Blackstone Code

1833 No aid

"I will never neglect my yearning for freedom for money!"

This is a relatively famous saying among workers' unions and the working class. Many people have heard of it, and it will be frequently used during some important strikes or demonstrations.

Sometimes there are variations, but the general meaning remains the same.

Its true original meaning is that "workers should not be able to unlimitedly demand to increase their working hours just because capitalists pay overtime wages." This was born when the workers' union promoted the relevant provisions of the Labor Security Law for the working class.

A worker shouted these words righteously in the hall of Congress in front of all the congressmen.

He refused endless overtime work, and even more refused the endless oppression and exploitation of the working class by capitalists through overtime work and other methods!

Later, the relevant amendment bill to the Labor and Social Security Law clearly stipulated that there is an upper limit on the overtime hours a worker can work per week.

After all, there may be some emergencies in the factory, and it is unlikely that overtime will be completely eliminated. But basically, each person should not work more than fifteen hours of overtime per week.

And the capitalist also needs to pay overtime expenses in addition to hourly wages for these fifteen hours, otherwise the workers have the right to refuse to work overtime.

If workers refuse to work overtime and are treated differently or even fired by the factory, they can sue the factory.

Many people, especially workers, take this sentence as a creed, and some extreme ones even directly refuse to work overtime for any reason, even if they are paid!

Although they are poor, they are so poor that they have a backbone. Maybe this is what they want to express.

But every capitalist knows that it is a joke!

"Two hourly wages, until twelve o'clock in the evening, if you are willing to stay, there will be dinner later, including fried chicken nuggets and a glass of beer for each person!"

When the foreman shouted these words, the workers who had taken off their safety equipment in pursuit of freedom were stunned for a moment, and then put their half-taken-off equipment back on.

Who the hell cares about working overtime or not?

Do they care about overtime?

No, what they care about is making more contributions to society. This has nothing to do with those capitalists and overtime wages!

In fact, only workers living in Bupen can understand the importance of twice the hourly wage. Even though it doesn't seem like a lot, it doesn't seem like much.

At present, Bupen's minimum wage has risen to 440 yuan, with an average annual increase of three to five percent.

But in fact, it is impossible to hire anyone in Bupen based on the minimum hourly wage.

Bupen may be one of the few cities not occupied by immigrants, no matter how exclusive or traditional the people here are.

It is simply the excessively high living standards that make it difficult for immigrants without any financial foundation to gain a foothold in this terrible city!

These steel structure stevedores can earn three and seventy-five cents from the foreman per hour, which seems like a very high salary.

If calculated based on ten hours of work per day, their monthly salary would be more than 1,000 yuan.

But that's not actually the case.

Most of the time they are in a waiting state. They are loaders, not factory workers.

They only get hourly wages when they have a job. At other times, their wages are very low. They only get about 400 yuan a month.

It is considered a lower-middle income level in the Bupain area.

This situation is actually very common, and capitalists are always smart.

Spend a certain amount of money, hire a person, and let them work without rest for thirty days a month.

They will take you to court within two weeks at most, accusing you of violating various labor-related laws.

Squeeze, exploit, and not provide the minimum rest time, and everyone will think you are a mean and stingy capitalist.

But if you spend the same amount of money and hire two people to work only half a day, give each of them half the salary.

None of them will think it's too much, and they may even think you're a good person.

After all, there is half a day to rest every day, which is equivalent to three and a half days of rest in a week.

As long as they comply with the minimum hourly wage law, no one can accuse them of anything.

And these people, if necessary, can definitely find another part-time job.

The same goes for stevedores. Capitalists pay them by the hour, but the work they can do is limited, so their income is lower.

If you can earn more, you will naturally want to earn more.

Five hours, almost twenty yuan, which is not a small amount of money.

To ordinary people.

Not to mention there are fried chicken nuggets and beer, for which they are willing to stay a little longer.

As few people left, the foreman counted the names, and then a cartload of chicken nuggets and beer was delivered.

The workers ate quickly so they could eat more because meal times were fixed.

No food will be provided when the time comes. During the time, in addition to the prescribed one glass of beer per person, they can eat as many fried chicken nuggets as they want!

At 7:25, the meal was over and work resumed.

The huge working site was illuminated by huge power bulbs as if it were daytime, and a crane transported some prefabricated steel structures to the predetermined place.

Then stevedores wearing safety equipment begin assembly operations.

