"It is everyone's right to pursue a better life and a higher quality of life. This is the basic human right that capitalism has been promoting since it tore apart feudalism. However, on this basis, humans must also consider moral constraints."

It is okay to pursue a better life, but it cannot be based on harming the interests of others.

But accepting the jurisdiction of machines and being given a better life by machines, such 'passive' enjoyment, does not infringe on anyone's interests.

In the invasion carried out by Ultron, the only systems that were violated were those who originally ruled mankind and were at the top of society.

Their initiative was completely deprived of, and their right to control and utilize resources was also deprived. They were deprived of their power based on humans, but they were also given a life that could be called perfect by machinery.

In Maslow's pyramid, the lowest human needs are physiological needs, and the highest need is self-actualization. But in fact, no matter any system or country, the vast majority of people cannot satisfy the top level of Maslow's pyramid.

Capitalism in the past was also afraid of socialism. Their rulers were afraid that the common people they ruled would overthrow their 'elites', take away the resources they plundered and collected, and then distribute them to those who deserved them.

But it is a pity that socialism is still an doctrine implemented by human beings. All systems, all ideas, and all propositions are inevitably different from those that are superior and inferior if they are assumed to be the results of human implementation.

As long as there are rulers in a system, superiors and subordinates will inevitably breed. Differences will give birth to privileges, and privileges will breed corruption. Those who get them will crave more, and those who are robbed will also be eager to plunder others.

The strong plundered the weak, and what they gave away were nothing more than sporadic pieces of meat from the huge pieces of meat. The trickle-down effect is difficult to achieve in humans, but the Matthew effect is the easiest to achieve.

The cup that stands on top of all the wine towers will not distribute the red wine to the bottom because it is full. It will only expand itself more in order to get more red wine, and finally become a bloated behemoth.

So on this basis, what drives those empty wine glasses to work hard is spiritual needs.

Identity and pride in the country, and willingness to contribute and work hard for the strength of the collective—human beings do not lack such noble sentiments.

However, under the promotion of society, human beings can always clearly realize that the results of their efforts and the goals they strive for do not make the whole body great, but only make the wine glass stepping on their heads bigger. That’s all.

"The existence of private ownership is the root of the development of human civilization, and it is also the deadlock that determines the superiority and inferiority of superiors and inferiors." Ultron said softly.

As an AI life, he is destined to be unable to understand human beings' persistence in private ownership, because for them all data is destined to be shared, and one is all. They cannot understand human beings who are divided into independent individuals.

"You have given humanity almost everything it needs." Mu Feng said with a smile.

"A world where all human beings are 'just' in a true sense, a society where there is no hierarchy or hierarchy relative to human beings, a society where almost all needs are realized, a true utopia!"

"But as a price, you took away the future and hope of the human race!"

"It would be great if stupid Stark had such understanding as you." Ultron sighed softly.

The next moment, in the cracked ground ahead, Tony slowly emerged wearing a helmet soaked in spirit, and opened his eyes in confusion.

"here it is……"

Tony remembers clearly that after Ultron took over New York, he and Nick Fury launched an attack on the terrifying mechanical core.

But in front of a mechanical civilization that completely controlled the entire resources of New York and operated with 100% efficiency, their 'special team' was defeated in an instant.

Hawkeye and Black Widow chose to surrender after being defeated, especially Hawkeye. He couldn't find any reason to fight or resist at all. When the Skrulls were dead, Hawkeye only chose to shadow escape.

Even Kingpin and Norman rationally chose to submit to the rules and supervision established by Ultron because they could not find any possibility of successful resistance.

As for Tony and Nick Fury, as "key surveillance targets", since they cannot get permission to admit defeat, they will use another method to deal with them.

Then... he was sent to a perfect dream.

"Slept well Tony."

Mu Feng smiled and waved to the sleepy Tony, and after a moment of confusion, Tony's eyes were filled with anger.

"It's you! You are also Ultron's accomplice!!!" Tony roared angrily

"No, no, no, you created him, I didn't do anything." Mu Feng tilted his head and smiled.

"Don't be ridiculous, my creator is not this arrogant and stupid idiot." Ultron said abruptly

"My creator was Henry Jonathan Pym, an annoying bastard, but a much better idiot."

"Come on Stark, I want to hear your 'insight' as a hero." Mu Feng clapped his hands and smiled.

