Blackstone Code

0777 leopard

As soon as Lin Qi opened his mouth, His Majesty the Emperor was unable to continue speaking.

The main reason for the lack of development in the province of Amelia is that the nobles are unwilling to go there. On the one hand, the province of Amelia is a "concession". In this world, there is no such thing as a permanent concession that is more than a hundred years old.

No matter how long the lease term is, the concession must be returned when the time is up.

In other words, if the nobles invest a lot of money in the development of this area in the province of Amelia, then in one hundred and twenty years, when this area develops, it may even surpass the area on the island of Gefra in terms of economy. When it expires, it must be returned to its "original owner"

Then so many years of time, energy, and wealth will eventually be given to others at a cheap price, and it is also Gefra's enemy country. This is simply staking the enemy.

After this area is taken back by the original owner, is it possible that they will give preferential treatment to the nobles and merchants of Gefra?

It's impossible. Thank God they didn't arrest the Gaevra nobles in a big way. In any case, at least they would expel the nobles.

This also means that the one hundred and twenty years of hard work of the Gaevra nobles will be in vain. The assets that a noble family has devoted all their efforts to will eventually become the property of others. How can they be interested in responding to the call of His Majesty the Emperor and develop there? ?

Before this, there were some sayings that Emperor Gaevra did not intend to return this land. They would definitely take over the entire country when the next war broke out and use it as an outpost for Gaevra to conquer the world.

But the problem is that so far people have not seen any hope. To conquer a continental country, the invader must first have a strong army.

Gefulra's army... would have been good if they didn't invade them. The nobles didn't think that the emperor's words would ever come true.

This is not pessimism, just fact.

Secondly, once the province of Amelia develops, the status of Gefra Island will become very embarrassing.

The families of the nobles are all on this island, with huge land, beautiful villas, and stern castles...

There are also various valuable real estates. The wealth accumulated during these times is firmly tied to the island in various forms.

Once the development momentum of the province of Amelia is better than that of the island, the wealth of the nobles will shrink by half in an instant, because the shift in wealth and power will lead to the gradual decline of the island.

How could the nobles facilitate such a thing?

After 120 years of development, while giving away the wealth gained during these years to a hostile country, in the process, they were also constantly cutting their own scalps to provide blood transfusions to the province of Amelia. It was impossible for nobles to do this.

Everyone knows that developing the province of Amelia is currently the only way to get out of the "trapped island". However, due to the trend of interests, people are still unwilling to obey His Majesty the Emperor's request to develop the province of Amelia as much as possible.

There are issues of principle and bottom line that cannot be shaken.

Even today, there are very few nobles developing in the province of Amelia. Except for some officials who serve there, no other nobles are willing to go there.

For this reason, His Majesty the Emperor was very troubled. He was always thinking of ways to "drive" the nobles away. He even proposed the idea of ​​moving the palace to the province of Amelia, but he still did not achieve anything. improvement.

Lynch's words at this time gave him hope.

This is true of everything, from children learning to walk to apprentice knights picking up swords for the first time, no matter what it is, there is a first step, a crucial first step, in ignorance.

His Majesty the Emperor was silent for a moment. He looked at Lin Qi, weighing some options in his mind. Occasionally, he would lower his head or look elsewhere to prevent Lin Qi from looking into his eyes for too long and exposing his thoughts.

To this day, he will never treat Lynch as a young man again.

He had just talked to the Prime Minister about taking down "opportunists" like Lynch to appease the entire market. Unexpectedly, Lynch proposed another idea first.

This idea is very tempting.


Compared with satisfying the shortcomings of some financial investors, the development of the country is obviously more important. One is the joy, anger, sorrow and joy of the common people, and the other is the inevitable path for the rise of the empire. His Majesty the Emperor still knows very well how to choose.

His current hesitation is just to create an illusion for Lynch. I really want to agree, but it is not easy. Even if I agree, it will be very reluctant.

Lin Qi looked at His Majesty the Emperor's performance and was already convinced of him. He just looked at it... and saw that His Majesty the Emperor was a little embarrassed.

According to the script, Lynch should put forward further conditions to impress him at this time, and that's what adding more money means.

If one is not enough, give me another.

