Blackstone Code

0407 What do we need

In the terrace swimming pool on the fifth floor, Sloan jumped out of the swimming pool after a lap, broke through the water, put his hands on the edge of the pool, and quickly turned over and climbed onto the shore.

The reporters frantically pressing the shutter button, thank God, the weather is good today, otherwise they would need to prepare a flash.

I have to say that Sloan's figure is in good shape. He is already fifty-one years old. If you don't look at his face or the thick body hair on his body, it's hard to imagine that he is already fifty-one years old. He looks at most in his thirties .

He has spent a lot of money on fitness and fitness over the years, and these are the foundations of his continuing to make money. He knows what he lives on, and he never messes around in this area.

He walked to the recliner and sat down, took two sips of ice water, looked down at the small wound on his knee that had healed, frowned and poked it with his fingers, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his wrist and glanced at his watch, his expression was a little unhappy. It had been more than half an hour and no one came up yet.

Just when he was about to ask his agent to ask the little actor what he wanted to do, the girl appeared.

It has to be said that for older men, young girls can arouse certain desires in their hearts, and the youthful breath rushes to his face, making him forget for a moment that he is fifty-one years old, as if he Also young.

He stood up with a secret smile on his face, and when he was about to walk over to hug the girl intimately and naturally, his expression suddenly froze, because not long after the girl walked out of the floor, another handsome young man.

Some people like bronzed skin, such as Sloan, this complexion will make him look healthy, more like his natural skin tone and muscles, rather than deliberate exercise, which is more in line with his image on screen and in life.

So naturally, he is also very displeased with those white and clean men, and even a little disgusted, after all, a real man should have wheat-colored skin, just like him!

What annoyed him even more was that his heroine had an intimate attitude with the young man, which annoyed him.

Just when he was about to attack? His expression suddenly shook? He recognized this guy, Lynch.

To say that there are indeed quite a few people who don't know Lynch these days? It's mainly the people at the bottom.

Compared to those serious political or current affairs talk shows? They prefer those shitty entertainment shows and immerse themselves in them.

But as long as they care a little about current affairs and have a little bit of social status? Most of them are not too unfamiliar with the name Lynch.

From his "Economic Warfare" to "Three Reasons Why Gabriel Must Lose", as well as his usual radical remarks? It is enough for people to understand him.

Sloan also knew about Lynch? He was originally a tough guy on screen, so sometimes fans would write to him or go to the place where he lived to ask him loudly for his views on some current situations.

Whenever this happens, Sloan has a special feeling, as if he himself has joined the process of making history.

As a matter of course? He will answer these questions according to his own personality and the method given to him by the agency? His attitude is also very tough and radical. The longest answer he answers is the most common words of the protagonist in the masterpiece he is famous for. "This will be the last time I bleed, and it will be your turn next time!"

Look how tough!

If possible, he even wants to make friends with Lynch? Multiple friends and multiple paths, but definitely not on this occasion.

After holding back for a few seconds, he stood up, with a very friendly smile on his face, and quickly greeted him, "Mr. Lynch? I didn't expect to meet you here? I'm Sloan? Maybe you heard pass me."

The big star Sloan, if nothing else, ninety-five percent of the federal people have heard of him, but Lynch just shook his head, "Are you famous?"

The atmosphere suddenly became suffocated, and Sloan frowned slightly, "Should you be considered famous?"

A smile appeared on Lynch's face, and he proactively reached out his hand, "I made a joke with you, Mr. Sloan, I have seen your movie, it is very exciting!"

As if he said it as if it was just a joke, but it still made Sloan a little puzzled, he still smiled cateredly, "It's an honor."

He suddenly felt that the intention of Lynch's visit might not be so friendly. He quickly glanced at the girl who followed Lynch and looked at other places, and his hot heart was splashed with cold water.

He didn't know such philosophical and profound words, but he knew that this woman was a trouble, so he had to avoid her. He began to actively avoid any contact with the girl, including eye contact. .

In fact, he didn't intend to take advantage of anyone, after all, he is a first-line star, and the hype of the scandal was just for publicity, but he was misunderstood unexpectedly, and he still couldn't explain clearly.

