Counterfeit Hero

Volume 4 Chapter 59 Voyage Diary

In the 31st century AD, after the Global Federation experienced crazy expansion and immigration in the Age of Exploration, the immigrant planets unified under the control of the Federation began to differentiate. Different immigration airspaces, different cultures, and different political orientations made Vietnam The increasingly powerful immigrant planet's voice for independence is growing.

Under the leadership of the Vibo Galaxy, which was already very powerful in terms of military power at the time, some immigrant systems began to confront the Earth Federation. This confrontation was just some economic and political friction at first, and later it gradually evolved into a protracted war. , which was the first cosmic war that ultimately led to the complete disintegration of the Ball Federation.

Due to the strength of the Earth Federation, this war of immigrant planets fighting for independence did not achieve the results expected by both parties. In other words, no party was the winner in this war. Although the ancient Earth Federation has disintegrated, the order of the universe has been completely disrupted. The continuous war has lasted for nearly a thousand years. Many immigrant planets have been annexed by powerful neighbors. The immigration governments of the original Earth Federation era have also been defeated by self-respecting military forces. Replaced by General Fang.

Dynasty, hegemony, democracy, freedom, independence, honor, resources, love and hatred.

It was a vast era. Humanity, while experiencing catastrophes, did not stop exploring. Great inventions were researched one after another, changing human life and the situation of the world; star fields were destroyed one after another. After exploration, the great wave of human migration became more and more turbulent in the war.

In this era, a young officer named Chen Xiuqi left a drop in the ocean of that era with his diary.

December 16, 3021 AD:

Laboratory research finally has preliminary results. The child starts to think. Although we do not understand what he is thinking and cannot communicate with him, some tests accurately tell us that he is really thinking. Like a one-year-old child, he makes certain judgments unconsciously from time to time.

This news made everyone in the laboratory crazy with information. Human beings finally have another form of partner in the vast universe. We no longer seem alone.

December 23, 2021:

The Weibo people's attacks are becoming more and more aggressive. Although the solar system is sacred to all humans, this does not guarantee that these rebels clamoring for independence will not attack here frantically. Why do they want to be independent? Do they think they are aliens and do not belong to human society?

Is the space age the end of human unity?

January 1, 3022:

The new year has begun, and the child has been transplanted to the Discovery spacecraft. In order to have appropriate defense and camouflage, the scientific research spacecraft was designed into a lunar-class support attack ship. In this turbulent era, I don't know if it is a good idea, but the galaxy the spacecraft will explore should be very far away from the war.

It's better to have some deterrence. At least, those space pirates will know better and stay away from us.

I am a little scared to become the captain of this spaceship. After all, I am not a professional commander.

February 2, 3022:

Today is my 31st birthday. While she traveled tens of thousands of light years to the earth to celebrate my birthday, I boarded the Discovery and began the journey. The child is still like that, unable to communicate. Perhaps, during space travel, he will start the real evolution process. Once the evolution is successful, the Vibo people will not be able to resist a living fleet.

The other No. 6 experimental computers in the laboratory were all judged dead, and none of them woke up. Could it be that the child was just an accidental product?

May 7, 3022:

The child's performance was still unsatisfactory, and the judgments he made were more like programmed conditioned reflexes. It has been three months since the evolution program started. We don’t know what this artificial intelligence, which faithfully executes our orders every day and observes every detail of our lives, is thinking, or maybe it has nothing at all. think.

Professor Li said that after a child absorbs all the knowledge instilled in him, he will truly think. We cannot artificially influence artificial intelligence to form its own personality.

However, what child is not influenced by his parents? And... those Zhouyi, Bagua, Tai Chi, martial arts, and thick black studies, what does Professor Li want to turn the child into? Really looking forward to it.

August 9, 2022:

Are the nebulae, rays, particles or God in the vast universe influencing children, or is the evolutionary process at work? We were finally delighted to find that the child began to show some habitual movements. However, apart from habitually adding a smiley face to the end of the program, most of the time, the child is still just a central computer with the most cutting-edge technology today, executing commands meticulously.

Could it be that boring Professor Li added that symbol? If so, if he goes back, he will definitely get a beating. Even if he is a mentor, this joke is too big.

It's a pleasure to return home, even if we only discover a useless public system.

September 1, 3022:

Damn it, how could we be so unlucky to meet the Weibo fleet, and now, they are right behind us, chasing after us.

September 3, 2022:

The battle continued, and we who accidentally broke into the Wibo fleet assembly area were treated as a reconnaissance ship of the Federation fleet.

