Blackstone Code

0687 Recruitment

"What's going on with the Gaevra people now?" Lynch turned around and walked back to the chair from the window and sat down. The decoration style here and Gaevra are mostly chairs, with occasional small independent sofas. Like the Federation, there are couches everywhere.

It is said that the Gefra people also criticized the Federation for the prevalence of hedonism, and the sofa has become one of the several crimes in the Federation.


The locals who came over whispered, "They have been frequently holding various events to gather together recently. I heard that they are discussing the next competition with federal businessmen."

Amelia's policy changes have reached the ears of merchants, which is indeed a big thing for the merchants of Gefra.

The nobles no longer interfere with capital, which also means that they do not need to envy the freedom of federal capital, although this freedom is limited to the province of Amelia.

But this is also a considerable progress. Once some changes in Amelia are proven to be valuable, they may gradually be fed back to the local area, and eventually even the local capital environment will also undergo some changes.

However, there is also a small problem here, that is, how to curb the unbridled expansion of the Federation while still retaining some profits, so they have been discussing some countermeasures during this time.

To Lynch, this discussion was comical.

Because no matter what the businessmen in Gefra do, they are no match for him and other federal businessmen. They have a trump card!

Those cheap labor are the trump card, and this advantage is difficult to erase in a short time. More importantly, even if the locals do not side with the federals, they will never side with the Gefra people.

The various criminals captured by Lynch were not handled by Blackstone Security people, but were handed over to the Gefra people.

Not long ago, the Gefra people were deeply "persecuted" by local resistance groups. They were either assassinated or suffered terrible armed attacks. Only bad news came every day. Many Gefra people were buried here.

This kind of hatred cannot be completely destroyed by a few words or an administrative order. For the Gefra people, the locals are definitely the group of people they hate the most.

Therefore, they are happy to take charge of the most important link in the entire plan, which is the shooting link. Governor Seder also intends to let the Gefra people do this in order to re-establish the majesty and dignity of the Gefra people in the region. image.

As for some minor problems that are not very important, he believes that they are not actually a problem.

It's like a farmer doesn't care whether the pigs in the pigsty are satisfied with their daily meals, their living environment, and their owners.

All they care about is the weight of these pigs, their fatness and leanness, and the price of pork.

Racial and class antagonisms make it difficult for them to catch up with federal merchants.

Lynch sat on the chair and thought for a while, and then gave his first move to take charge of the "overall situation" here, "Starting from tomorrow morning, we will recruit workers in all major areas of Zhulis."

The local who came over was stunned for a moment, "Mr. Lynch, do you mean 'recruiting workers'?"

He repeated it in more detailed phrases, thinking he had heard wrong.

The middle and upper classes in Amelia's original society have basically made a choice, either to join the Gaevra people or to join Lynch who just came here, but there are more local people who have taken refuge with the Gaevra people.

Most of these people were speculators. Before their motherland completely rented this place to Gaevra as a concession, they had time to leave, but these people did not leave. They wanted to speculate and gamble.

Once they rely on their already prominent status or reputation to embrace the lap of the Gefra people, they can easily become "below one clan and above ten thousand people". Even ordinary Gefra people are not as important as them.

Only some people who thought that all the decisions they made were stupid, and who were completely disappointed with the Gefra people, switched to the federal camp.

There are not many of these people. For example, the person in front of Lynch who has switched over feels that the top priority now is to seize the market with the Gefra people.

The construction of infrastructure is one thing. This is very important, but there is no rush. What is really urgent is the entire market. There are less than 20 million people in Amelia Province. As of today, this market can be said to be completely blank. .

Whoever can seize these markets first will be able to reap wealth continuously in the future.

He thought that Lynch would use many methods to fight this battle beautifully, but he did not expect that he would actually recruit workers.

"I want to ask why?" Lynch, who was sitting behind the desk, looked at the middle-aged man standing in front of the desk, with a smile on his confident face. "Because you may not understand kindness, but it doesn't matter. Press me Do what you say, we will recruit two thousand people in Zhuris first, and the salary will be the same as that of the Nagaril people..."

He pointed at the middle-aged man who was leaning over and said, "Do as I say!"

The next morning, after half a month of bloody suppression, Zhuris had a nice weather. There were no clouds in the sky, the slightly hot sunshine shone on the entire earth, and the smell of summer spread in the air.

