Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 618 Leoric seems to have made a choice

"Are you guys stuffing the Fangs of Shadow into this body?

Then water everything about him with life force? "

Bulkelso said so when he appeared among the ancestors.

Although he somewhat has a headache.

He had already thought about many possibilities at the beginning, and even noticed it when Shadowfang was brought to the holy mountain.

But I still didn't expect these guys to come up with such a moth outside the original plan.

Although there were a lot of ancestors present, Lasuke was probably the one who could think of this kind of attention.

The creativity of this guy is obvious to all, and he is also worthy of trust and even reliance.

Just because you haven't made a mistake before doesn't mean you won't make a mistake later.

This approach is still reckless!

The Fang of Shadow represents everything in the Burning Hell,

Then use life force to water the Burning Hell?

What kind of genius idea is this?


Are demons not life?

The most likely result of doing this is that the Shadow Fang uses this body as a breeding ground,

Then transform this body into another burning hell.

Or it directly gave the Shadow Fang life, which is a bit appalling.

"Leoric's will should be enough to suppress Shadow Fang,

After all, he faced the existence of Diablo.

As long as he can suppress Shadowfang, it will be good for us. "

Hailab said with some embarrassment.

It sounds like an excuse, at least the words are not very rigorous.

"Then the soul you should retrieve is not Leoric,

But Prince Aidan.

The path Leoric chose was not to fight Diablo's fear,

He used madness to make himself fearless.

The one who can really do this should be Leah's father,

Aidan the Dark Wanderer. "

Bulkeso curled his lips,

Obviously, they don't agree with Hailaber's statement.

Aidan was the one who resisted Diablo's will the longest.

Even he's one of those rare guys who has a chance to win a battle of wills.

Although the final result was not very good, Aidan was already the closest person to victory.

"Leah's blood is enough to buy time for Leoric to wake up,

I think Leoric will never be swallowed up by the authority of the Shadowfang in an instant, right? "

Hailab was a little more confident when he said this.

Shadow Fang is not Diablo after all,

Although on the whole, this thing may not be easier to deal with than Diablo.

But the Shadow Fang is just a dagger that looks like a weapon after all,

If this thing had a will of its own,

It is also not the turn of the Hell Demon King to decide in the Burning Hell.

"I agree with that,

But I just want to ask, what do you use to identify,

Can Leoric persist under the influence of this thing?

We need some guys like Leoric to help us,

But I don't want to discuss future plans with my partners for a second,

In the next second, he will be sent to eternal sleep with two knives. "

Burkasso glanced at the body whose transformation was about to come to an end,

Anyway, his face was a little weird.

The battle of will is not something that can produce results in a short time.

It's been a long struggle anyway...

But the most difficult thing is not Bulkelso and those ancestors,

It was Wayne who had just walked into the Elder's Temple...

Wayne and Bulkelso missed again.

Although Bulkelso sensed some of Wayne's intentions,

But now he doesn't have the time to answer the young fighter's doubts.

If Wayne came here, Bulkelso would not spare the time for a few words.

After all, as a fighter, Wayne can be called excellent.

It's just that that kind of persistence seems a bit inexplicable to Bulkelso, but Bulkelso will not try to change Wayne's insistence.

It's neither decent nor mature to point fingers at someone else's beliefs.

As long as the belief is just, the details depend entirely on how the individual thinks.

"Leoric has proven himself."

Kahn said hesitantly,

But it was immediately refuted by other ancestors.

"Prove that you're a guy who can go crazy in the face of fear?

Although this may be the best way he could find at the time,

But he foolishly didn't tell his subjects anything about Diablo,

If he did,

Will he still be killed by his own subjects? "

These words were spoken by Barnar,

After he regained his sanity, he seemed to have some strange hobbies, such as bragging?

Leoric went mad first.

He was killed and overthrown because he was getting a little brutal.

No one would think that the legend of the scepter of the mad monarch is just a simple symbol.