But Lynch didn't show any signs of it. His Majesty the Emperor told himself not to be angry. This was Lynch's strategy, but he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

He glared at Lynch, who raised his eyebrows with a smile, "Your Majesty, we discussed before that about 30% of our investments will provide about 30% of the jobs to the people of the island."

"The salary will be a little higher than the average salary. Maybe that will shut up some people, don't you think?"

His Majesty the Emperor didn't understand what Lin Qi meant at first, but it didn't take long for him to understand, and his expression was a little strange.

"Do you want those marchers to go to Amelia to work for you?" The emperor said in a somewhat high tone, "Ha, that's really funny, Lynch."

"I'm not blaming anything, it's just that you took their money and asked them to work for you...Are all federal people as shameless and greedy as you?"

Facing His Majesty the Emperor's "accusation", Lin Qi's face showed no dissatisfaction at all. Instead, he had a sincere smile, "Your Majesty, you may not know, shameless and greedy. These words are more important to people like us. It’s like a compliment.”

"You may have heard of shameless and greedy businessmen, but you have never heard of kind-hearted businessmen."

"We praise warriors with their bravery, and praise sages with their wisdom. These are their exclusive praises, and they are no different from shamelessness and greed."

Lin Qi's point of view was very strange. His Majesty the Emperor thought carefully for a while and nodded subconsciously.

Indeed, if we use "brave" to describe a sage, it is definitely not a compliment.

It was just Lynch's attitude that made the emperor very emotional. He would not let his emotions fluctuate because of other people's opinions, nor would he be happy, sad or angry because of things that had nothing to do with him.

Even if he doesn't like Lynch, he has to admit it, Lynch is excellent.

"Talk about other ideas..." His Majesty the Emperor became serious. He picked up the pen and was ready to write and draw at any time.

Lin Qi knew that he had successfully impressed His Majesty the Emperor. He stood up with a smile and said, "It's an honor, Your Majesty."

"In my plan, a large number of factories, especially light industry and processing industries, which do not require high thresholds, can accommodate a large number of jobs and will be very helpful in stabilizing the security of Amelia Province."

"More importantly, if we can provide less biased jobs to locals, we can also effectively resolve the hatred between Gefra and locals."

"No matter how we cover it up, at least some issues cannot be covered up, such as massacres..."

The emperor frowned when he heard this. He interrupted Lynch, "That was not a massacre, just an orderly execution of some criminals."

Lin Qi smiled and did not argue. Everyone knew whether it was a massacre. Carloads of people were transported to the execution ground, and then killed in batches, and then sent to landfill or burned outside the city.

Until now, the soil between the gaps between the bricks on the ground in some city centers is dark red or black, all soaked with blood. Even if it rains several times or dozens of times, it cannot change its color.

Lynch said this not to irritate His Majesty the Emperor, but to remind him.

He was reminded that the relationship under the current stable rule was not friendly and friendly, and there was still irresolvable hatred. What the Gefra Empire had to do was not to reignite the conflict, but to find ways to resolve it.

It is obviously a good way to let people have a stable life and improve their quality of life.

In Lynch's description, education, employment, and a relatively free environment, these policies that are completely different from those in Gefra's native country, will influence the people.

The example of Lynch and other nobles can also impress some nobles who are watching. Not all nobles have a profound background. There will always be some, like the small nobles around Lynch, whose families have been born for a short time.

They are more adventurous than traditional nobles and more willing to try.

At least they have little chance of developing in their home country. The resources here are occupied by the old nobles. If they want to develop, they can only go to Amelia Province.

Lynch's plan was not complicated at all, and there was nothing pretentious about it. It was just that simple.

After His Majesty the Emperor listened, he thought about it for a while. He felt that Lynch's plan was still very feasible.

The most important thing is that he and his group of friends are willing to use all the money on the development and reconstruction of Amelia Province. This is crucial.

At the end of the conversation, His Majesty the Emperor had roughly understood all of Lynch's thoughts, and a lot of content was written on the paper in front of him, leaving it for discussion with other ministers.

At the end of the conversation between the two, His Majesty the Emperor asked a question, "I am very clear about what you said. Do you have any requests?"

"For example, you need some policy support, tax exemption, or other things."

"If so, tell us and we will discuss it together to avoid procrastinating the matter too long."

Lin Qi nodded, "I really have a small request..."

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