Counterfeit Hero

Volume 4 Chapter 60 Martial Arts Secrets

"Martial arts secret book?" The little kid looked at it, pondered for a moment, and said with a profound expression: "This is amazing. This secret book is a complete martial arts collection handed down by an expert in ancient times!"

Tian Xingjian, who had just realized the benefits of mecha martial arts, heard this and quickly asked: "Are the martial arts powerful?"

On the little kid's spherical body, two cameras turned around, and he couldn't hide his pride and said: "Of course it's awesome! With his supreme wisdom, this expert has combined the ancient Chinese martial arts including Wudang, Shaolin and folk mysterious sects. The essences are blended together, and after repeated extraction and refinement, they finally form the seventy-two moves that are invincible in the world. Soft yet strong, hard yet soft, lustful yet gentle, fierce yet coquettish, indestructible and pervasive!"

The fat man made a sound in his mouth, nodded his head in shock, and asked: "You are so powerful, what is the name of this expert?"

The little kid sighed and said: "The name of the master has disappeared in the long river of history, so don't mention it!"

The two looked at each other with a sigh of relief.

The fat man was certainly sighing because he longed for the masterful demeanor of his predecessors, but did not know the names of the masters. What the little brat was thinking was: "***, you changed the name of a master into a brat. How can this be so unkind?"

This guy's mouth is full of lies. This so-called martial arts secret book is actually something that the little kid himself created during his thousands of years of idleness. In the massive hard drive of the little kid, all the martial arts of ancient China are stored. These martial arts were originally data from the secret experiments conducted by the Greater China Military Region of the Ball Federation, and were mainly used for the research of close combat by super special warriors.

Traditional martial arts are naturally different from those described in martial arts novels. Although these materials are the essence of Chinese martial arts, they are not satisfying for little kids who have been poisoned by martial arts novels. As a child who has read too many classic martial arts novels such as "The Swordsman", "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword", the more I read, the more I feel that traditional martial arts is different from martial arts novels. It's just too bland.

The Great Shift of the Universe, Dugu Nine Swords, Nine Sun Magic, Flower Finger, Dragon Claw Hand, Mutual Hands, Finger Flick Magical Power, Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Dog Fighting Stick Technique, Six Meridians Divine Sword and other unique skills in martial arts novels. How fascinating.

With nothing to amuse himself in the long lonely time, the little boy finally decided to use his super computing power to combine the martial arts moves in martial arts novels with traditional martial arts.

In ancient times, the Manchus used a fabricated "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" to conquer the world and establish the Qing Dynasty. Today, little kids want to use fabricated martial arts novels and combine them with the essence of traditional martial arts to create a set of shocking and unique martial arts that weeps ghosts and gods. study!

Therefore, in four thousand years, the little boy extracted some logical martial arts concepts from martial arts novels, took the essence and discarded the dross, combined it with traditional martial arts moves and training methods, and finally used speed, power and efficiency With scientific calculations, he began to create whimsical martial arts creations.

Easier said than done. Not to mention that the descriptions in martial arts novels are just fragments. How difficult it is to deduce the entire martial arts thought that is logical and can be applied to reality. Just say that the little kid is an artificial intelligence, even if he knows the human body How can it have any personal experience with all the meridians, acupuncture points and the routes of qi and blood flow? Not to mention any internal strength. In addition, the ideas of various martial arts are originally very different and even contradictory. How easy is it to combine the slow Tai Chi with the flying knife of Xiao Li in Gu Long's novel?

Therefore, this martial arts secret book that took more than three thousand years to create is actually a set of so-called martial arts composed by a kid using scientific calculations and whimsical ideas. Most of them are based on its own Let's imagine that if such a robot is trained by humans, it will have two consequences: one is that it goes crazy, and the other is that it is exhausted and the person dies. Even if it is trained to death, it will not be possible.

The fat man clicked on the document with the four characters "Martial Arts Secrets" and sighed in his heart: "This master is really unsophisticated. Even if he doesn't learn a few skills for this set of martial arts, such as the Killing Palm, the Life-Destroying Knife, the Upward Stick Technique, and the Golden Robbery A powerful name like "Unfalling Technique" cannot be named with just four words: "Martial Arts Secret Book", it looks so tacky!"

When the "Martial Arts Secret Book" was opened, the master was not too wordy. He started with a clear explanation of the principles. The first move was the Nine-Yang Magic Kung Fu. The fat man shivered and almost lost his breath. Is this a move? Amazing!

Then look down, the second move is the Great Shift of the Universe; the third move is the Lingbo Micro Step; the fourth move is the Soul-Destroying Palm; the fifth move is the Dugu Nine Swords; the sixth move is the Six Meridians Divine Sword... Seventy-two moves, Nine Yin Manual. There are seventy-two movements in total, each of which is named after a superb magical skill in the novel.

