Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 617 Welcome Again! Diablo!

As for whether Bulkelso already knew everything,

This question should have no answer except for himself.

At least after Bulkelso became Bulkelso, he should know nothing.

But who knows if Uldyssian left him something?

"I don't know what will happen next,

But I know Jotun Kooler can be trusted most of the time. "

Bulkeso thought in his heart.

The reason why I thought about it was because such a voice would be directly blocked by the clever Jotun Keller and Kanai.

These two guys won't let Diablo know anything he shouldn't know.

Burkesso wasn't full of doubts about Jordan Keller like Sonya and the others,

Not for any fancy reason,

It's just a judgment brought about by Burkesso's hundreds of years of experience.

Most savages are arrogant and confident, and rarely overturn their own judgments.

Although for guys like Jotun Kooler and Volusk who don't know how many years have existed,

A hundred years doesn't seem like a long time,

But this was enough for Bulkelso to get more recognition.

Been through so many things,

If Bulkelso had been innocent, he wouldn't be where he is today.

Maturity and growth are not the same thing.

It's a pity that Bulkelso's words couldn't reach Vorusk's ears.

If Volusk can hear it, maybe there is something to say?

"Diablo, what can you change without saying a word?

Or do you think your fear can make Bul-Katho your body like it corrupted Aidan?

Do not make jokes.

You yourself know very well that this is just wishful thinking,

Did you forget that you staggered under Uldyssian's shout? "

Kanai said sarcastically.

Kanai didn't care what Bulkasso said outside, but silently blocked that thought from Diablo and Volusk.

Uldyssian, a shadow forever haunted by angels and demons.

To make things even more troublesome, part of Uldyssian became Burkesso,

Two people can only be two people,

But who can guarantee that they will not be one day?

"No one knows Uldyssian's fear better than I,

Even that idiot Imprius,

For the Archangel of Courage sees only courage,

And the fear that coexists with courage will not be his concern. "

Diablo finally spoke.

Although he knew very well that these words would reach Bulkeso's ears,

But maybe that's what he was after?

Courage and fear, while in most cases one can ebb and flow,

But there are some exceptions.

For example, when the targets of courage and fear are not the same existence or thing.

Do fear of death and saving life conflict?

Not necessarily.

"By the way, you don't know how much courage Imprius saw from Uldyssian, do you?

Don't forget, Imprius never recognized Uldyssian, and even gave him his light wings.

But Bulkelso did it.

So would you change your mind now?

Bulcastle has more courage than Uldyssian,

This is already a fact! "

As Vorusk spoke, his fist hit Diablo's face again and again.

The movement sounded like the beating of war drums.

Drums made of the hide of the Dreadlord,

Maybe it will have some kind of magical power?

Like a halo of fear or something?

"But where is the fear accumulated in Bulkasso's heart?

You can't see it, and neither can I.

But the fear persists, without even room for catharsis.

As if you never saw Bulkeso's tears,

And you just pretend it's normal,

For the Immortal King never sheds tears. "

Diablo waved his hands weakly to block Volusk's attack,

Maybe it didn't stop me,

But at least give him a little time to talk.

"Who said the Immortal King never shed tears?

Every morning when I wake up, I cry.

Although sleepy tears.

We are different, at least not from the people you see who have lost almost everything in fear!

It's like I never remember anything that brings fear,

Being good at forgetting is also my advantage. "

While talking, Vorusk gestured to Kanai.

After Kanai received the signal, he immediately turned his power into high temperature and began to burn Diablo's body.

This high temperature is not the same as that of the flames of hell,

As the temperature rose, Kanai's body showed signs of melting.

There is nothing to say here, completely erasing the soul of a devil king of hell, you can't pay any price, right?

Even if you simply intend to fill your stomach, you have to swallow it yourself.

If you want a little more,

That at least two processes of sowing and harvesting cannot be avoided.

"He who understands sorrow and pain must feel fear,

This is the truth. "

Diablo said something he heard from somewhere,

Judging from his appearance, he didn't seem to care much about whether his words made sense.

His body also began to melt,

The hard skin seems to be hung with honey at this time,

The viscous liquid is falling down a little bit.

"He who knows sorrow and pain must know love and redemption,

It's just that not everyone does it.

This is also the truth.

But unfortunately, what Bu Kesuo did was out of love and redemption.

So your future will only have one result of complete disappearance.

Even I am the same,

The same goes for Kanai. "

The full power of Vorusk made him feel a little aroused.

Volusk's power is expanding,

The gravel hammer hit Diablo's knee heavily at this time,

It's just that such an attack didn't make Diablo kneel down directly.

Although Diablo never cared about dignity or anything like that,

But want to bring him to his knees?

Volusk is not enough!

This is stubbornness or belief.

If you kneel down, you can get everything Diablo wants,

Then this fear demon god will definitely do this.

It's just that Diablo knows very well that when facing Volusk and Kanai,

Doing so will only become a joke.

"I am immortal and immortal.

I'm different from the guys you know!

I will never die, and I am destined to return! "

Diablo once again expressed this meaning,

But Kanai and Volusk are not unbelievers,

It's just not caring.

"There will be nothing left between us,

Whether you return or not has nothing to do with us?

There is only one thing related to us, and that is you! Diablo!

We are about to say goodbye to this world next time under our power!

Really looking forward to Burkesou saying 'Welcome back' when you return! "

Volusk tried his best to mock Diablo in front of him.

