Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 47 Massacre (Part 2)

20? ? On January 6, 2011, the Feiming Allied Forces defeated Siyo Langman's troops, and twenty of the Feiming Allied Divisions advanced westward at high speed along the intercity highways that crisscrossed the western part of the basin. The troops are invincible wherever they go.

The flames of war are burning in every inch of land in the western part of the Sunset Mountain Basin.

The morale of the Soviet-Japanese coalition forces, which suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Sunset Mountain, was already very low. After discovering that he had fallen into a trap, he had no fighting spirit. In addition to the Sunset Mountain offensive troops fleeing in all directions, the garrison troops at strategic locations in the western part of the basin also gave up their positions in front of the Filipina Alliance troops. Retreat to the west.

Viewed from the air, in the western part of the basin, which is nearly 60 kilometers wide and stretches from the Shyrocks Mountains in the south to the Socrates Mountains in the north, countless armored groups are rolling up dust and galloping in all directions. Between two mountain ranges. There was gunfire and gunfire everywhere, including the advancing Fei League armored units and the Western York soldiers raising their hands in surrender.

Medical officer Chen Juan frowned, sitting in the swaying medical mecha, holding back the turmoil in her heart.

This medical mecha is named Holy Light. It's bigger than any regiment-level command mecha. There are twelve intermediate medical cabins, six. Operating theater and thirty-two beds. If deployed into a field hospital mode, it can treat more than 200 wounded people at the same time.

However, because this type of mecha is a battlefield emergency mecha, it needs sufficient survivability. Therefore, in terms of comfort while traveling, it is not as good as other models of medical armors.

Ji Liu designed it with thickened armor, portholes smaller than a human face, a powerful engine and a beast-shaped drive system. When it is in traveling mode, people sitting inside feel like they are trapped inside. He was placed in a small, airtight dark room next to the noisy engine room, and then thrown into the wild winds and waves to bump up and down.

That kind of pain is enough to turn even the strongest lion into a sick and pitiful cat!

Chen Juan bit her blue lips tightly, and her green onion-like fingers tightly grasped the armrest of the seat. In the other seats next to her, the faces of other members of the medical team were also not very good-looking.

However, everyone is patient. everybody knows. The main control pilot of the mecha, instead of paying attention to them at the moment, was constantly increasing his speed. Except for the medical mecha they were in, the command headquarters dispatched almost all the medical teams.

The place they want to go is Sunset Mountain!

Battle of Sunset Mountain. It has ended. The highest peak is only over 200 meters above sea level. In the end, it blocked the successive attacks of more than a dozen armored divisions of the Western York coalition forces.

No one knows, that one. What does the mountain look like now after being ravaged by artillery fire for more than ten hours? However, nearly 60 medical mechas were dispatched from the headquarters, which not only emptied out all the medical warehouses in the rear, but even left one-third of the medical staff in the counterattack troops. This can be remembered in everyone's mind. Sketch a rough picture.

The atmosphere in the cockpit was dull and depressing.

A few minutes later. The mecha that had been climbing upwards stopped, the green light came on, and the heavy hatch slowly descended with the hydraulic lever and landed on the ground. The sunlight poured in through the hatch like a flood, making it difficult to keep one's eyes open. Chen Juan narrowed her eyes slightly and was the first to step out of the mecha. Sunshine and fresh air were what she needed most at the moment.

However, the moment she stepped out of the mecha, the color in Chen Juan's face completely disappeared, becoming as white as a piece of paper.

Her eyes were turning with difficulty. The members of the medical team walked up to her one by one. He also stopped and looked at everything in front of him with dull eyes.

In front of me is a hell under the sun.

On the low hilltop, winding trenches crisscrossed each other and stretched into the distance. Thick smoke rose from the still burning remains of the mecha. Sloping up to the sky with the wind. The entire position. There was a pungent burnt smell.

Corpses with missing limbs and pieces of grotesque mecha remains were stacked on top of each other, spreading out into the distance and down the hillside, covering the entire field of vision.

Quantity, thousands!

Steel and flesh, black and red, come head-on without any foreshadowing and impact everyone's hearts. Some of the densely packed corpses were just a blur of flesh and blood. Some of them became blackened coals in the burned-out remains of the mecha, and more of them were just lying quietly, lying on their stomachs, kneeling, sitting, or curled up.

A section of the trench less than two meters away from the mecha has collapsed, and the bottom of the trench is less than five meters away. There were at least ten corpses piled up. There are Sousse people in it and there are Chakna people in it. These dead soldiers were covered in mud and had mutilated limbs. It's not like I'm missing limbs. There was a shockingly large hole in his chest and lower abdomen.

The red flesh was turned outwards, and muddy water flowed under them, all black and red mixed with blood.

