Best of Hollywood

Chapter 303 Negotiation

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Since joining Marvel Comics in 1939, Stan Lee has started his own legendary life.

He has worked at Marvel Comics for more than fifty years, creating most of the superhero characters with Jack Kirby.

There is no doubt that he is the well-deserved father of Marvel superheroes.

Even though he is over seventy years old, Stan Lee still insists on creating and has no plans to retire, and he also participated in the filming of "Blade Warrior" as a crew producer.

He even plans to join the crew of "X-Men".

However, Ryan politely refused.

There's no way Ryan would let Stan Lee go on to any of the Marvel superhero films without resolving that deal.

"Hi, Lee, long time no see." Avi-Allard hugged Stan-Lee warmly.

Looking at Avi Allard in front of him, Stan Lee had a puzzled look in his eyes, "Why do you have time to come back to New York to find me?"

"It seems like you should be heading to Houston now with the X-Men crew."

Avi-Allard sat down and said casually: "Marvel Pictures has something to deal with, so come and see you."

"Well, do you want to go back to Marvel Comics or Marvel Studios?"

Stan-Lee laughed a few times, "The crew of "X-Men" has officially rejected my invitation to join. It seems that some people don't like my existence."

"I'm sorry, Lee." Avi-Allard said with an apologetic expression, "Considering your age, it's really not suitable for you to go to Houston for filming."

"After a while, the crew will return to Los Angeles. You can come here together. We need your help."

Stan-Lee looked at Avi-Allard quietly, "Avi, Marvel is like my child, so I hope you can be honest."

People are old and like nostalgia, and so is Stan Lee.

Marvel Comics was acquired by Orion Pictures, he was happy for a long time, and even thought about returning to Marvel Comics again.

However, things were not what he expected. Orion Pictures not only had no interest in him returning to Marvel Comics, but also refused him to join the "X-Men" crew.

"You should know that Orion Films and Marvel Pictures are promoting a very large plan. "Blade Warrior" is just a water test work, and "X-Men" is the beginning of the planned superhero movie."

Avi-Arad paused for a moment, "Marvel Pictures will serialize "X-Men", and there are at least two sequel filming plans. In addition, "Spider-Man", " Fantastic Four, Iron Man, etc.”

"The investment scale of the entire plan will far exceed that of Warner Bros. and DC Comics."

"It's just that I have encountered a little difficulty right now and need your help."

While speaking, Avi Allard took out an agreement from the briefcase and put it in front of Stan Lee.

He found this agreement from Marvel Pictures. The 10% net profit of each film will be an astronomical figure when accumulated.

There's no way Marvel Studios will be handing over a large chunk of revenue for nothing.

Stan Lee looked at the agreement in front of him with some doubts, and it took him a while before he remembered that it seemed that such an agreement had been signed before.

It's just that no one cared at all at the time. Who would have thought that a film company would really bring a group of superheroes under Marvel Comics to the big screen.

At the time, it was just a joke.

But now that Marvel Comics has been fully acquired by Orion Pictures, it is planning to shoot a series of superhero films.

This agreement seems to have become a treasure, which can slowly and continuously generate a large amount of income.

Even astronomical figures.

"That's why you're here!"

Stan-Lee put the agreement down silently, "Amazing Comics or Orion Pictures intends to cancel this agreement?"

His mood suddenly became very complicated, and at the same time, he thought of Marvel comics and the past while faintly delighted.

"That's right."

Avi-Allard said very frankly: "Marvel Comics and Marvel Pictures are only wholly-owned sub-brands of Orion Pictures, and it is impossible for Orion Pictures to agree to pay 10% of the pure profit share."

"Li, you should be clear that this 10% pure profit sharing will increase the release risk of each film, which is impossible for any Hollywood film company, including Marvel Studios."

Stan-Lee fell silent suddenly, not knowing how to solve this matter for a moment.

He could imagine that this agreement would bring in a steady stream of income.

But just like Avi-Allard said, no Hollywood film company would agree to let him share 10% of the net profit.

He will definitely take various legal means to withhold most of the income, and in the end it will only give him a symbolic share.

Take "X-Men" as an example, Marvel Pictures invested 100 million US dollars for this, and Orion Pictures will spend a lot of publicity expenses in the future when the film is released, how could it be possible for people to share 10% of the pure profit.

