Blackstone Code

0776 Talking about you? [14/14]

Lynch and his group did not communicate with others, and others seemed unwilling to have any contact with them.

If those internal affairs prosecutors mistakenly think that they are also opportunists, they may also suffer.

This group of people sat here for more than an hour. Although they did not communicate with other people, they listened to almost everything other people chatted.

To sum up, there are two contents.

First, we must support His Majesty the Emperor.

Second, we must support the Prime Minister.

The little earl looked at Lynch and wanted to say something, but held back until Lynch discovered this and looked at him.

Through his eyes, the little earl seemed to understand Lynch's thoughts. He asked the question in his mind, "Mr. Lynch, will the Prime Minister... definitely win?"

Today, the mainstream idea in the Privy Council is to elect a new noble to serve as a representative of the Privy Council, enter the ruler's hall, and occupy the position of a powerful minister.

People seem to be very interested in this idea, and many nobles believe that it is time to revitalize the importance of the Privy Council. It can no longer be regarded as a place for retirement. It must play some role.

And this effect starts with grasping power.

At that time, the new Chancellor of Finance can directly select people from the Privy Council to serve in various key departments. At the same time, everyone has been together for such a long time and knows each other very well, so there is no need to worry about employment and loyalty issues.

This mainstream idea is very popular, far surpassing the idea of ​​​​making the prime minister also serve as the finance minister. It is obviously normal for the young earl to have some doubts.

Worship is worship, but it does not mean that you become mentally retarded.

Lynch asked him to ask, also to appease others.

If he takes the initiative to explain why he thinks the Prime Minister still has a great chance of winning, it will give people a very stiff feeling, as if he is looking for reasons to persuade everyone.

But if someone else asks, no matter how carefully he answers, people will get rid of this layer of worry.

"The Chancellor of Finance is a very special position. It cannot have its own faction and must remain isolated among ministers..."

Lynch had a smile on his face, "If the Chancellor of Finance starts to form his own aristocratic group, he will become everyone's enemy, whether it is the Prime Minister or His Majesty the Emperor!"

The value of the money bag is to prevent hands that should not be inserted into the money bag, but this money bag cannot have its own ideas and cannot form an aristocratic interest group around itself.

This will touch the interests of all ministers. After all, all ministers' budgets come from the national treasury, and the finance minister is in charge of the treasury.

Once the finance minister has his own party, it will be very troublesome for others to get budget allocations. The finance minister can stand up to them and even use this as a threat to force them to make certain concessions and compromises.

Therefore, anyone can form an interest group, except the finance minister. He can only do his own things in his own small territory.

It can even be said that the previous finance minister had almost no defense, and the corruption he exposed to the world was not because he was too arrogant, but just a way for him to protect himself.

Whether it's the emperor or the prime minister, if you want to get rid of him, you don't need to collect evidence. He has already collected his own evidence. Only in this way can he firmly be a "centrist"

If the Chancellor of the Exchequer is appointed by a noble member of the Privy Council, there will be big trouble.

The grievances of the nobles in the Privy Council are no joke. Over the years, the Privy Council has become a nursing home. It is impossible to say that the nobles have no objections to this.

Originally, everyone was still at the center of power, but now they have been kicked out. Once they are returned to the center of power, can these people in the Privy Council maintain a stable state?

Obviously it is impossible. You must know that the nobles in the Privy Council account for more than 80% of the total number of Gefra nobles. Among these nobles are some hereditary nobles. Their background is no better than those of the ministers in the ruler's hall. How much difference.

When these nobles unite together, what they form is not just a force, but a torrent!

Even if all the ministers join forces, they may not be the opponents of the nobles like the Privy Council. More importantly, what they are stuck in is not an insignificant department, but an important department like finance.

Be it the military, the prime minister, or the emperor, will you want to take money from the treasury?

Yes, but let’s wait for the Privy Council to hold a meeting first. How much and how to get it can be decided only after the meeting!



If those ministers and emperors do not intend to go to war with most of the nobles of the empire, it is best not to mess around!

The surrounding little nobles stared at Lynch in amazement. They had no idea that there was such a contest behind everything, and this also meant that Lynch's guess was correct.

There is no way that the Chancellor of the Exchequer will appear in the Privy Council. The Prime Minister is certain to win. The Prime Minister is certain to win from the beginning. There is no suspense.

Even His Majesty the Emperor knows that the Prime Minister will definitely win. This is nothing more than having more time to make some deals, make some concessions and compromises.