Broken weapons. Scattered randomly around. Bullet holes, large and small, are connected one after another. The metal bulletproof walls of the trenches had been blown into pieces. What should have been silver-white metal plates had turned into twisted metal bars of different sizes, splattered with shocking radial blood stains.

This is not the lush hill that can be seen looking up from Sunset Mountain Satellite City. This is the end of the world where the devil has come.

With a sound, Chen Juan vomited violently. Even though she was used to seeing death and all kinds of horrific trauma, she couldn't accept the tragic scene in front of her.

Perhaps it was due to Chen Juan's influence, or perhaps the mecha was jolting too hard, and other members of the medical team. His face also changed drastically. The two female nurses, who had poor endurance, vomited until they were black. Several male doctors also had wandering eyes and pale faces.

"Why are you still standing there?!" A stern roar came out. After waking up everyone, Chen Juan raised her head and saw twenty meters away. A lieutenant colonel was waving to him desperately: "Hurry up, bring the mecha over here!"

Next to the doctor, there is a relatively flat open space in the center of the position. It looks like a mecha concealment room with the explosion-proof shelter removed. Two smaller green light medical mechas have already started hospital mode there. Hundreds of soldiers were moving back and forth carrying stretchers, and dozens of nurses and medical officers were busy carrying medical boxes and medical trays.

The four patient bed frames deployed by the medical mecha are each ten meters high and twenty meters wide. It was already filled with stretchers. Rays of blue light were moving in a grid that was one meter long and wide. That was for wound disinfection and physical examination. Those who were seriously injured were quickly pulled out by the mechanical arm. Send it to the mecha's operating room or liquid medical cabin. .

In the distance, more wounded people were being sent over in a steady stream.

The medical team who came back to their senses quickly climbed over the trench, stepping on the mud and ran towards the field hospital. The mecha pilot also quickly drove the mecha to the open space next to the hospital and started the deployment mode.

For doctors,

Chen Juan has completely forgotten her physical discomfort and fear and devoted herself to her work.

The arrival of the Holy Light, a large-scale medical mecha, immediately improved the efficiency of this temporary hospital. The two members of the medical team who arrived earlier breathed a sigh of relief. They were busy supporting the soldiers who were transporting their injured comrades, and smiled gratefully at Chen Juan and others. Everyone was refreshed.

Just after handling a wounded person, Chen Juan heard a sudden noise coming from the front of the position.

She straightened up and saw the soldiers, covered in mud and with their faces full of gunfire smoke, running towards them with four stretchers. The crowd surged like waves, and their roars were heartbreaking.

There were more than a dozen Chakna soldiers carrying the stretcher. The stretcher that could have been carried by two people was carried by a group of four of them. There were people on the left and right of the stretcher reaching out to help. They ran this way quickly. There were people in front waving their hands desperately to clear the road. Where there were trenches, people would immediately jump down and let them walk forward on their shoulders.

Even the other soldiers around were running after the stretcher. It seemed that even if they couldn't squeeze into the crowd and couldn't help, they could still contribute by running along!

Before Chen Juan could figure out what happened, the crowd was already rushing towards her.

"Sir, save them, save them!" The voice of a second lieutenant who ran to Chen Juan first was filled with tears. He begged and quickly got out of the way.

The Siyu stretcher appeared in front of Chen Juan. Lying on it were four bloody mecha warriors. They lay silently on stretchers. Apparently they all fell into a coma. Their helmets had been removed, and their muddy bodies could still be distinguished from the dark blue uniforms of the Chakna soldiers.

The four wounded were of different ages. The older one should be over thirty years old and the younger one looked to be only twenty-one or twelve years old. Their temperament is nothing like that of regular soldiers. Chen Juan was very familiar with the temperament of soldiers, and except for a captain in his mid-twenties, the four wounded in front of her were all ordinary soldiers with low military ranks, or in other words, more like militiamen.

"Sir, save them!" In her ears, countless soldiers begged with cries, making Chen Juan's heart feel as if something had stabbed her.

She raised her head without knowing why, before her eyes. They were faces that were so dirty that their appearance could not be distinguished. These young Chakna warriors. Some bit their lips and looked at themselves hopefully, while some had red eyes. Holding back tears. More people were already sobbing, and tears flowed out from their eyes, leaving white grooves on their dirty faces.

"Major, we must save them no matter what." The lieutenant colonel who had been directing the temporary hospital's treatment work squeezed into the crowd and said to Chen Juan with red eyes: "They are the mecha warriors of the bandit army. They are not blocking us." , Sunset Mountain can’t hold on now!”

Bandit army! this. The words suddenly made Chen Juan understand.

She heard this name more than a hundred times in the past two days. She understands better, if it is not the bandit army. Not only Sunset Mountain, but also the entire Leifeng Star battle situation will be completely different!