This is not a box office share, but pure profit, including all profits from peripheral copyrights, derivative products, global box office, etc. .

"I need to think about it."

"It happened so suddenly." Although Stan Lee had a deep affection for Marvel Comics, he even treated him as his own child.

But when it comes to a huge profit share, I can't help but hesitate.

"Lee, I hope you will consider rescinding this agreement for Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios."

Avi-Allard took a deep breath and said, "In return, you'll get a one-time settlement of $5 million."

"Five million dollars?" Stan Lee showed a hint of sarcasm.

5 million US dollars is indeed not a small amount.

But compared to the income that this agreement can bring in the future, it seems insignificant.

What's more, if it was for money, he would not choose to leave Marvel Comics. With an annual salary of 1 million US dollars, it only takes a few years to earn 5 million US dollars.

"It's just a little bit of compensation."

At this time, Avi-Allard took out two documents again and put them in front of Stan Lee, "Marvel Comics and Marvel Pictures have decided to hire you as the honorary chairman, and you can participate in the creation of any comic book and superhero film. "

In fact, the condition was worth more than $5 million.

Without Marvel Comics before being acquired by Orion Pictures, he was willing to offer Stan Lee an annual salary of US$1 million.

It is conceivable that the annual salary offered by Marvel Comics and Marvel Pictures will definitely be higher than 1 million US dollars.


Stan Lee was somewhat tempted, "I need time to think about it."

It is his dream to go back to Marvel comics and personally participate in the creation of every superhero movie, and to bring superhero characters to the big screen.

However, he needs time to think clearly.

Avi-Allard didn't try to persuade anything, just sat down for a while, then got up to say goodbye and leave.

"How are you going to deal with this matter!"

Sofia Coppola brought over a cup of coffee, put it in front of Ryan, and asked, "A 10% net profit is enough to drive anyone crazy."

Ryan picked up the coffee and took a sip, "I've looked for Penelope Pataky. If it goes to court, we have at least a 50% chance of winning."

"Of course, this is a last resort. It is best to resolve this matter privately."

There is nothing wrong with the agreement itself. Legally speaking, it is an agreement that complies with legal protection.

But from another perspective, this agreement will harm the interests of Marvel Comics and Marvel Pictures.

Even if he faces prosecution in the end, it is not impossible to win.

"I'm not talking about Stan Lee, but Avi Allard, what are you going to do with him!" Sofia Coppola asked the key to this matter.

As the president of Marvel Studios, Avi-Allard has an unshirkable responsibility.

Such a low-level mistake should not happen to a president in charge of Marvel Pictures.

"In a short period of time, Marvel Studios cannot do without Avi-Allard." Ryan's expression did not change much.

Recently, Avi Allard's performance has made him somewhat disappointed.

Orion Pictures has acquired Marvel Comics for some time, but Avi-Allard has never mentioned this matter.

If he hadn't known it in his previous life, he would definitely cause a lot of trouble in the future.

It is even possible to pay an astronomical liquidated damages for this.

"It can be appropriate to increase Kevin Fitch's rights within Marvel Studios." He thought for a while and added.

As for the candidate who can replace Avi Allard, Ryan has already thought about it, and that is Kevin Fitch.

There's no one better suited to run Marvel Studios than he is.

"Kevin Fitch!"

Sofia Coppola nodded. She had a pretty good impression of Kevin Fitch, "He's a pretty good candidate."

Kevin Fitch is very proficient in the background setting of Marvel comics and the structure of the Marvel universe, and he is also one of the top management of Marvel. If he succeeds Avi Allard in the future, he can reduce a lot of criticism.

In his previous life, Avi-Allard left Marvel Studios on May 31, 2006, resigning from all positions.

With Marvel Pictures desperate, Kevin Feige became the president of Marvel Pictures in March 2007. In the same month, the crew of "Iron Man" officially started filming, and he personally served as the film producer.

In other words, the person who really promoted and executed the Avengers plan was Kevin Feige.

By then Avi-Allard had left Marvel Studios.

Of course, no one can deny Avi-Allard's contribution to Marvel Pictures.

By the beginning of May, the agreement with Stan Lee had not made much progress, but "X-Men" officially started filming.

Meanwhile, promotional posters for "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace" can be seen all over North America, and 20th Century Fox has a huge publicity budget for it.

Sixteen years later, countless Star Wars fans in North America will see Skywalker once again on the big screen of the movie theater.

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