Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 179: : Draw

Xiang Jing raised his eyebrows, and secretly said that the city, which is known as the third-ranked Motoco Star, is not safe. Why did two incidents like this happen in just a while.

Xiang Jing was preparing to stay away from this block and go shopping elsewhere. Suddenly, a vault (an earth-like bank) not far in front of him suddenly exploded. Accompanied by the shock wave, several people in dark night clothes rushed

come out.

These men in black rushed towards Xiang Jing straight, and they all had weapons in their hands.


Xiang Jing dodged, a gust of wind blew beside him, and the group of people in black ran past him.

But it seemed that one of them was injured and there was blood on the ground.

After encountering this situation three times in a row, Xiang Jing was no longer in the mood to go shopping. After buying something, he was ready to go home.

Xiang Jing was walking on the way back, when suddenly a beam of flames cooled in the sky, like a signal flare.

Immediately afterwards, all the shops in this whole block exploded with a bang.

The powerful shock wave turned this whole piece into ruins, and countless people died in the fire and shock.

This is simply a disaster, like being dropped a missile, this place has become a piece of debris in the blink of an eye.

The power of the explosion was unimaginable, and there were basically no living creatures in this area.

Xiang Jing waved away the dense smoke in front of him, and the sight made him frowned.

Although I have seen and experienced heavy firepower on the earth, it is all about dealing with monsters.

The act of planting a bomb in an urban area and destroying a main block is no different from terrorists.

The whistle sounded quickly outside the block, and a large number of guards rushed to the scene to rescue.

There were stumps and arms everywhere, except for Xiang Jing, few of them were intact and still alive.

Even the guards who were sent to protect him were in a panic, and the impact of the close-range explosion also caused some harm to them.

After the explosion, they searched for Xiang Jing for the first time, and when they found that he was fine, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If Xiang Jing had an accident here, they wouldn't have to live.

Looking at the dead silence around him, Xiang Jing's mood became very bad. After thinking about it, he held it back. This is a matter for other people's planets, and he doesn't need to be an outsider.

The guards outside quickly began to come in for search and rescue, and those who were alive immediately dealt with it immediately before being sent to the hospital.

The guards no longer secretly protect Xiang Jing, and directly escorted him back to his residence. The journey can be said to be unimpeded. Even if the guards wanted to question him, they were directly blocked outside.

After returning to the manor, Abbey Road greeted him first, looking at Xiang Jing with some worry.

Xiang Jing waved his hand and said that he was okay, and asked him to prepare dinner. He went to the lake to fish by himself.

He had a hunch that the planet of Modoco was going to change. Since he came into contact with the Fourth Prince yesterday, this hunch has become very strong.

What happened during the day today confirmed that his premonition was correct. A mysterious organization was trying to disrupt the peaceful life of the Star of Motoco.

Xiang Jing pouted his lips, lying on a big rock, looking at the pure and flawless sky.

The police sirens outside the manor were loud, and the defensive cover was raised above the third city, indicating that the third city has been closed and is preparing for a carpet search. It is bound to find the terrorists.

It was not until dusk that Mojiduo came to Xiang Jing's manor.

He was shocked when he learned that Xiang Jing was in the explosion area today, and he was relieved when he learned that he was okay.

However, he also got news from the Guards of the Fourth Prince, and he couldn't help but have more guesses about Xiang Jing's identity.

It stands to reason that when this happened, he had to visit Xiang Jing the first time, but he was also the lord of the third city.

When such things happen in the cities under his jurisdiction, he must have a statement to explain to the people below and the lord above.

And there are many people who are not inferior to him in ability and strength, staring at his position at all times.

Xiang Jing waited for Mojido by the lake, and the two did not talk much.

Mojiduo came here mainly to determine whether Xiang Jing was safe and sound.

And Xiang Jing is in no mood to chat with Mojido now.

So the two ended the conversation without a few words.

After Mojiduo left, Xiang Jing asked Abby Road to inquire about the situation in the city, and Abby Road followed and left the manor.

While eating in Xiang Jing, Abbey Road came back with news.

The explosion in the city today is said to have been caused by an organization called "Truth". A total of ten vaults were robbed and tens of millions of money were lost.

There were more than 30 places where bombs were dropped, of which the place where Xiang Jing was the most serious.

The entire block was destroyed in the explosion, and the number of casualties reached thousands.

This attack by the "Truth" organization had no warning, and the losses caused could not be estimated.

Even the lord of the first main city knew about it, and directly closed the city in anger, carpet-searching the truth organization people.

Martial law has been implemented in the entire third city, and the guards and guards are searching the entire third city in all directions.

Xiang Jing listened to Abbey Road's report, nodded, wiped his hands and said, "Let everyone try not to go out recently, strengthen the manor’s guard, and later you will take people to the manor to look around, in case someone sneaks in. ."

"Okay, Lord Sokarlu."

Xiang Jing put down the tableware in his hand and walked to the highest place of the manor, the top of a tower.

Standing on the top of the tower, looking far away, from here you can get most of the third city in sight, including the place where the explosion happened today.

Xiang Jing looked at the explosion places, and felt that something was wrong as he looked at them. After a quick glance, he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

Paper and pen appeared in his hand, first a few dots, then a few lines, and then a complex pattern was drawn from Xiang Jing's hand.

Looking at the pattern in his hand, Xiang Jing was a little confused. He didn't know how he could draw such a thing.

Obviously it looks like a ghost drawing, but the whole picture fits together perfectly.

The most important thing is that Xiang Jing had never learned or touched these things before, so he just looked at it and drew it, and there was nothing wrong with it, even he himself was stunned.

But just looking at those explosions, Xiang Jing's spirit seemed to have entered another level, and he couldn't help but draw these things.

Looking at the complicated pattern in his hand, Xiang Jing compared the lines above and combined with the third city, and found that every line can match a street.

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