Seeing these familiar and exciting names, Fatty immediately decided to learn and become a master no matter what!

Although the 70th move in the Sunflower Book is unavoidable and frightening, it is the last of the secret book after all. As long as you are careful, stop immediately when you see the word "self palace", or at most completely abolish the martial arts, you can guarantee your sexual happiness.

Scroll through the catalog to see the first move of the Nine Yang Magic Skill. The secret book says: Nine Yin and Nine Yang, which one is weak and which one is strong, when Yin and Yang are reconciled, the world will be king. To practice the last move of the Nine Yin Manual and reach the invincible state of harmonizing Yin and Yang, you must start with the first move of the Nine Yang Divine Skill. This move is a collection of all the most powerful and powerful martial arts, and it is extremely powerful and fierce.

The next few hundred pages are all about the breakdown of this move, including the power calculation formula, angle selection diagram, footwork geometry diagram, attack point selection diagram, speed and timing mastering theory, etc., hundreds of thousands of words. The fat man just looked dizzy. I just feel that this senior master is simply too powerful. Not to mention creating a unique skill and establishing a sect. He can become a doctor just by learning the scientific theory involved in the first move.

The fat man has always been a bachelor, especially when it comes to life-saving skills. He is most willing to work hard. He gritted his teeth and understood bit by bit. However, after looking over and over, the fat man finally sighed and asked the kid Said: "Do you think this secret book was really learned by someone?"

The little kid asked curiously: "Why do you learn it if you don't learn it from a human?"

The fat man said angrily: "Look at this paragraph, he forced him to force the breeze to blow on the mountains, he allowed him to force the bright moon to shine on the river, he strengthened himself, he suppressed himself, and I am fully armored. This *** is practiced by people. ? Are you trying to train your body armor? Look at this comment again, the Qi is transported to the Dantian, the true Qi flows, and the muscle fibers instantly increase in density. When the Qi arrives, the engine power increases to 70,000 rpm, and the force penetrates the whole body, transforming into liquid metal instantly Increase the defense of the attacked part, what do you mean by this?"

The little kid was speechless for a moment. He still knew the difference between real people and robots, but when he first established this martial arts, he didn't understand the internal force and internal skills at all. The qigong in the materials, It's also specious. Even if you develop the sense of Qi in your body, I haven't heard of anyone jumping three feet high with this thing. Otherwise, the Olympic high jump record would have been broken long ago.

Since there was no reference and it was all based on imagination, I naturally made the settings according to my own way. Who knew that a real fat man would appear thousands of years later and insisted on learning this Kung Fu, but he accidentally boasted too much, and now he has to stop it. I couldn't speak, and I was a little embarrassed for a moment, but I said forcefully: "Then how do I know, the senior masters wrote this, you can practice if you want to practice, if you don't want to practice, don't practice, what does it have to do with me? I can't tell, this The senior master is a senior master robot!"

The fat man thought for a long time, then suddenly slapped the little kid and said happily: "I understand, this is not a human martial arts secret book, this is a mecha martial arts secret book! This first move, the creature of my mecha The instantaneous transformation of two-state metals is a coincidence. If what is said in the book is applied to the mecha, it will not be a problem at all!"

The little kid originally felt guilty, but when the fat man found out the reason, he immediately shouted: "Yes, yes, this must be the secret book of mecha martial arts. Take a good look at it!"

The two of them had their own answers, and both of them were very satisfied. The fat man never expected that the artificial intelligence would actually brag and lie, and he was also obsessed with martial arts and was temporarily blinded by lard. He studied the secret book carefully, and the more he read, the more he felt that he was right. The little brat managed to get away with it, and he was always a little proud of having deceived someone for the first time.

It can be considered that there is God's will in the dark, and this set of martial arts, which has been calculated, deduced and combined by artificial intelligence for thousands of years, is indeed a set of top-notch mecha martial arts. Because the creator Xiao The kid itself is a mechanical being, and the mecha does not require meridians, acupuncture points, or internal strength to fully display the subtleties of martial arts moves.

Although this set of martial arts has high requirements for mechas and operators, the one who got it was a fat man with a background as a mechanic and his biological two-state metal mecha.

The first move, the Nine Sun Magic Skill, is actually a combination of three moves, namely, rushing in, solidifying armor, and breaking defense.

Fatty had never thought of the footwork used in the sudden advance. It could be said that it was incomparably exquisite. He moved and attacked according to the Bagua direction. Not only could he hide most of the attack surface of his body, only exposing the armor-reinforced parts, but also, in an instant, Three punches were thrown out simultaneously, two empty and one real, making it difficult for anyone to defend against.

After carefully looking at the boxing route and point selection map, the fat man couldn't help but exclaimed, this is not the Nine Yang Magic Skill, this is completely an enhanced version of Monkey Picking with a powerful and powerful move! .

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