Volusk's body also began to melt a little bit,

It's just that what flows out of him is not sweat, but bright red blood.

"If I really come back, the first person to face me should indeed be Bulkelso,

It's just that at that time, does he still have the chance to defeat me? "

Diablo didn't know what nonsense he was talking about again.

If he's screwed this time,

Even if the fear demon god was born again amidst the fear,

That shouldn't be him now.

Unless he has something behind him or something.

Bulkelso, who was observing what happened here, frowned slightly,

I'm wondering if I've overlooked something.

The appearance of Diablo is a bit strange,

He knew that it was impossible for him to defeat Bulkelso,

At least not until Bulkelso regained his sense of fear.

Then why did you choose such a time to appear?

The consumption speed of Kanai and Volusk's souls has already shown that Diablo's souls are genuine.

What else can I do?

Back up Diablo's memory with science?

It's not impossible for such a thing to happen,

But what kind of material is needed to back up Diablo's countless years of memories?

Also, how could a guy who can do this kind of thing help Diablo so easily?

Diablo can't bring back the dead,

Can't bring infinite wealth to others,

Even in the matter of giving strength,

Diablo is also the most petite among the devil kings of hell.

Everyone knew one thing when they were in Sanctuary,

Take refuge in Diablo?

It would be better to join Tyrell's camp, even if Tyrell will not give power directly,

But he can always find a way to make others stronger too.

And there is no need to pay the soul as a price.

"Diablo, what are you planning?"

Bul-Katho's whispers are transmitted to the Dark Soulstone.

The words in the bottom of my heart will be blocked by the power of Jotun Kuller and Kanai's Box,

But actively speaking has no such effect.

Bulkelso still didn't completely give up the communication with Diablo.

This guy is not Mephisto who has made himself an idiot,

He has always been the hell devil who likes to communicate the most.

"My plan?

I intend to make you Uldyssian again when you get everything back.

Then I will be free.

How about this reason?

If you don't like it, I can find countless reasons.

And I promise that all the reasons I have given are my true thoughts. "

Diablo responded to Bulkelso like this.

Then everyone present stopped talking.

A somewhat scary conjecture.

Diablo is crazy...

With the fear of countless people as a source of strength,

Which of these is Diablo's will?

Or all of it?

Knowing fear is not a word for Diablo, it's a fact.

He understands everyone's fears, and has even studied them intently.

Maybe this kind of thing is a part of life for Diablo?

Just being immersed in these things, I naturally feel the countless thoughts of countless people.

So Diablo is the craziest one?

Just how did this guy do it?

Is there any difference between being insane and being alone in consciousness?

"I probably guessed it, because the fear will not disappear because of your disappearance,

So there will always be a will born that is not much different from the current you?

Or is this the commonality of the will born from the power of fear? "

Jotun Keller tilted his head and said, looking a bit contemptuous.

"Hehe, the name Diablo won't disappear.

Because no matter which will becomes the master, it will only have such a name.

I am Diablo,

Mephisto is also Diablo, and even Baal can be Diablo.

Did you think all their fears were gone? "

Diablo said so.

Then there was another complete silence.

Kanai knew about Mephisto becoming a fool,

Even the reason was found out by him.

But never thought of this possibility.

Mephisto's wisdom became Diablo's thing many years ago because of fear.

It's not impossible,

But why would Diablo say such news now?

Kanai couldn't think of a suitable reason.

"I can only be Diablo, not any other existence.

Even looking at my own body in a daze,

Watching my brother plan to give it to a nephalem as a price,

but me! He could only nod in agreement with this choice.

Because I am Diablo. "

Diablo spoke again,

It's just that at this time, he has almost made it clear that he is the former Mephisto.

But this raises even more doubts.

"Whatever you are,

I'm not interested in your past either!

You are dead!

I said! "

Volusk's fist was stuffed into Diablo's mouth again!

That kind of huge force knocked out all the teeth of the devil king of hell.

Although his arms were also left with deep scratches by sharp teeth.

But Volusk didn't care the slightest bit.

He is about to disappear, what else should we care about?

Like he said, he doesn't give a damn about what the future holds.

The second generation of Immortal King Vorusk, in the final analysis, that is just the past.

He is a hero who exists in history and legend.

There is no place for this hero in the future, his name can only and should only be active in history and legends!

"Yeah, we don't need to worry about things in the future.

It's all going to be up against Bulkelso,

Has anyone defeated Bul Kasso?

Whether in the past or present, or even in the future, I don't think Bulkelso will lose. "

Kanai threw up the magic box in his hand, and that box instantly looked like the sun beside ordinary people!

That kind of temperature has already surpassed that of stars, making the melting speed of several souls present a little faster.

"all will be good?

I rarely have such thoughts,

Because planning for a rainy day is the norm.

Waiting silently is a bit too negative. "

Bull Casso was talking to these guys.

He finally acted.

Rorschach's matter has no future troubles, and now it's time to look at the troubles caused by those ancestors.

As for Diablo?

There is no need to focus on who Diablo was in the past, or who Diablo will be in the future.

Just beat to death at that time.

Although Bulkelso never claims to be invincible, he doesn't like others to call him invincible.

But in the face of battle, Bulkelso is always full of confidence!

"Diablo, I will say 'Welcome back' to you when you return."

These were the last words Bulkelso said to the souls in his mind.

welcome again?

This is usually said when saying goodbye.

Bulkhasso has declared victory in that battle that may take place in the future!

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