Best of Hollywood

Chapter 304 Start Shooting

Text Chapter 304 Start Shooting (For Subscription)

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In the temporary studio in Houston, a large space was cleared, surrounded by a large green cloth, which almost turned the entire space into a piece of green.

Outside, three latest high-speed digital cameras were placed at different angles, and the lens was aimed at a man with a shirtless upper body.

Next, there will be a fierce boxing fight.

Ryan stared at the picture on the monitor and felt very familiar. The effect brought by the digital camera far exceeds that of the traditional camera.

The only downside is that today's digital cameras are a bit bulky.


Ryan yelled at Hugh Jackman, "Turn harder later, the Wolverine you play needs to be as strong as a beast."

Hugh-Jackman made an ok gesture to indicate that he was fine.

Seeing this, Ryan nodded and asked the crew to prepare for shooting.

After a few days of filming, Hugh Jackman's performance is not bad. Although his acting skills are not up to the Oscar winner level, they are still good enough for the role of Wolverine.

Since he joined the crew, from physical training to usual rehearsals, he is far more dedicated than ordinary actors and has put in a lot of hard work.

Ryan saw all these things.

There is no success in Hollywood for no reason. Behind every successful actor, countless sweats will be paid.

Not long after, another strong actor came over, talked with Hugh Jackman for a while, and then the crew officially started filming.

Hugh-Jackman showed determination and kept waving his fists, as if he had turned into a wild beast, coming from the wilderness, and every punch was full of wildness.

Another actor was also not to be outdone, waving his huge fist angrily.

For a moment, the two fisted to the flesh.

Of course these are performances, not a real fight.

"It's not bad." Ryan looked at the picture on the monitor and was very satisfied with Hugh Jackman's performance.

"Okay, take a break, and the crew will continue filming."

According to Hugh Jackman's performance, the filming of this scene can be completed in at most two or three days.

"Good job, keep it up." Ryan picked up a bottle of water and walked over, reaching out to Hugh Jackman.

"Thank you." Hugh Jackman took the water and drank it.

"Be careful, don't hurt yourself, if not, you can let a stuntman do it." Ryan pointed to the bruise on Hugh Jackman's arm.

It must have been bumped into during filming just now.

This is unavoidable. When shooting action scenes, actors will have some bruises to some extent.

Hugh-Jackman stretched his arms, "Go back to apply ice at night, and you'll be fine soon."

Ryan patted him on the shoulder and said nothing.

The crew took a break for a while and continued filming.

During the whole morning, almost all of Hugh-Jackman's scenes, besides, there was only one scene of Anne-Hathaway.

Because Anne-Hathaway went through a lot of rehearsals and professional acting teachers in the early stage, her performance was much better than that in the audition, and she passed after only calling stop twice.

Generally speaking, the shooting in the morning went smoothly without any trouble.

At noon, the crew provided a hearty lunch with more than 20 kinds of meat, as well as a lot of fruits, salads, butter, bread and other foods.

Crew staff can choose at will, buffet style.

The food was made to order from one of the better local restaurants.

Except for the earliest filming of "The Blair Witch", Ryan has never saved on diet, and the dietary conditions of almost every crew can be ranked in the forefront of Hollywood.

Enjoying a hearty meal after hours of hard work can be relaxing.

What's more, Ryan prefers to save money on actors' remuneration than food and drink. The highest paid actor in "X-Men\

,"None of them meet the minimum standards of Hollywood second-tier actors.

It can be said that the crew has saved a lot of money in terms of actors' remuneration.

Holding the dinner plate, Ryan randomly chose a good-looking steak and some mashed potatoes, plus a glass of milk, and sat on the dining table to enjoy it.

To be honest, the taste is not very good, just barely okay.

Of course this is only for his personal taste.

"You should eat more fruit."

While talking, Sofia Coppola walked over with Anne Hathaway and Hugh Jackman.

Ryan raised his head and glanced at Sofia Coppola who was speaking. There was no surprise. Her dinner plate was full of salads and other foods.