Countless Western armored troops will be covered in billowing dust. Speeding over the plains of Phoenix City, the iron eagle-like fighter planes will turn the city into a sea of ​​fire. The city residents in the rear have just stabilized. Will die in gunfire. When Leifeng Star is completely occupied by Xiyo, the warships that cover the sky will pass through the vast universe and break into the jumping points of other star fields in Chakna. There was no need to listen to what the lieutenant colonel and the surrounding soldiers had to say. As early as when the rear was assembled, Chen Juan and every member of the medical team already knew everything that happened on Sunset Mountain.

It was this force, regarded by many as a militia, that brought them a miraculous victory, and this victory was not only due to the epic strategic detour of this force from the town of Frenso to the north. , it should be attributed more to the armored battalion they deployed on Sunset Mountain!

More than 400 bandit soldiers and 200 Adjudicators, one level above them in strength, fought a bloody hand-to-hand battle. They fought at the front of the line. Fighting in the trenches. When the Arbitrator's attack formation rushed up the hillside. They rushed out of their positions like tigers and rushed into the enemy's mecha group. Strangulation at close range.

Has anyone seen an energy cannon fire close to the opponent's armor?

Who has seen someone whose whole body has been beaten to pieces, hugging the enemy, and launching missiles like the Thousand-Armed Guanyin to hit him?

Who has ever seen a player who puts his life on the line every time he takes a shot? Who has seen someone who has already piloted a micro mecha and still pounces on a powerful enemy like a mad dog?

Statistics after the war showed that more than half of the more than 150 bandit soldiers who died in battle died together with the enemy!

This armored battalion is like a phoenix in the fire, reborn in the flames time and time again, and it also allows the incredibly powerful adjudicator to be defeated again and again.

The battle between these super mecha warriors was too brutal. Too heroic. The collisions like Mars hanging on the earth, the incredible control skills, and the figures of the bandit soldiers fighting bloody battles are the most magnificent pictures of this era.

For Chen Juan and other medical soldiers, this unit has a more important meaning.

Exactly this. The armored battalion, after the Advocate attacked two field hospitals, launched a frenzied revenge on the enemy.

They went on a killing spree at the enemy's attack positions. Thousands of Western soldiers and countless warehouse supplies were reduced to ashes. Countless Western special teams were annihilated in the special confrontation led by them.

Blood for blood, tooth for tooth!

This is not a slogan about changing one's lust for violence.

Under their leadership, a special battle lasted for a full five or six hours, with corpses strewn across the field and rivers of blood flowing, and it finally ended with the entire line of Xiyo's attack positions shrinking.

Even if there is a judge to back them up. The huge losses still frightened the members of the Su-Jie coalition. flinched.

Every time they thought of the tragic scene of corpses strewn all over the two hospitals attacked by the Advocates, the medical soldiers gritted their teeth with hatred. And every time I think of the crazy revenge launched by the Special Forces Battalion of the First Division of the Bandit Army against the enemy, I think of the return of the special forces of my own unit. The mecha looked ferocious with its enemy's blood all over its body. It was so satisfying and hearty. .

Although they themselves are just powerless doctors and nurses, no one dares to attack them. Whoever has to pay the price with blood! Bandit army special battalion. I have sought justice for them ten times and a hundred times!

Many soldiers were already crying.

This is Chuckna's land, though. The ones who fought the hardest were the bandit soldiers. These are warriors from the Lere Federation, from the free world of Mars. With their heroic fighting, they conquered all the Fei League soldiers. Not only Chakna soldiers, but Feyan soldiers, and Siliac soldiers. There's Tatanias,

Chen Juan leaned down and inspected the injuries of the four wounded bandit soldiers carefully. She knew what these wounded soldiers meant to the soldiers in the heart of the state and on the battlefield. She also knew what it meant to the entire Leifeng Star Front Army. What.

They are the well-deserved heroes of this battle, and they cannot die! ! !

The crowd outside did not disperse until Major Medical Officer Chen Juan and the medical staff who came upon hearing the news sent the four bandit soldiers into the operating room.

War is a man's world.

In this world of blood and fire, only strong-willed men will understand the mutual sympathy between them! It is a feeling that goes beyond gratitude, goes beyond sympathy, goes beyond friendship, and even goes beyond family affection. They fight side by side and share life and death. They trust each other's backs, and they face the enemy together.

As the operating room door closed, the red light on the door flashed one after another.

Just at this moment, all the soldiers on the battlefield were beating to the same rhythm.

There were more than forty judges who escaped, and they retreated in a hurry to the west. However, wherever the main force of the bandit army was located, the bandit army would not let them go!

News has come from the front that the fat lieutenant general has led the bandit's most elite direct special battalion to dispatch in a rage.

Waiting for these judges will be the fire of revenge from the bandit army!

