Food stamps are very useful, but they are not issued to farmers in the countryside. Only urban residents can buy food with their stamps.

When many farmers go to the city, they either bring their own dry food or take the food to the grain management office in exchange for food stamps, and then use the tickets to eat in the city. This is very troublesome, so they all want food stamps.

The Wanglou Brigade is developing better and better, and food stamps and other items are definitely in demand.

Wang Zhengguo has been managing the Wanglou Brigade for so many years, and he really doesn't want to see his fellow villagers distressed because of various votes.

"Great, uncle, I can't wait for it! I'll find the tickets right now." Feng Qingxue was overjoyed and took out all the food stamps in hand. Thirty-five pounds of food stamps.

One hundred and thirty kilograms of flour stamps, one hundred and five kilograms of coarse grain stamps.

Because it was not a normal transaction allowed by the state, after Wang Zhengguo accepted the ticket and money, he asked his son to open the granary that night, loaded 150 kilograms of new wheat and 130 kilograms of corn kernels and quietly delivered them to Feng Qingxue's home.

The food stamps were finished grain, and what he gave was raw grain. The amount was of course more than the face value of the food stamps.

Feng Qingxue asked Lu Tianjun and Guan Cheng to send some of them to Lu Jiang's comrades.

The two children went to the black market a few times and brought back a few pieces of jewelry and a porcelain vase, which they presented to Feng Qingxue as if they were treasures. "Aunt, do we still have money? Please give us more."

Feng Qingxue looked at the white jade bracelet, jade bracelet, jade bracelet and heart-turning vase in front of her, "Where did it come from?"

Guancheng said proudly: "I bought it! Auntie, let me tell you, the white jade bracelet costs two yuan, the jadeite eighteen cents one and eighty cents, the revolving vase and the jadeite bracelet only cost five yuan in total. Grandma Xu gave it to me before. I didn’t spend the money, I just used it to buy things. Auntie, if our family has money, we will buy these things, and we will definitely not regret it in the future.”

Feng Qingxue immediately took out the useless money from the rescue of Uncle Xu and Aunt Xu and gave it to them. There was still 1,780 yuan left, and carefully warned: "Be careful when entering and exiting the black market, don't be caught by the cadres who are investigating the private transactions." arrive."

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't leave home to give birth to a child, she would have gone to the black market a few times and come back.

"Don't worry, Auntie. We only buy used goods, not food. It doesn't matter if we get caught, because we don't trade supplies privately." Guan Cheng and Lu Tianjun each divided half of the money and put the money in their pockets.

Lu Tianjun nodded in agreement.

Feng Qingxue was a little confused, "When people bring old things out, they don't ask for food in exchange?"

Guan Cheng looked at her and smiled and said: "I knew it! I told Tianjun that our family has enough food, and uncle's comrades often provide aid. Auntie must have been to the black market. It is as expected. Now in the black market Those who sell old things need money but not grain. Now that grain prices have dropped, fine grains only cost 70 to 80 cents per pound, and coarse grains cost 30 to 50 cents. Of course, selling them is more cost-effective. "

"It should be because this year's harvest has been bumper, the grain shortage has been alleviated, and the supply of commercial grain is not as tight as before, so the price of grain on the black market has plummeted. In the first few years, I heard from my classmates that, let alone high-priced grain, even food stamps could be sold for five Yuan per pound.”

Feng Qingxue was very happy after hearing this, because this situation meant that three years of difficult times had passed!

From now on, they can just spend money to buy things when entering and exiting the black market. Anyway, their family is not short of money, so they will keep the food for their own family. Although the famine is over, the country is still short of supplies, and food in many places is still very important.

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