Prefabricated steel structure factories have appeared in the Federation for some time, and are basically only suitable for flat-floor factories.

Because of the material, it is not suitable for high-rise buildings, but scientists are studying how to make high-rise buildings with steel structures a reality!

Hope no tragedy strikes this time!

Of course this is off topic.

After Lynch confirmed the order, he immediately started construction and expansion. In the past two years, the physical industry has exploded, and there are people who specialize in rapid workshop work.

Various large-scale steel prefabricated parts are tightened with screws, welded at the seams, and with a crane pull, workers align and reinforce the joints. A factory building can be built in no time, just as fast as stacking wood!

It’s not that the federal siege can’t be fast, as long as the money is in place!

The entire construction site was in full swing, and news spread later that Blackstone Aviation had received an order for 5,000 fighter jets.

There is no difference between the Presidential Palace and the Capitol Building. They are both big holes and small holes, and they cannot hide any secrets at all.

The outside world is not sure about the final amount of this order, but they estimate it to be at least 4.5 billion.

Of course, their guess was very accurate, and the final price was 4.5 billion.

The federal government ordered 5,000 aircraft at one time. Large-scale production reduced various costs. If they could order 10,000 aircraft at a time, Lynch could reduce the sales price to 8 billion in one go.

But they have only ordered 5,000 planes so far, and adding the previous 2,000 planes, people are going numb!

Sometimes money is just a number to a certain extent. In an era when the average person can only get four to five hundred yuan, orders worth billions have made many people completely lose their ability to adapt to numbers.

In order to get the money smoothly, Blackstone Airlines built new factories and assembly lines overnight.

Fortunately, the fighter technology of this period was not too complicated. The outer casing and the engine itself were the two most technical things.

The outer casing is very easy to solve. With aluminum alloy and stamping machine tool, this thing can be made with just a few "bangs".

The engine is a little more troublesome, but the previous assembly line can be modified and it can be produced.

In the engine upgrade, some parts were added and some parts were deleted. The overall volume of the engine has not changed much and the weight has been reduced.

It is not difficult to change the assembly line, and it can be changed in about three days.

Not to mention other things, just place an order. There are so many factories in the federation. The order is placed and then the production is authorized. The authorization is terminated after the order is over. Sometimes I have to lament the convenience of authorized production.

After the call with Mr. Trueman, Lynch also inquired about the air combat situation in the Niujiao Strait. When he knew that more than a thousand fighter jets had been shot down, he roughly understood why the military launched so many bombs at once. Big order.

He even thought that there might not be enough planes.

Before Pengeo's materials are used up, they will frantically build aircraft, because they will find that the Army is completely suppressed by the Air Force.

Instead of wasting energy on ground-to-air coordination with the federation, it would be better to increase investment in the air force.

As long as they seize air superiority, the federal army cannot push them past.

The reverse is also true. If air superiority is lost, ground forces will become a living target.

The two major powers fought desperately in the air force field, and in the end only themselves benefited.

Lynch knew this, but he did not know that Mr. Trueman subsequently rejected Prime Minister Geoffrey's request for assistance for a very simple reason.

They also lost a large number of aircraft and pilots in the Niujiao Strait, and the pilots were a little easier to handle.

Today's fighter jets are not like the extremely advanced fighter jets of the future. Even ordinary people with about two hours of driving time can fly fighter jets to fight.

Of course, whether you live or die depends on your face.

The biggest problem now is that there are no planes, and pilots are of little use.

Aircraft on the federal mainland and Midway Island are not allowed to move arbitrarily. If the Pengeo people get hot-headed, they will arrange a fleet composed of sea fortresses to cross the Eastern Ocean to sneak attack on the east coast of the federation.

Even a sneak attack on Bupen.

Without the protection and reconnaissance of fighter jets, it means that the entire east coast is undefended.

Therefore, this part of the aircraft cannot be mobilized and must be defended.

In addition, they can no longer mobilize too many aircraft.

This answer made the acting prime minister extremely angry and helpless.

Because everything Mr. Trueman said is true and irrefutable.

You can't let them give up the current fighting in all areas and send aircraft aid to Gaevra, right?

How can this be?

This also put Gevra into a more dangerous situation. Although Pengeo's first tentative landing was quickly repelled.

But next, what they have to face is the crazy attack and landing after reorganization!

Once it cannot hold on, given the size of the island and the strength of the army...

They may not survive the day of victory!

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