Blackstone Code

0688 Bad food

Mayor Langdon has now become a congressman after his connections have transferred to other states. When a politician reaches this level, they don't need some front figures to help them cover up something.

Bupen's foundation will proactively contact them when necessary, and some shareholders will transfer their stocks to them at extremely low prices.

Of course, these are legal and in line with the principle of free market trading. Because it is not a listed company or a private equity fund, the price of the stock will not be affected by market factors and is very low most of the time.

At this time, running some business matters seems to be a bit penny wise and pound foolish.

People, the media and even political opponents sometimes strongly link their businesses with power, making people mistakenly think that these are the products of money and power transactions.

Therefore, the federal government does not prohibit government officials from doing business, but politicians more or less try to avoid these things.

Mark lost his job. He originally went to Nagaril to look for opportunities, but the effect was not very good.

After all, Mark is used to receiving benefits from policies. He is not very skilled in these businesses that require him to compete and fight.

The former Mayor of Langdon, who is now Councilman Langdon, seems to have lost the momentum to continue to help him. This is most likely because he defrauded Hart of a lot of money in the low-cost apartment project, not just his money, Mayor Langdon also invested a lot of money.

To a certain extent, this loss cannot be entirely blamed on Mark, because this project was approved by Mayor Langdon himself, so Mark believed that Hart would not risk offending the mayor by going to the blackpool. Their uncle and nephew's money.

But once people are on the brink of crisis, they dare to do anything to offend God, let alone the mayor, so Hart disappears with the money, leaving only a broken stall and a lot of investors who were deceived.

It is very likely that because of this reason, Mayor Langdon is a little...disappointed with Mark. It may be disappointment, or it may just be simple displeasure. After all, he also lost a lot of money.

Without Congressman Langdon giving him the green light, it would be difficult for Mark to make large sums of money by doing nothing all day long like before. Lynch's call came to his rescue.

"What do you want me to do?" Mark did not tell lies like "I am doing well". Lying was meaningless to his current situation.

Lynch's back was to the window, and the sunlight outside the window could only trace his outline, but the sunlight could not stay on his face. He tapped his feet on the horse stool and played with a lighter in his hand, "Food factory." "

"Food factory?" Mark was a little surprised, "Will you set up a food factory over there in Amelia?"

His tone sounded hesitant, as if he wasn't sure whether this was a good project, even if it was Lynch who proposed it.

When he was working as a food factory in Sabine City, he knew very well that they would lose money, serious losses, and even dry ingredients would turn into wet ingredients in the end. The reason was that if water was not added to make the relief food look heavy, they would lose even more. many.

The reason why the food factory was able to operate in Sabine City was mainly to rely on government subsidies to make profits. The profit was not very much. It was also to maintain the image of the mayor at the time, and he worked for nothing.

Now, if there is no good subsidy policy, dry food factories in backward and chaotic areas like Amelia are likely to lose money.

Lin Qi knew what he was worried about and comforted him with a smile, "I will become a shareholder..."

At the same time, Lime angrily threw the receiver on the landline and did not answer the call.

Cross-border calls still need to be manually transferred multiple times. He dialed Lynch's number in Amelia, but every time the operator told him that the number he dialed was on call or out of order.

It was impossible for the operator to run out and follow the line to check whether there was a call or a line failure for a call, but this was unacceptable to Rhyme.

Just last night, he had spent a very pleasant night with several traders. Shorting electric motor companies had brought them huge profits.

The new technology announced by the Electric Machinery Company and the large order received from Amelia made the Electric Machinery Company's stock soar into the sky unstoppably like a volcanic eruption. It is precisely because its price is high enough that it will be special when shorting. So cool.

Every time the price of a stock drops, the short-selling account will have more money. This is a good thing. But just this morning, the three major exchanges suddenly removed the short-selling stock from the bulletin board at the same time. .

The reason is that the motor company filed for bankruptcy and is now entering liquidation and litigation procedures. All related transactions have been terminated and the results are awaited.

It is not unheard of in the history of the federation that a group of people shorted a company's stock and then delisted or even went bankrupt, and everyone made a fortune.

But there is a prerequisite, that is, after the company is delisted, it can buy the stocks from the secondary market and return them, and the legal procedures are fast.

