Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 48 Massacre (Bottom and Top)

The intercity highway from Xiushuihe Town to Qixing Town has now turned into a huge construction site.

On both sides of the north-south intercity highway, there is a lively scene of juniper trees everywhere. Engineering mechas were digging trenches quickly, and transport mechas were constantly transporting metal bulletproof walls, explosion-proof canopies, and alloy brackets. Fighting mechs were transporting weapons and ammunition into the trenches, while soldiers sweating like rain swung their engineer shovels, raising a cloud of soil.

Five Fei Alliance fighter planes, like wild geese, lined up in a human formation, roared over Xiushuihe Town, and flew north along the intercity highway. The silver-white alloy body shines in the sunlight.

Viewed from the air, the mountains on the ground are undulating, and Resource Highway No. 5 is like a white giant python winding and turning in the mountains. It is not until over the mountains that the road becomes straight and flat again.

If No. 5 Ziyuan Highway is the north-south artery of Lei Fengxing, then the surrounding intercity highways are like its scattered small blood vessels.

The defense line of the Fiji Basketball Alliance is set up along this road network, which is like the veins of a leaf. The positions on both sides of the highway have begun to take shape, and the major hills in the mountainous area are also ready. There are also thousands of Feiyang mechas being mobilized under the command of the headquarters. Huge armored clusters are like migrating takin, running on the dusty land.

After capturing the two major towns, the Filipina Alliance forces have completely imprisoned the main force of Bellive's Northern Cluster into the Sunset Mountain Basin. The powerful force of nearly fifteen divisions formed an arc-shaped defense line 70 kilometers long and 15 kilometers deep, like a huge iron gate, guarding the western part of the Sunset Mountain Basin watertight.

There was vague sound of gunfire, coming from a place 30 kilometers west of the outer defense line of No. 5 Resource Highway.

Those were the last ten armored divisions of Bellev's Northern Group. At this moment, they were desperately rushing towards Sunset Mountain. The two Chakna armored divisions that were originally going to intercept have received orders to change into tactical harassment and not to collide with the enemy head-on. Feiyang's 33rd Army, which followed behind, even opened the passage.

The soldiers were a little surprised by this order at first, but when they saw the battle report from Sunset Mountain, everyone understood.

It was not only the five divisions on the west that opened the passage, but also the three divisions on the east. Along the d88 urban network highway, it has almost become an undefended blank area.

The division commanders resolutely carried out the orders issued by Lieutenant General Tian Xingjian of Le Lei. They knew that "the sacrifice of the special battalion of the first division of the bandit army in the battle of Sunset Mountain had already made the fat lieutenant general red-eyed.

Under his order, the two bandit armored divisions that had been left behind as reserves had all been dispatched and quickly moved to the north and south sides of the Fifth Resource Highway, ready to go into battle. As for the five hundred vehicles running rampant, their own headquarters in the mountainous area north of Xiushuihe Town was dispatched towards the Fifth Resource Highway.

The officers and soldiers of the Fei League on the battlefield watched on the spot as the bandit mechas whizzed past their eyes.

The main combat units walking in front were all fat mechas like [Ranger] 0, with honest faces. Every time they saw this face, the soldiers couldn't help but feel happy about Lieutenant General Leray's bad taste.

Perhaps due to the close combat style of the bandit army, there were not many medium-sized mechas and heavy mechas in the team. Each company has only three heavy mechas and eight medium mechas. However, anyone who has seen bandits fighting will know that the strength of long-range firepower is not a problem for them at all. Their close-quarters killing ability is the most terrifying weapon.

Most of the medium-sized mechas and heavy mechas are concentrated in the bandit army's logistics troops. It’s literally an antique parade here. There are not only seventh-generation [Warrior], [Honor 15] medium and [Wrath] heavy mechas, [Antenna] electronic mechas, and even many battle mechas modified from Mars' personal mechas.

Although these mechas have basically been upgraded and modified, even seventh-generation warriors still have considerable combat effectiveness. However, the old appearance and mottled paint still make them look far away from this era. To say that the bandit army is a militia is probably due to the impression given by these old and shabby things.

From the town of Frenso to here, these mechas covered with traces of mud and smoke have been rushing in front of the team along with the mecha warriors driving them.

Originally, this blocking battle had nothing to do with them. Combined with the defenders of Qixing Town and Xiushuihe Town, the strength of the Fei Alliance has reached fifteen divisions, and south of Sijiu Peak, six divisions have defeated the remnants of the 21st Group Army of Suss and the outstanding troops. The remnants of Peng's 25th Group Army swarmed this way.

Such a sufficient force, coupled with the main force of the Allied counterattack from Sunset Mountain, is enough to eat up the defeated Western York troops scattered in the western part of the basin.

However, that thrilling battle on Sunset Mountain made all the original combat arrangements null and void.