There were still not many people on the streets, a little more than the previous few days, but only a little, and actually the change was not that big.

At nine-thirty in the morning on such a day, two locals appeared on the once busiest street in Zhulis.

The broken bricks on the ground and the remaining bullet holes in the walls seem to record the atrocities committed by some people, and the once lively streets are not as lively as before.

Some old people who were not afraid of death were squatting under the corner. They covered their faces with peaked caps and seemed to be resting.

Shaking shadows appeared behind the windows of the houses on the roadside, looking curiously at the two people holding signs in their hands.

The sign was hung next to a street lamp with a broken bulb, and people looked at it from a distance. It said "Recruiting factory workers, daily payment, one yuan (federal Sol)", and below it was a contact address.

It's simple and crude, but the effect... doesn't seem to be very good.

Not just this place, this sign is hung in several once bustling places. The salary listed above is not high, but it is definitely not low.

Especially now that almost everything in Zhulis has come to a standstill, having a job with a daily salary is very tempting to people!

The sunlight moved from the eastern half of the sky to the southern sky. The sunlight became brighter and the temperature became higher.

Some old people sitting slumped on the roadside moved to shady places one after another, looking at everything around them with aimless eyes.

"Are you going to...send someone to show off?" Someone asked the locals who came to seek refuge. The man shook his head.

Lynch didn't dare to do anything without further instructions.

At the same time, there was another group of people who were also curious.

"You think...what is his purpose for doing this?"

In a window, businessmen from Gafra looked at the recruitment sign exposed to the sun and couldn't figure out why Lynch was crazy.

They instinctively look down on and even hate local people. Even if their factories need manpower, they will directly ask the locals who have taken refuge in them to send them suitable workers.

But recruiting... is this necessary?

You must know that Lynch still has a lot of cheap labor in Nagaril. There is no need for him to recruit workers from the local area. The people here are all mobs.

"Maybe he wants to please the locals!" a businessman expressed his opinion.

"To please?" Someone suddenly had a different opinion, "Is it necessary?"

This is also what everyone is confused about. Is it necessary to please these humble locals?

They couldn't figure it out, but they might as well treat it as a joke. In a cool place, drink wine with ice cubes, taste the best solid colors from the Federation, and talk about their vision for the future.

Without the constraints of the nobles this time, they will definitely create miracles!

Seeing that noon was about to pass, suddenly there was a boy standing by the window, pouring wine for everyone or moving some ashtrays, etc. He suddenly whispered, "Someone is applying!"

Several wealthy people in Gefra stood up immediately, and went to the window to look at a thin-looking young man standing there under the sign not far away, asking something.

Not only their eyes, but also the eyes of many people were also looking at the young man.

There were local people, people from the Governor's Palace, and federal businessmen, but not Lynch's gaze.

He doesn't pay attention to everything here because he knows that this move will definitely succeed!

In fact, his purpose of doing this is very simple, to cultivate impulse consumption in the market.

Someone in the Federation once conducted an investigation. In fact, it was not just this world, but someone in another world also conducted a similar investigation.

The subjects of these surveys are workers in some daily commodity factories, and the content of the survey is to ask them about their choice orientation when choosing daily commodities.

Amazingly, most workers will choose their own work brand products as their first purchase intention. In fact, no one asks them to do this, but they do it.

They will also spontaneously denigrate other brands' products, as if they have a stake in the factory.

This somewhat strange consumption choice and impulse can lead to more things. Blackstone Capital has already shown their strong side here, and the next step is a gentle policy.

Moreover, as non-invaders of the Federation, they are more likely to be recognized by the locals than the Gaevra people. Coupled with a series of subsequent methods, the Gaevra merchants will not be able to compete with the Federation people at all.

By the way, the novel app I’m using recently, [app ] is supported by both Android and Apple phones!

At least he can't compete with Lynch!

After the first person successfully registered, a second person came out of the shadows, then a third, a fourth...

More and more people came around. Seeing that the lifeless faces had become more alive due to the successful registration, the expressions of the Gevra merchants had already undergone some changes.

At this moment, Lin Qi was not paying attention to the situation here at all. He was talking on the phone.

The guy on the other end of the phone was Mark, the nephew of the former mayor of Sabine City. Lynch invited him to work in Amelia because Lynch had a job he was familiar with and he could use his experience to better to complete these tasks.

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