmental stages of a baby's first year of life are described.

Because Lu Jiang was not at home, after receiving his two recent letters, Feng Qingxue was absolutely sure that this guy had written the letters in advance and asked someone to send them home. He was not in the army at all, otherwise he would not have written every treasure in the letter. She didn't even write the baby's name, so she insisted on keeping a parenting diary for him to read when he came back to participate in her son's growth.

"Xiaoxue, do you have food stamps in your hand?" Feng Qingxue had just put her son to sleep when she heard Wang Zhengguo's voice outside the door.

Feng Qingxue hurriedly welcomed him in, "Yes, A Jiang's comrades have just sent some food stamps. I am about to ask Tianjun and Acheng to go to the city to exchange some food for them to send."

This comrade is Huo Beiting. Every month he sends a lot of tickets and money, and the paper is filled with tears of gratitude.

Wang Zhengguo said happily: "Don't be so troublesome. You give me food stamps and I will give you food."

Feng Qingxue was stunned, "Uncle, why do you want food stamps?"

"It's not what I want, it's what the folks down there need." Wang Zhengguo said with a smile on his face, "Isn't this a good year for the market? Many young men and women have already found a partner, so you have to go to the city to find a partner, right? The young man is so proud that it would be inappropriate not to go to a state-owned restaurant to eat in the city, so they all need food stamps and come to me."

Feng Qingxue said strangely: "I remember that if we farmers need food stamps, we can take the food stamps to the grain management office to exchange them."

"Yes, isn't this troublesome? The military food stamps in your hand are so useful! People in the city are rare for military food stamps." Wang Zhengguo said, lowering his voice, "Our production brigade has stored a lot this year Food, if you have food stamps, just exchange them with me. There are a lot of people out there who want food stamps, so don’t go to the city to attract attention.”

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