On the surface, Sloan maintained his image, but in fact he had begun to regret it, and felt a little wronged.

"Penny told me that you will act as the leading actor in this movie. Sometimes she looks silly. In the next work, if possible, I hope you can take care of her more." Lynch squinted Glancing at the girl who ran to the side, the girl smiled at Lynch.

Sloan quickly reacted, "Of course, supporting newcomers is what every veteran actor should do. Don't worry, Mr. Lynch."

Lynch nodded slightly to express his satisfaction with Sloan's attitude. He glanced at the chest hair that Sloan had always been proud of, it was a bit too thick, "I've been hearing some rumors about you before today, you didn't Not that hard to reach…”

Sloan was not aware of their booth at this time and the changes in the momentum of the two sides. From the outside, Sloan still felt very oppressive. His body was very strong, and his broad back gave people an indestructible feeling. .

With water-soaked hair scattered around his face, a chest covered with chest hair, and a body and limbs covered with body hair, he is as strong as a man-bear!

But if there is a mirror nearby, he can see that he is so strong, with his head bowed and bent in front of Lynch, and there is an aura called "counseling" between his unfurled brows.

Lynch, on the other hand, might look a little thin. He just stood there. Even if he wasn't strong and tall, he was standing there without a slight bend in his spine. His whole body exuded a sense of sharpness!

"If there is a chance, maybe we can cooperate!" Lynch stretched out his hand, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Sloan, I still have something to do, I have to leave early, I hope you have a pleasant journey in York State!"

Lynch was about to leave, and Sloan was taken aback again. Such an opportunity was rare, and he was unwilling to let it go. Moreover, Lynch said that there was still a chance for them to cooperate, which made him even more unwilling to miss it.

I missed this time, where will I go to find Lynch next time?

"Mr. Lynch, if you have time, can we sit down and talk tonight?" Sloan proactively invited, "I brought a cook here, he has a unique skill, maybe you will be interested? ! "

Lynch just smiled politely, "Don't bother me, I'm going to have dinner with Mr. Governor tonight..."

After rejecting Sloan's invitation, the two re-entered the hotel. Petunia held Lynch's hand. The young girl was always full of energy. Watching her bouncing and bouncing and bouncing, how much she had Some pleasing pleasure.

"How can I thank you?" The girl looked at him with gratitude in her eyes.

You must know that what she encountered today was actually very desperate for her. She ran out not to look for opportunities, but simply to escape and accept this despair.

But just because of the appearance of one person, everything changed. For the girl, the irresistible factor, like the doomsday, was vulnerable in front of Lynch. Get it all done.

As long as he stands here and beside her, it represents an attitude that others cannot resist!

From childhood to adulthood, perhaps only the role of a father can give a girl such a reliable sense of security when she is young.

From the evasive and bored eyes of Sloan looking at her, it can be seen that Sloan is not interested in her anymore, not only Sloan, but after today, few people in the entire entertainment circle are interested in her, unless the media exposes She broke up with Lynch, otherwise those idiots would not risk provoking Lynch, the leader of the youth, to pursue girls.

Lynch stroked his cuffs, "Study hard, act hard, and strive to become a..."


The girl jumped into his arms together with Bounce and Jump, and gagged him, God, are all girls so unrestrained these days?

Later, when Lynch met the governor, the governor looked at him with a strange expression, "You...", he didn't know how to express it, because Lynch's lip was cut.

The corners of Lynch's eyes twitched twice, he touched the slit on his lips, and Made was bitten.

His expression made Mr. Governor realize something. The latter sighed softly and said with a smile, "It's really good to be young. I was like this when I was young. Girls like me. Who can they be my girlfriend for?" There was also a fight..."

The chat ends here, Mr. Governor is very good at narrowing the distance and relieving the strange atmosphere, he immediately changed the topic, "Mr. Lynch, I have noticed some of your speeches in public, the most What is impressive is that your statement that 'the Commonwealth needs to win' has been borne out."

"I am amazed that you have such a terrible insight at such a young age, it is really enviable."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and then asked, "The Federation needs a victory to restart our development and future, so what about York State?"

"What needs to change in York State to change where we are now?"

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