Blackstone Code

0408 Unity is strength

The easiest way for Mr. Governor to seek re-election is to meet people's demands.

So what are people asking for now?

The answer is simple, that is, to have a job, even if the benefits do not meet the minimum requirements of various labor-related legal provisions, as long as you have a job.

With a job, people will have a bottom in their hearts and will not be as hesitant as they are now.

With a job, people will be full of hope for the future and full of energy!

As long as this problem can be solved, even if it shows the attitude of "we are on the way", it will be able to gain the support of the people. If some effective results can be made, there is no doubt that Mr. Governor will be re-elected.

But the question is, how to solve these problems?

Everyone knows how to solve one thing, it's like a homeless person on the roadside uses the money donated by others every day, why not beg?

Because begging is illegal in the federal government, homeless people have to change the way they work. They will randomly find something that people care about or don’t care about, and then set up a donation box to persuade some passers-by to donate to their project. Help as much as we can.

Mainly financial help, but in case some feminists would like to warm them up, the bums would love it too.

The advantage of doing this is that the Federation can proudly say that we have no beggars.

These bums, after drinking the spirits bought with money from their benefactors, would often lie in piles of cardboard boxes and newspapers, thinking that as soon as they woke up, he would go find them at dawn. a job.

Even if it is physical work, he will earnestly complete it, then change himself, and work hard to make himself a valuable person, a living person.'s always just wishful thinking, poor people know that earning money can change their lives, just like Mr. Governor knows that increasing employment will save York State and get re-elected.

Everyone holds the truth, but they can never reach out their arms to touch it.

He is a politician, he is not a businessman, he can only order from a higher perspective, in a tone similar to the ruling class, to order the leaders of the cities below, "Hey, let me say, our employment rate should be higher. Do you understand the improvement?"

Nothing can be done but highlight these issues and call the shots.

Of course? This is just an essential performance? This does not mean that everyone is like this. For example, Mr. Governor interviewed Lynch? He also interviewed more people? Just to change, to promote this kind of situation more directly Variety.

He looked at Lynch very seriously? The miracle Lynch created has shocked the entire Federation. Maybe he can still create a miracle this time?

Lynch thought for a while? He didn't expect Mr. Governor to ask such a profound question when he came up? He needed time to sort out his thoughts.

After about seven or eight minutes, Lynch probably had an idea in his mind, and the smile on his face became brighter.

"We need industry trusts, we need monopoly giants!"

An earth-shattering sentence? It directly made Mr. Governor raise his eyebrows.

Since the first batch of federal people who came here used their flower-studded weapons and brightly colored knives to teach the natives what is love? After what is peace, monopolyism began to prevail.

The profit of a business done by one person far exceeds that of everyone doing it together. It is just a hypocritical reason for the weak to hold together to keep warm and fight against the powerful.

As long as someone has the strength and foundation of monopoly, he will not say such stupid things as rich people.

The federal business atmosphere at that time was very chaotic? Businessmen often equated violence with violence. Take the original railway tycoon as an example? He used various violent means to destroy other people’s railroad tracks, smashed and even assassinated competitors? So much so that the entire Federation Almost half of the railways belong to him directly or indirectly.

Every industry is so chaotic, the newly born federal government can't fight these capitalists with hundreds of thousands of armed forces? It can only let monopoly prevail.

The birth of oligarchs put the federation in the shadows for at least forty years? It wasn't until the federal government decided to completely destroy these monopoly capitalists who endangered the society and endangered the personal and property safety of the people that the federation embraced the sunshine of the free market.

Since then, the Federation has promoted dozens of laws on eliminating the emergence of commercial monopoly groups, strictly monitoring all capitalists in the country.

Anyone who is involved in the issue of monopoly is afraid to avoid it. Even in the Senate of the Congress, there is an agency called the "Anti-Monopoly Measures Committee", and the National Security Council also has a corresponding agency to investigate monopoly companies.

Anti-monopoly has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but at this time, Lynch actually put forward the statement that "monopoly enterprises can save York State", which made Mr. Governor immediately think that Lynch might be in a daze, he must not know what he was talking about What.