This thing is a real weapon, and Leoric has smashed a lot of people's heads with it.

Of course, it also broke the spine of many people.

Leoric's brutality is needless to say, although it was driven out after he went crazy.

"All of you are talking nonsense, now that things have come to this point, is there any other way?

Bull Cassel, you said that if Leoric returned as a madman with the power of the Shadow Fang,

Can you send him away again? "

Kirk growled irritably.

Although the relationship between these ancestors is quite good, this does not prevent them from being unhappy with each other.

It's a big deal to fight. If the conflict cannot be resolved, then have another drink.

If not, then the two of them will be beaten by other ancestors together.

After fighting side by side, there is nothing to be angry about, right?

For countless years in the past, barbarians have liked to use this method to bring others back together.

At least on the surface it is back to good.

Being beaten by groups three times a day is not good for anyone.

Moreover, although there are some individual differences among these ancestors,

But no one can ignore the number.

"Send away? Of course.

It just doesn't seem necessary now. "

Bulkelso took a few steps towards the body that was about to wake up.

Flesh and skin had grown back on that body.

It looked like a living person asleep.

"First, I should take the Shadowfang.

Although destroying this thing is a bit difficult for me,

But the big deal is that it takes a little more time. "

Bulkelso was very calm, facing a large group of guys who trusted him, some of them were elders,

And some are comrades in arms.

Of course, there are also a few who can be counted among the ranks of the younger generation.

What else can panic do but show its own powerlessness?

Bulkelso has long been used to the two ends of calm and anger. Although life in black and white will not go well,

But at least you don't have to think about too many complicated things.

As for "time", if all goes well, Bulkelso will get a long time.

After all, the soul of time has also been put into Kanai's box, as long as Jotun Keller comes out,

Plus the help of the few guys who haven't come back yet.

Bulkelso will get time.

This point has been roughly thought of after he received the gift of the Time Lord a long time ago.

While speaking, Buer Kaisuo stretched out his hand somewhat roughly, and directly lifted the celestial spirit cover of that body.

The brutal result was that when the Tianling cover was lifted, the flesh was also injured.

But this is not a harm to this body.

After all, a lot of vitality has been poured into it.

If the movement was slower, I'm afraid the injury would be healed.

Burkasso rummaged through that head with some displeasure,

Find your purpose before your newly grown brain is crushed.

Then he pulled the handle of Shadow Fang and pulled it out.

There are some weird tentacles growing out of the Shadowfang,

It looks like this gadget is going to be rooted.

"Didn't you ever think that Shadow Fang would gain something from life?

Vitality can give birth to life, although it may not be able to make the shadow tooth give birth to will.

But there is no problem with the instinct to give this short knife a little more life.

What could be the instinct of life?

Isn't it just to survive?

I'm afraid your resuscitated Leoric will, after one breath,

Successfully become the will of the Shadow Fang.

Although I don't know if it will be a good thing, but I don't like this kind of accident. "

Bulkelso spoke casually, then squinted at Rasuke.

This look made Rasuke tremble a little.

Bulkasso generally doesn't get serious, but what will be the result after being serious.

Hailab probably has a deep understanding of this. At that time, in the one-man-one-punch battle, Hailab moved around for almost three months with his face swollen like a pig's head.

"With Leah's blood isolated, I don't think this is very likely."

Rasuke said anxiously.

"Leah's blood?

Did you forget something again?

My blood flows through Lia's body.

And how can my blood help Shadow Fang?

Blood is the currency of the soul, so you're going to use the money to make a scabbard for Shadowfang?

It's not a smart choice.

Even if you choose to become a blacksmith, even give up the glory of fighting.

But you still have some shortcomings in the blacksmith. "

Bulkeso said so,

Although Rasuke is a bit dissatisfied with such an evaluation.

But dare not speak.

Technically, there may not be much difference between the two.

But the difference in the level of strength means that the level of things that the two can touch is also different.