Of course, it is also possible that he wants to take this opportunity to win over the nobles in the Privy Council again. Once the Prime Minister also serves as the Minister of Finance, there will inevitably be some discussions and rumors.

For example, if the Prime Minister stabs the Privy Council in the back, this kind of pain can make some nobles stand in the Emperor's camp again.

When the next opportunity arises - Your Excellency the Prime Minister is no longer young, he will not be able to work for many years, and then the emperor will have the opportunity to regain financial power.

With the support of more nobles, the next prime minister will definitely not be able to defeat His Majesty the Emperor!

The struggle between the Gaevra nobles and the emperor is simply a traditional drama. From ancient times to the present, everyone has participated in it with joy, and the thunder is heard quietly.

really interesting!

"So..." Lin Qi crossed his legs and shook his head again, "The prime minister will definitely be able to take over the financial power, and the emperor will definitely give in. There are some key points that I don't understand, but they are not important."

"None of these things have anything to do with us. We can keep our money, and that's enough."

"Money will become more and more important!"

Lynch's words were well-founded, well-reasoned, and his speculations were very accurate. People trusted his judgment and felt at ease.

In the afternoon, His Majesty the Emperor was reviewing some documents. Suddenly, the royal steward interrupted his work, "Your Majesty, Baron Lynch wants to see you."

There was a proud smile on the corner of the emperor's mouth. He felt that Lin Qi might have come here to beg for mercy. The thought of this little Gou Ri's coming to Gaevra triggered a series of coincidental events that gave him a terrible headache. He wanted to be cruel. He punched Lin Qi several times in the face.

Fortunately, now he is here to beg for mercy. This young man who always doesn't take anyone seriously should have seen the crisis coming soon.

His Majesty the Emperor thought of what was said in a book - No matter how many times you lose, it doesn't matter, because as long as you win the last time, all failures are the best embellishment of your success.

He felt that this was describing the "competition" between him and Lynch. Of course, using the word "competition" was obviously a bit excessive. He didn't think it was a competition, it was a kind of... confrontation.

Even though Lynch had defeated him many times, he won this time.

Once Lynch is confiscated and bankrupt, he will never have the chance to return to Gefra. At that time, His Majesty the Emperor plans to send people to the Federation to ridicule him, expose his actions, and let the people of the Federation laugh at him.

Thinking of the bright future, he put down what he was doing, took off his glasses, and said, "Let him in."

Not long after, Lynch came outside the study.

He knocked on the door, and there were some echoes in the study.

It was said to be a study, but it was actually more like a small library. The emperor sat in the center. He glanced at Lynch and asked him to come in, and asked the chief steward to bring some tea and pastries.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" His Majesty the Emperor looked at Lin Qi with a smile. He was waiting for Lin Qi to beg for mercy. "Maybe I can give you a little help!"

Lynch did not confess his crime as he imagined and begged himself to let him go.

He watched the young man put a portfolio on the edge of his desk and motioned for him to take a look.

His Majesty the Emperor picked up the file bag with some confusion, flipped through it and pulled out a document with "Investment Project Document" written on it.

"Investment?" His Majesty the Emperor did not continue to open it. He threw the document back on the table and his expression gradually became colder. "Is this what you want to tell me?"

At this time, the chief steward came in with tea and cakes. After Lynch thanked him, he turned and left.

After he left the study, Lynch was holding tea, crossing his legs, looking leisurely, "Yes, me and my friends, you know, we just made a lot of money."

His Majesty the Emperor sneered, "Really?"

Lynch was like a fool who couldn't understand His Majesty the Emperor's performance, "Yes, he made a lot of money, several hundred million."

"We intend to use the money to invest..."

His Majesty the Emperor was a little impatient. This was not his script. He raised his hand and interrupted Lynch, "I don't care about this, but I want to remind you that the Prime Minister is investigating the Yuanrong case. If you have illegal transactions, the Empire The law will not let you go."

Lin Qi was unmoved. He put down the tea cup and looked directly at His Majesty the Emperor, "You know, it is very impolite to interrupt others. As the Emperor of the Empire, you should have a mind as broad as the sky..."

"As for the illegal transactions you mentioned, I don't think they exist. All our transactions are legal and comply with the laws and regulations of the empire."

"Finally, maybe you are not interested in reading that project document, but I still want to tell you that we plan to invest all the money we earn in the development and reconstruction of Amelia Province..."

His Majesty the Emperor's eyes were briefly blank, "What...did you just say?"

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