Even Anne-Hathaway and Hugh-Jackman's dinner plates did not contain meat, at most there was a piece of butter or beans.

"Please, I don't need to keep fit." Ryan rolled his eyes.

Take fruits, vegetables, salads and other foods for lunch, and it is estimated that there will be no need to shoot in the afternoon, and he will panic because of hunger.

The three sat down, and Anne-Hathaway frowned as she ate the salad on the plate, looking a little hard to swallow.

It's not that the taste is bad, but that she really has had enough.

For a period of time, she can only eat a little vegetable protein every day. Besides, all kinds of staple foods are fruits and salads, plus a few thin slices of bread.

"Ryan, I heard you didn't attend the premiere of "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace"!" Anne-Hathaway simply put down the tableware and asked about other things.

Sixteen years later, the Star Wars series was released again, and the eyes of the entire North America were focused on the premiere of "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace".

The scale of Hollywood stars present is comparable to that of an Oscar ceremony.

Ryan, however, did not go.

"No time."

Ryan took a sip of milk and said lightly, "Also, I don't want to see the top executives of 20th Century Fox."

As soon as the words fell, Hugh Jackman couldn't help but touch Anne-Hathaway, telling her not to continue talking about this topic

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The dispute between Orion Films and 20th Century Fox has been raging for a long time.

Anne-Hathaway was a little embarrassed and overwhelmed, she just forgot about it.

"Star Wars: The Phantom Menace's opening weekend is counted, and George has set a record."

Sofia Coppola said with some emotion: "The box office on the first day was 28.54 million U.S. dollars. Before Friday, the North American box office of the film had reached 40.84 million U.S. dollars, an astonishing figure."

It was released on Wednesday, and in two days on Wednesday and Thursday, it earned 40.84 million US dollars from the North American box office market.

As you can imagine, what a terrifying number this is.

"How much is the box office in the first weekend?" Ryan asked looking up.

"US$64.8 million." Sofia Coppola said a figure.

This is the box office data sent by Natalie Portman over the phone.

For this reason, she deliberately showed off in front of Scarlett Johansson, who was so angry that Scarlett Johansson almost didn't go berserk.

"In five days, 100 million U.S. dollars in box office was earned, which is indeed George Lucas's first Star Wars film in 16 years." Hugh Jackman had a look of disbelief on his face.

George Lucas once again proved the success of the Star Wars franchise.

Sixteen years later, the first part of the trilogy, "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace", was released in just five days, and the North American box office of the film exceeded 100 million US dollars.

This is a moment worthy of being recorded in history.

"It seems that I need to call to congratulate George when I go back." Ryan shrugged.

In his view, the success of "Star Wars Prequel: The Phantom Menace" is no surprise, and it is even just a beginning. The next trilogy in the future, the Star Wars series will still be successful.

Hollywood has a lot of franchises, but none of them can be as successful as the Star Wars franchise.

For a long time to come, the glory of the Star Wars series will continue.

"Ryan, do you think "Inception" released in July can surpass "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace" and win the North American box office champion in the summer!" Anne-Hathaway suddenly asked a very sharp question. question.

Hugh Jackman on the side coughed directly.

Ryan gave her a weird look, "How is that possible!"

"Star Wars: The Phantom Menace is a sequel, and Inception is an original, so it's definitely not going to be as good at the box office."

"But..." Anne-Hathaway hesitated, as if she wanted to say something.

"Okay, Annie." Ryan interrupted her, "With the box office trend of "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace", there is no doubt that it will win the summer file, and even the annual North American box office champion."

After speaking, Ryan wiped his mouth, got up and left the table.

George Lukes has helped him a lot, and the relationship between the two has always been good, so it's not suitable to talk about such a sensitive topic.

Most importantly, Ryan clearly remembers one thing. With the completion of the "Star Wars Prequel" trilogy, George Lukes will have plans to retire.

In his previous life, George Lukes chose to sell Lucasfilm to Disney for $4.05 billion.

This includes the copyright of the Star Wars series of films.

So Ryan takes his relationship with George Lukes very seriously.

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