Until the legal process is completed, everything is frozen and cannot be traded. Even if there is one trillion in an account, it is worthless if it cannot be taken out.

After the motor company was delisted, Lem immediately found a lawyer he was familiar with to inquire about the situation. Generally, there would be some ventilation in the lawyer industry for cases like this that are relatively high-profile.

For example, which legal team represented whom, who helped litigate the case, or whether there was any inside story about the whole case, whether it would last too long, etc.

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The result of the inquiry made Lem very heartbroken. The complexity of this case exceeded people's imagination, and it was impossible to end it in a short time because it involved a contract with a liquidated damages of up to 900 million federal soles.

Nothing will be thawed until both sides end the lawsuit.

It might take three to five months, it might take three to five years, it might be... a lifetime.

According to federal law, a criminal lawsuit will not be heard again for more than 20 years, unless the two parties can reach an out-of-court settlement on their own, and the court will ultimately make a final decision.

In other words, as long as one party keeps supporting it, the money in Lime's account will always be frozen and cannot be withdrawn!

Is this possible?

Of course it does, and it happened more than once, so there are various related laws!

He poured most of his money into it, and what was even more frightening was that his clients' money was also in it.

A few days ago, these people wanted to praise him to heaven. They brought all the best things in the world to him, but he still had to taste them according to his preferences.

But once these people know that they may not be able to get their money out for a long time or even in their lifetime, they will turn into demons in hell and tear him apart.

He picked up the phone again and couldn't control his trembling fingers as he dialed the number with difficulty on the dial. "Yes, transfer it for me...thank you!"

His voice was trembling as he walked back and forth, praying that the call would get through. After two manual transfers, the phone finally rang with a normal busy tone.

"Thank God!", he drew a gesture in his hand, hunched slightly, and stood at the corner of the table, holding the receiver in one hand and holding it across his chest with the other. The pride of yesterday was no longer on his face, only fear and fear disturbed.

The phone was connected after two rings, and then Lynch's voice came from inside. This voice seemed to have some magic, which made Lem calm down a little.

"Boss, the motor company filed for bankruptcy protection, all assets were frozen, and the trade fair was delisted..." He tried to keep his voice from shaking, but it was difficult to do so.

He said a lot, but Lynch didn't say anything. He couldn't help but ask, "Boss, are you...listening?"

"Of course, of course, Lem, I'm listening, the motor company declares bankruptcy, and then what?" Lynch's voice was as smooth and stable as ever, and he even made a little joke, "You won't tell I, my accounts haven’t been closed, have they?”

"No, boss, I helped you clean up those accounts as soon as possible, but I...the accounts of mine and the company's customers are all in it now, what should we do?"

Lin Qi smiled and said, "You are the boss of the company. I think you have to ask yourself this question. And I believe that the motor company will be able to get out of the process soon. By then, won't everything be solved?"

He was just too lazy to care about these things. He had already reminded Lem to avoid risks, but that was the case with many people. They believed more in their own abilities and judgment.

Just because Lem didn't follow Lynch in selling his and his clients' orders didn't mean that he and Lynch were no longer on the same team, it was just that he had his own ideas.

This is like a child who has listened to his parents since he was a child, but eventually when he grows up, he will have his own ideas. He will ignore the advice given by his parents and take the initiative to learn from failures. This is normal. .

It cannot be said that just because a child has his own ideas, he is not his parents' child or a member of the family.

This is just a lesson and an accumulation of experience.

As for how fast the process goes?

It is definitely impossible. There is a liquidated damages of 900 million involved. Regardless of whether Sauron actively joins this lawsuit or not, the Megan Consortium will drag him down until they completely resolve the possible hidden dangers from a legal perspective. After that, the process will be terminated.

For a consortium with rich experience like the Megan Consortium, they have a complete process to completely invalidate the contract, but this takes time.

A long time means that there may be millions of funds trapped in the account that cannot be moved. History has told people more than once that the faster the society develops, the faster the currency will depreciate!

Judging from the current development of the federation and the frequency of international trade, the speed and magnitude of inflation will also be astonishing.

Every extra day you stay means your wealth is reduced by one point, which is reduced by a percentage!

Asking for monthly tickets

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