The Weibo people are always unable to catch up with us. I understand that this is all due to the child. He can always choose the most accurate escape route in the shortest time.

Children, have they really evolved? We still don't know for sure.

September 5, 3022:

Something is wrong with the child, and our instructions cannot be effectively implemented. At this juncture, this is undoubtedly fatal!

The child seemed to be scared. He only chose the most effective escape route. We were getting farther and farther away from the ball and the federal fleet that could call for help.

September 6, 3022:

White dwarfs, black holes, meteorites, what other dangers have we not experienced?

Now we are experiencing another danger, passing a never-explored jump point and God knows what is on the other side of the jump point.

There is no way, if we don't get here, we will have become dust in the universe. Everyone is praying.

September 23, 2022:

Should I be thankful or should I cry?

The end of this one-way jump point is neither a black hole nor a star, just a meteorite belt. When the spacecraft rushed out of the jump point, it hit a meteorite and lost 50% of its power.

If it cannot be repaired, we will be exiled in an unknown star field.

October 20, 2022:

The battleship continues to decline, yes, I used the word decline. The environment of this unknown galaxy is too harsh. Various blows continue to hit the Discovery, but the children seem to be getting stronger and stronger. .

Yes, strong! I am a scientist, and it is difficult for me to use my meager knowledge to describe the mysticism of the universe, but I can feel the power of children.

Some of the crew are starting to get sick, and no matter what, we have to get out of here.

November 1, 3022:

Discovery's functionality is restored to 80 percent, and we're ready to leave this galaxy.

December 20, 2022:

We ventured past the jump point to reach this planet, and the dangers along the way made it hard to believe we were still alive. When Discovery finally entered the atmosphere, it could no longer hold up. It malfunctioned and was captured by the geomagnetic black hole. We had no choice but to make an emergency landing. The spacecraft almost crashed in the violent impact and lost most of its functions. Perhaps, we still have Chances are fixed it.

Now, I feel like Robinson Crusoe living on a desert island. This is an immigrantable planet that has not been explored by humans. If we can't go back, then how many years later will someone come here?

One hundred years or one thousand years?

When Tian Xingjian saw this, he felt a little sad for a moment. He knew that the young captain named Chen Xiuqi had never left here again. In the end, all 12 scientific researchers and 16 combat crew members on the ship died one by one. It was not until 3760 AD that the Little Pyrenees galaxy and the Mozic planet were discovered. Several decades later, in 3800 AD, the first recorded immigrants appeared on the Mozic planet.

After taking a look at the bored flying detection robot beside him, Fatty didn't expect that this guy could be considered an orphan, and he had been alone for thousands of years!

Continuing reading, the end of the diary reads:

January 18, 3074

I am about to die, my companions have left, and only me and the child are left on this lonely planet.

The child's consciousness has evolved to the level of five years old and has formed a certain personality. This may be my last diary entry. My body can no longer allow me to come here again. The analysis and research report on children and this diary are the only legacy I leave to this world.

I canceled all the identification and alert procedures of the ship, and gave the child the final instructions. He cannot leave here before humans discover this place. I don’t want to let an artificial intelligence bring harm to humans because of losing human control. disaster. And whoever discovers this place will become his new master. I believe we have left a miracle to the world.

Children are created by us, and they belong to all mankind!

I am sorry for my life and I am proud of my life.

After giving an artificial intelligence control program, the diary ends.

The fat man stared at the diary silently, feeling as if his heart was in turmoil. According to the diary, after the spacecraft disappeared, the Earth Federation's military laboratory should still exist, and those who presided over artificial intelligence research could not be affected by the war. You know, the Earth Federation's real and complete disintegration took place hundreds of years ago. After years of protracted war, and that laboratory had already had a successful experience, why didn't they continue?

Humanity has been working hard to study artificial intelligence, but no one has succeeded in four thousand years. In the long river of history, an accident pushed human civilization to another direction. If artificial intelligence had appeared thousands of years earlier, the world would have been What it looks like, no one knows.

One of the most critical inventions has been buried deep into the depths of the earth by fate. Is this the luck of mankind or the misfortune of mankind?

Everyone understands what artificial intelligence means to mankind, which means both the exploration of a broader universe and more precise strikes. Perhaps, artificial intelligence can enable the current human society to step out of the cage, or perhaps, artificial intelligence will only expand the ambitions of war fanatics with unsatisfied desires.