This is a problem caused by lack of vision.

Although Leah's blood started off pretty well.

"Well, the Shadowfang is now in my hand.

So do you think it will be Leoric's will to come back now? "

Bulkelso finally showed some smiles on his face.

His smile reassured the ancestors present.

A leader can never be sad, that will make followers worry together.

Bull Casso would not do such a thing, after all, the present is different from the past.

He was already the only thing the barbarian could rely on.

The only immortal king, sounds pretty good too.

"I've thought of this day since you left Leoric's crown.

It's just that before the results appear, I still have no certainty, but this does not prevent me from looking forward to it. "Tariq finally spoke: "Is there something in that crown that we haven't discovered? "

"In it is the first part of Leoric's will, or his will before madness.

Otherwise, how do you think the legend that doubles the power of gems came about?

Could it be that Leoric's use of gemstones has been praised by the world and recognized?


That was pure Leoric's sanity.

Do you know what the virtuous king of Candulas is best at? "

For a while, Bulkelso actually had the idea of ​​popularizing science.

"Leoric is the most virtuous king of Candullas, and his most famous ability is to never waste any power that can move.

Maximizing the use of everything is the truth of the prosperity of Candulas.

And all thanks to Leoric.

That's why there is such a kind of will and legend in his crown.

That means the prosperity of a nation. "

Bulkasso looked at the Fang of Shadow in his hand, it was originally intended to be stuffed into his backpack.

But he still gave up the plan.

It would be more reassuring for him to hold the Shadow Fang in his hands.

If you put it in the backpack, who knows if a bunch of demons will pop out of the backpack next time you open it.

Wherever the teeth of the shadow take root, that is the home of the devil.

Before the Shadow Fang completes its new rooting, the current Burning Hell will still be the place where demons are born.

It's just that without this foundation, the efficiency of demon birth will drop a lot.

"I'm not interested in these,

I just want to know, now that this guy wakes up, which Leoric is it?

Mad King or Wise King?

Should I use the King's Sword or the Skeleton Scepter? "

Anda Kurgas shouted impatiently.

Although he didn't find that he had let go of his worries after Bulkelso's arrival.

They all say they don't worry about it, but those who say that often are more concerned.

People who really don't intend to worry can't even talk.

"It depends on how he chooses, after all, we left him the choice from the very beginning.

But now that Diablo is finished, I think he will pick up the King Sword.

After all, with so much vitality, it would be strange if a Skeleton King could be born. "

Bulkeso squinted his eyes and looked in front of him.

The wise king Leoric, this is one of the existences that provided the greatest help on Bulkelso's road to becoming stronger.

The other one is Imprius, the Archangel of Courage.

It was Leoric who gave Bulkelso the opportunity to completely destroy the seven devil kings, otherwise a dark soul stone that could hold the souls of the seven devil kings at the same time would not be a good thing to find.

"I think it's time for this guy to wake up by now?

If he wasn't awake, something had probably changed. "

Korick looked at Leoric's body and whispered.

This statement made Burkasso look at him.

Because Korik was right, as the barbarian closest to a druid.

Klick's judgment about life is largely correct, both intuitively and empirically.

Even if there is an error, it will not be too big.

"The Fang of Shadows also provided Leoric with a choice, such as becoming the Crusader King or the Skeleton King."

Leah expressed her opinion a little nervously.

In fact, erudition may come in handy at any time.

The Shadowfang gave Leoric a choice, whether to resurrect as a human or as a demon.

Although not necessarily the Crusader King, he can choose to be a demon.

Even though Leoric may not be the most willpower in this big family, it is more than enough to just curb the instinct brought by the demon body.

"Demons are not necessarily stronger than humans, this has been proven.

But demons can always do things that humans cannot.

Like bathing in lava. "

Hailab said so, and then slowly withdrew his hand.

He already felt that the vitality in Leoric's body could no longer be poured in.

It looked like Leoric had made his own decision.

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