At Reinhardt's suggestion, the main force of the Soviet-Japanese coalition forces began to break through the third section of the Fifth Resource Highway, ten kilometers south of Qixing Town.

The road leading from the town to the third section is a wide first-class highway.

Roads are built on plains. The nearest mountains on both sides are also nearly one kilometer apart, and the terrain is relatively flat. Viewed from the air, this passage looks like a horizontal shape, bypassing the mountainous area and leading directly to the northwest.

Because this road is most suitable for mecha groups to pass through at high speed, and it is also the main route used by the Western York coalition forces when they attack Sunset Mountain. There are a large number of Western York sporadic troops scattered along the way. Therefore, Langman, who has no one left, has no objections. Commands the seven armored regiments of the group. He also acquiesced in Reinhardt's command.

Although they also knew that in this direction, the Fei League troops were likely to deploy heavy troops. But when the enemy has all the electronic advantages, it is better to go around in the mountains and attack the enemy. The first blocking position. Might as well speed up. Try your luck heading west along this road.

They really didn't have the courage to attack any more hills.

The low mountain line of Sunset Mountain has become their nightmare. These mountains in the west of the basin are higher than Sunset Rang. The terrain is also more dangerous.

Besides, take this number. Another advantage of the intercity highway is that it can meet up with the reinforcements led by Bellev as quickly as possible to form a certain thickness of troops. If you can gather some troops, you can catch up before the enemy behind you. Work with the reinforcements to open a passage, and maybe there is a glimmer of hope!

Teams of Suss mechas turned on the road mode and rumbled westward along the road.

The seven regiments, plus the gathered soldiers, totaled more than 10,000 combat mechas. More than two thousand transport mechas, command mechas, and electronic mechas marched all the way. but. This seemingly indestructible torrent of steel. But there is no momentum, even if the earth trembles. The roar of the engine made animals and birds fly away in fright, but it could not hide his weakness and dejection.

There are two at the back. The division helped block the attack, and the team moved forward smoothly. After all, it is a central command cluster, and it has the right to let others cover its retreat first, even if it is ordered to intercept the two pursuers. As soon as the division encounters the opponent, he raises his hands and surrenders, which can ultimately delay him for a while. After leaving the town, the sound of gunfire behind me became farther and farther away and became inaudible.

Langman sat on the command seat of the command mecha covered with top-grade rhino hide, his stiff body like a lifeless puppet.

Langman's family was not considered a big aristocracy in the Sussian Empire, and its relationship with the royal family was limited to sending the lowest invitations during hunting or dancing, purely to join in the fun and increase popularity. If he hadn't been favored by Bellif and followed this famous roly-poly from the Suss Empire all the way to the top, with the confidence of the Longman family, they would not be able to cultivate a general with a heavy army in another fifty years.

Langman has always been content. On talent. He is only above average, and in terms of performance, he cannot be said to be the best among the others. Even if many little people say "hard work" in their struggle to improve, he has not done enough. However, he had luck. Also has eyesight!

In the Suss Empire, there are many people who want to challenge Marshal Belif's throne as the first person in the military department, but these people. Aren't you still holding back and not taking action? Even if he tried to do something, he would fail miserably.

Langman didn't want to be the first person in the military, nor even the second person. All he wanted to do was follow Belif. Stand in a hidden position. If Bellif is soaring, he will take advantage of the wind; if Bellif is defeated, he will quietly distance himself. Very realistic. But for his family, it is the best choice.

All the while, he carefully controlled his proportions. Because he knows. Belif will step down sooner or later. He needs a suitable balance so that Belif will regard him as a confidant when he is in office. He also needs a suitable balance to prevent others from including his name on the purge list in the post-Belive era.

The attack on Sunset Mountain was the first time he took the initiative to fight for Belif. For him, letting Bellif give him the command of this battle was almost like putting a label on his forehead as a direct descendant of Bellif.

But he didn't care. In the past, he had to control his position, but he didn't have enough opportunities to get to the top. And the military exploits of taking down Sunset Mountain were enough for him to still smile and look at the wind coming from all directions, standing still after Bellif left.

It was a battle plan that he never believed would fail, so he couldn't figure out why he lost this battle. He had been sitting in his seat for a long time, lost in thought. It's not that his mental endurance is too weak, but that one of his feet has already stepped into the grave.

Belif's downfall is already certain. Frenço, the town on the Dole River, became the Waterloo of the Imperial Marshal. I'm afraid he still doesn't know, even if he opens the passage. Eighteen into Sunset Mountain. Not more than three of Sousse's most elite armored divisions and two outstanding armored divisions could go back!

Just thinking about the anger of the royal family gave him a chill in his heart. do not know why. Along the way, he had a vague premonition of something more ominous.

It seems that the worst outcome is not yet the case.

There are worse things waiting for you ahead.


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