"We're developed!" The fat man with a heartless heart had no consciousness of benefiting mankind at all. He looked at the "child" beside him and drooled excitedly with joy. The only artificial intelligence in the universe actually appeared in front of him, and as long as he followed the final program settings of Chen Xiuqi's diary, he would become the master of this artificial intelligence.

"They say, you have to wait a thousand years." The fat man said to the flight detection robot leisurely while following the program settings, "You have waited four thousand years to wait for me, it is fate." The fat man had a wretched smile on his face. Like a flower, it looks like a weasel ready to be courted by a hen.

The flight detection robot looked at the fat man seriously for a while, and finally sighed and said: "To be honest, I really didn't expect that the human being who has been waiting for thousands of years would turn out to be a white and noisy fat man. I am very sad. "

"Damn, uneducated, that's called disappointment!" The fat man raised his eyebrows and lectured, "I'm fat, you are so sad and sexy, do you understand?"

"You are uneducated!" the flying detection robot curled his lips, "I'm not too disappointed. After all, you are in line with my temper. You are despicable and vulgar enough. Such people are the strong ones of mankind and can make me feel a little safer." Feeling. What makes me sad is, why aren’t you a beautiful woman?”

"Of course my mother is a beauty!" the fat man said honestly and honestly.

After all, the flying detection robot had never really communicated with people. He was slightly startled and explained: "I'm not talking about your mother..."

"Then think of me as your mother!" The fat man turned his face, "You haven't learned anything good, you miss women, and you're starving?"

The flight detection robot said: "This is called My Fair Lady, and a gentleman is always jealous."

"Only a gentleman has a good ball. You are just a robot. Don't think that looking like a ball means you are a good ball." The fat man changed his mind and asked doubtfully, "Why do you have such a need?"

"I'm a robot, not a eunuch!" the flight detection robot said angrily, "Why can't I have such needs?" As it said, a mechanical tube stretched out from its body and was connected to the central computer. Countless pornographic scenes immediately appeared on the screen, and the flying robot said in a trembling voice, "It's all because of this damn thing!"

The fat man said contemptuously: "This thing can also murder you? I have been immune to this since I was three years old!" The bitch pointed at the screen with his finger, foaming at the mouth, "Look, this is completely unprofessional, old man Pushing a car is not an old man repairing a car. The subtlety of this trick lies in the word "push". The hand is the two doors, and you hit people with them! To reach the top of your head, if you don't use your hands well, the effect will not be achieved. This trick makes When you get to the sound place, the sand and rocks are flying, the sun and the moon are dim..."

The "child" had never received such higher education. He was speechless, fascinated, and nodded his head. But the fat man finally said: "This is basic knowledge. If you want to learn advanced knowledge, I will help you find a female robot in the future and slowly teach you how to operate it on the spot! Seeing as you don't understand anything, why don't you change your name?" Just add the word "fart" among children!".

"Little brat?" The flying robot reacted and said angrily, "Protest!"

"Reject!" Fatty said calmly, "If you keep complaining, I will change your program to impotence!"

The little kid trembled all over and finally remained silent. The fat man's punch hit its vital point. As an artificial intelligence that yearned endlessly for the real human world, the little kid stayed in the lonely underground for four thousand years, every day. He has repeatedly digested and absorbed the stored knowledge, so he understands how painful it is to be mentally castrated.

"In a moment, I'll change your body!" The fat man glanced at the kid with disdain and began to seduce him, "My mecha is the top one in human society today. I have everything you want, including..." The fat man He slapped his right eyebrow twice obscenely and said, "That job."

"Mecha?" The kid was a little confused, "What is a mecha?"

Fatty said: "Robots controlled by humans and used for combat are divided into humanoid and animal forms. Mine is a humanoid mecha that can transform."

"Boss!" The kid immediately changed his mind, "Tell me, who do you want me to kill?"

"No one needs to be killed!" Fatty said with a smile, "However, there is something wrong with that mecha now. I need parts to repair it. I guess you don't have any ready-made parts here. Let's see if there are any materials that can be modified or processed. Put your Show me all the information!" As soon as he finished speaking, a list immediately appeared on the central computer screen, and the little kid said in a disgusted voice, "I haven't said anything, boss, brother, I am being naked and candid now!"

The fat man secretly admired, ***, it's a miracle that a child with no one to teach him can become like this. If we really want to put this grandson into human society, I guess civilization will not be able to hope for progress.

Looking at the list, the fat man was suddenly stunned, pointed to a row in the list, turned to the little kid and asked: "What is this martial arts secret book?".

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