But then, he himself felt that Lynch's words were a bit interesting.

He didn't show his liking or disliking for Lynch's statement on his face, but he still listened carefully, nodded slightly, "Go ahead."

With such a sentence, Lynch knew that Mr. Governor began to resist from the first moment, and then began to explore the possibility inside.

He crossed his legs easily and took out a cigarette. With Mr. Governor's permission, he lit the cigarette and took a puff.

The cigarette was caught between his fingers, and that hand was pressed on the knee of his upturned leg. The green smoke curled up, and he also exhaled slowly. A sudden puff of smoke changed between the two of them. invisible.

Through the ever-changing smoke, Lynch looked at the person opposite, "We are always afraid of monopoly and are unwilling to touch it, but the ultimate goal of most businessmen is monopoly."

"Because a monopoly can bring huge profits, we can control an industry, set our own standards, and have pricing power."

"Even if it's just a pebble, as long as we monopolize it, we can sell it at the price of gold, because no one else can get it from anywhere except us."

"We always say that monopoly will bring destruction and instability. Our understanding of monopoly is still in the period when monopoly was prevalent in the past. We only see bad things and ignore things that are not actually bad."

Mr. Governor repeated, "Not a bad thing?"

"Yes..." Lynch nodded, "It's actually a good side."

As he spoke, he changed the subject and his tone slightly strengthened, "Mr. Governor, do you know that the steel tycoon monopolizes 70% of the steel business in the Federation, besides making some businessmen run out of business, what else has he brought?" ?”

Mr. Governor shook his head, "I don't have any research on this, but I believe you must know."

Lynch took another drag on his cigarette and flicked the ash, "Yes, he brought countless jobs."

"For ordinary people, whether it is a monopoly or a fair free market, none of these have any direct impact on them."

"Whether they have monopoly capitalists or small entrepreneurs or factory owners above their heads, they all have to work."

"People wouldn't buy things if they weren't sold at a reasonable price, so before the Antitrust Law came out, the people who were really hurt were the capitalists."

"Those small and medium-sized enterprises have become the targets of exploitation by monopoly giants. Although ordinary workers are also within the scope of their exploitation, this does not mean that small and medium-sized enterprises do not exploit workers, or that only monopoly giants will exploit workers."

"What if we got rid of the bad ones and kept only the good ones?"

"Under the packaging of the existing worldview, values, morality and sound laws, what will the newly born monopoly look like?"

Lynch stubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray, "Local pillar enterprises!"

"In fact, monopoly has always been by our side, and has never left. It just faces the world with a different face!"

"The situation in some cities in York State is more severe than others, and the real reason is that some of the mainstays of the economy have gone bankrupt, and the impact of these business bankruptcy has far exceeded the impact of this economic tsunami."

"If you want York State to quickly restore its economic ecology, then we need a dominant monopoly enterprise!"

In a sense, the Ristorian Group can be regarded as a large group company with the embryonic form of a local monopoly enterprise. It is precisely because of its bankruptcy and the economic tsunami that it caused a series of chain problems.

If the Ristorian Group has not fallen now, then as the Federation defeated Gefra in the naval battle and gained more status, and then the Federation's products began to be sold all over the world, the economy would immediately improve.

There is no doubt about the dominance of the pillar economic enterprises, combining the power of a state can easily wipe out most of the non-pillar enterprises.

Overseas, there is also enough dominance. If the federal government gives some benefits, such as tax rebates, or reaches diplomatic cooperation to exempt goods from taxes, then the federal economy will begin to recover rapidly in three to five years.

But the problem now is that there is no such enterprise in York State. It lacks dominance and cohesion. Large and small enterprises are like a mess, fighting on their own, or even competing with each other.

This kind of internal friction and the competitiveness brought by international trade will cause more and more small and micro enterprises to go bankrupt, and it will be difficult for large enterprises to survive. This is almost predictable.

They didn't think about uniting and twisting into a rope. After all, there are many interests involved. Of course, this also has something to do with their inability to sing.

How is that song sung?

By the way, unity is strength!

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