Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 178: :explosion

However, Xiang Jing is an alternative, and the problem will end, and the negotiation of conditions will begin immediately.

The Fourth Prince seemed to have encountered such a problem for the first time, or that no one had dared to negotiate terms with him for a long time.

He can choose to use force to solve this matter, but he doesn't want to, because he thinks this man named Sokalu is very interesting.

I don't know when, everyone around him respected him, feared him, and feared him. Basically, no one dared to speak to him bluntly in this way.

After pondering for a moment, he said, "borrow 30 million, and return it after three years at the earliest. As for the mortgaged items."

The fourth prince thought for a while and took out a round object from his arms.

The size of a palm, dark red, with gold borders, looking at some ages, there are many scars on it.

The fourth prince stroked the round metal and said, "This protective mirror was given to this king by the king's late mother and queen when he was young. It has been with him for many years and has saved his life many times. This is the king’s most important thing, and this king uses this as a mortgage."

Xiang Jing looked at the protective mirror in the hands of the Fourth Prince, his expression did not look like a lie.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Yes, you can pay with one hand and deliver the goods."

Without any hesitation, Xiang Jing directly exchanged 30 million Motoco coins, and then directly took it out of the space ring.

"This is thirty million, you count."

Seeing Xiang Jing directly put out 30 million in cash, the fourth prince was a little confused.

He also wanted to give Xiang Jing some time to prepare, knowing that thirty million is not a small amount.

The fourth prince’s subordinates are even more so. Some of them have some capital, but they have never seen such a decisive offer of 30 million.

Moreover, it is still 30 million in cash. Now, who would hang around with so much cash every day, wouldn't he be afraid of being robbed?

The fourth prince waved his hand and put away all the money, and then handed the protective mirror in his hand to Xiang Jing. "Keep it for this king. After three years, this king will ask you to fetch it. If someone troubles you, take it out. This can keep you safe."

Xiang Jing took the protective mirror and started with it as smooth as jade, with a hint of coolness. He retracted the space ring and said, "Okay, happy cooperation."

After shaking hands with the Fourth Prince, Xiang Jing got up and was escorted away from here by the brawny man of the guard.

When I left and when I came, the treatment was very different. The cars in the car were all exclusive cars, and there were a full fifty guards escorted by him. Everyone talked to him in a polite manner. real.

Xiang Jing didn't care about this, enjoying the service leisurely and returning to the manor.

After Xiang Jing left, the Fourth Prince tapped the handrail lightly with his fingers, and said after a long while, "Proceed as planned."


The fourth prince's subordinates agreed in unison, and then left quickly, including Kanter who had already fanned himself and was about to lose consciousness.

When everyone left here, the fourth prince returned to the small room behind the glass wall alone.

After closing the glass wall and confirming that there were no people around, the man who claimed to be the strongest of the Mortoco star, and one person with more than ten thousand people, kneeled down on his knees and said with the highest courtesy of the Mortoco star, "King, the mission is complete, everything It can be implemented as planned."

Under the shadow, a thin figure walked out and looked at the Fourth Prince condescendingly.

If Xiang Jing was here, he would definitely recognize that this thin figure was the Modoco royal who jumped into his manor lake in the middle of the night.

At this moment, he is no longer a wanted criminal, nor does he have the slightest panic and fear. He carries a natural noble temperament and a sense of oppression from the superior.

Only those who can't slap the entire planet of Modoco know that the thin figure in front of them is the real fourth prince, and the strong man kneeling on the ground is just a substitute for him.

The fourth prince nodded and said in a flat tone, "Kalite, you did a good job, go."


After Khalite saluted, stood up again, restored the nobility and strength of the fourth prince again, turned and left quickly.

After Kalit left, the fourth prince silently looked at where Xiang Jing was sitting, thinking "he can see it?"

He shook his head negatively, "He shouldn't be able to tell."

The fourth prince said this sentence is neither positive nor negative, but it does not affect his plan.

A plan that can affect the entire alliance of the seven planets.

Xiang Jing returned to the manor in the early hours of the morning, and then came to the restaurant with shocked eyes of a group of people, and ate the most hearty breakfast.

After eating and drinking enough, Xiang Jing didn't feel sleepy even if he didn't sleep all night.

He has to feel the local customs of this third city, and don’t say anything else, first eat the delicious food, and play it again.

Leaving the manor alone, they refused Abbey Road to accompany them.

Walking on this high-latitude civilized street, there are some dark red figures moving in the dark, Xiang Jing didn't care about them.

You should eat and drink as you please, and when you encounter some delicious or novel things, you can buy some and put them in the space ring, and then bring them back to Li Qiang and the others to taste.

When it was almost noon, Xiang Jing only strolled a few streets, not even a tenth of the third city's downtown.

But he is not in a hurry, anyway there is time.

Stepping on a high-tech floating board under your feet, you use your mind to control your actions.

This is the most common transportation tool of Motoco Star. It can be folded and shrunk to the size of a palm. It is very simple and convenient, and does not occupy a position.

He was holding a handful of Xiang Jing, which he didn't know what creatures made into skewers, and was eating it happily. There was a loud noise in the street next door, followed by fire and gunpowder in the sky.

The advanced fire protection system immediately started to put out the fire, and the people from the city garrison dared to come in the first time.

Xiang Jingzheng was curious about what happened next door, and the shop in front of him was suddenly penetrated. The powerful impact caused the nearby shops and people to be affected.

Afterwards, several Mortocan star people, who were all wrapped in dark night clothes, rushed out of the opening of the explosion and fled quickly.

Xiang Jing flashed to the side just before the shop exploded, and was not affected. He looked at the few people who fled and the city guard team chasing after him.

Unexpectedly, in such a prosperous high-latitude city, this kind of blatant robbery would happen in broad daylight.

Xiang Jing took a second glance and lost interest, and turned around to continue eating and drinking.

After a while, a louder explosion sounded in a corner of the third city, and the fire and gunpowder could be seen clearly even through more than a dozen streets.

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