When the battle report about the Special Battalion of the 1st Division of the Sunset Mountain Bandit Army came, ordinary Fei League soldiers were in awe. Many of them had only joined the bandits heading north from the town of St. John, and had not seen the battle between the bandits and the Adjudicator with their own eyes. He was dubious about his companion's eloquent story.

The battle report from Sunset Mountain is not false. Through the pack car that could be described as tragic and heroic, they could fully imagine the heroic appearance of hundreds of enemy bandit warriors standing in front of two hundred menacing Judges, fighting in a bloody battle without retreating.

How magnanimous the judges are, how terrifying the legends are, and how deep their respect for the bandit soldiers is!

However, in the eyes of the bandit soldiers, this battle report is a list of revenge. They don't care how many judges they kill, what they care about is how many blood debts the Westerners have to pay!

These bandit soldiers were chatting and laughing with everyone one minute, calling them brothers. He was still talking about his hometown and the mountains, rivers, customs and customs of Leray and Mars. The gentle and personable officer would occasionally utter two pornographic jokes while frothing at the mouth, revealing his true face. He looked more like an ordinary person than an ordinary person.

Within a minute, these people turned into ferocious beasts.

The officers stretched their necks and shouted orders. Like enraged wasps, the soldiers jumped up, rushed onto the mecha like crazy, and started the engine.

In less than ten minutes, the combat units of the first and second armored divisions of the bandit army were fully armed and assembled, and rushed out of the position with murderous intent.

The Fei Alliance troops who received orders along the way all moved out of the way and watched the mecha troops pass. .

One after another, the bandit mechas passed through the stretching position and rushed towards the center of the battlefield. The earth trembled under their feet, dust flew beneath their feet, and the wind howled around them. On the boundless land, there is only this rolling iron stream with murderous intent.

All Fei League soldiers have only one thought in their minds!

People in West York are in trouble!

"Fat man, this is the latest Skynet situation map." A kid's voice sounded in the earphones, and a map file was transferred to Logic's computer.

Opening the situation map, Fatty took a cold look. As expected, according to Skynet's investigation, both Bellev and Longman chose the third section of the Fifth Resource Highway as their breakthrough point.

Bellev attacked from west to east, and ten armored divisions formed three attack arrows, trying to block both sides and open up the center. The two wing troops have already exchanged fire with the 33rd Army, and the central troops are advancing very quickly.

Langman, on the other hand, was walking along the intercity highway, picking up the remaining soldiers along the way, while breaking through to the third section. Now, the unit was less than ten kilometers away from the Fifth Rhinoceros: Source Highway, and the team had expanded to nine regiments, nearly three regiments. The size of an armored division.

Even though this defeated army abandoned most of its logistics troops, their combat units exceeded 18,000 mechas.

Forty-two Arbitrators, leading two of Suss's most elite armored regiments, were at the forefront. Several times they were blocked, but they were the first to take action. The movements are extremely vicious.

Fatty was too familiar with Reinhardt.

This illegitimate son of James has a cold heart hidden under his gentle appearance. He has excellent military leadership, strong judgment, and an extremely paranoid character. As long as it is something he believes in, no one can change it.

He is an out-and-out lone wolf, cold and ruthless, and never cares about others. As long as necessary, he can sacrifice all his subordinates, relatives and friends.

Although he had tricked him in Mozic, it was just an adventure.

If he hadn't learned mecha martial arts and improved his hand speed during Reinhardt's pursuit, if he hadn't relied on his logical transformation ability to force him to sacrifice his subordinates at the most critical moment, his image would have fallen from the altar. I'm afraid that in the battle of Moziqi, the Mythical Legion will not give up the attack so easily.

Now, Reinhardt is back, with control capabilities exceeding 85 movements per second.

Fat Fist sneered and pushed the control stick. Logic roared through the position, across the road, through the eyes of countless Fei League soldiers, leading five hundred black devil-like vehicles, speeding across the wilderness.

Reinhardt, fuck your mother!

If I don’t kill you, I’ll write my last name upside down! ! !

Bonnie stepped out of the command mecha.

The wind on the mountain top blew her long red hair, like a flame dancing on the weeds on the cliff.

Looking to the west, the Fifth Resource Highway two kilometers away extends to the north, and only twenty kilometers away, it penetrates into the north side of the east-west intercity highway.

In front and behind the road, trenches crisscrossed each other like snakes.

But at this moment, the defense forces surrounding the third section of the road have been ordered to leave and detour westward along the mountainous areas on both sides. Between heaven and earth, there were only five hundred black mechas left, running up a small dirt slope ninety-five kilometers away from the highway.

A broken mecha running in front of them stopped, squatted on the ground, and stared at the end of the Eastern Highway.

Just a little hooligan waiting for his opponent.


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