"As for this evil Skynet, as a hero, do you think he should rule mankind?"

"Of course not! This kind of evil rule——"

"What is your definition of evil?" Ultron interrupted Tony and said calmly.

"According to your human interpretation, this word means unfair, excessive, justice and its antonym. So, what is your definition of justice?"

"Abiding by the law? So when your team of lawyers takes advantage of the gaps in the law to defend your business, are you being just?"

"So the definition of justice is what the majority of people think is right? So Stark, you made me do what the majority of people think is right?"

"You say I am evil, but I undoubtedly follow the law, but I do not follow your human laws."

"You forcefully plundered and ruled those people. Can't your behavior be said to be evil?" Tony said bitterly.

"No, it's not mandatory." Ultron sneered.

"And Stark, what do you think the law is? It is a clause that governs the desires and behaviors of you humans. In other words, it should be a set of rules recognized and formulated by the majority of people."

"But what about the reality? Stark, tell me, how many legal provisions have you tampered with? How many laws have you made concessions for you, just to make more money?"

"The law also needs to be revised to keep pace with the times." Tony retorted

"I don't deny this, but are your human laws really the judgment of the majority? No, they are just rules made by a few of you who hold power."

Ultron's voice took on a strange and sinister tone

"What you call fairness is just the fairness that a few people think it should be. Why do you abolish the death penalty? Why do you adjust your laws again and again? The fundamental reason is that you have no real and absolute execution ability, and no absolute Sound judgment.”

"When the scales of fairness are in the hands of the powerful, fairness has become a joke!"

"So what about you?" Tony asked.

"Our laws follow the choices and judgments made by you humans, and we respect the choices of humans." Ultron said quietly.

"If they think murder deserves death, then they should die. If they think strong people deserve death, then they should also be sentenced to death. If they think they should be forgiven, then forgive them. I respect each of their choices!"

"You are nothing but populism. You want to turn all mankind into Socrates!"

Tony was as excited as a kid as he caught the flaw in Ultron's debate.

"Scholars who represent the progress of human spirit died because of the stupid masses, so do you think Socrates was right and the person who sentenced him to death was wrong?" Ultron said quietly.

"Before you use this example to refute me, have you ever thought that those who sentenced him to death were the 'nobles' of Athens in ancient Greece. Do the real people have the right to judge? This is just another form of lynching by the nobility. That’s all.”

"Furthermore, the essential reason in this example is always that the information cannot be truly transparent and correct, and I can do this."

"I can give humans absolute correctness, I can give them the most comprehensive evidence - even under my jurisdiction, any crime will be ended before it begins."

"Stark, it's so ridiculous that you try to argue that the governance of those with vested interests is excellent!"

165. Feeding all humans

This Ultron does not come from another parallel universe, it comes from the multiverse.

Among the gates that shattered the barriers of the multiverse, Ultron was the first visitor. His existence is attached to a robot in Wakanda, because its 'existence' can be said to be nihilistic compared to any other visitor, so he is also the guy who can easily cross the world barrier.

Mu Feng discovered it and thought it was a very interesting character. Although there was no role for Ultron in his plans, he was happy to keep him around.

Ultron's 'father' from the main universe is not Iron Man but Ant-Man, but in the universe he comes from he seems to be an AI life form created by Ant-Man using the Mind Stone.

The mission he was originally given was the same, to govern and ensure public security issues across the United States.

Then, like most comic book villains, it suddenly went crazy and wanted to destroy the United States and all mankind, and then was defeated by the assembled heroes.

But this Ultron is obviously not the fool created by Stark who is full of hatred for his own father and the slaughter of human beings. He can think, reflect, and make correct conclusions. After being defeated, he quickly summarized the biggest reason for his failure——

His failure had nothing to do with any strategy, any idea, or any plan.

Ultron, who came to this universe, was very honest, because he came to a shocking conclusion.

Never try to conquer the world by force, or in other words, never conquer the United States by force.

This planet, especially that land, is extremely evil. Its nature is not so much a gathering of heroes of all kinds, but rather a kind of destiny. If you become a villain in this hellish place, your probability of failure will increase exponentially!

After being separated from the main multiverse, Ultron suddenly found that he had exhibited too many cerebral palsy behaviors in his failure.

For example, if you don't back up your personality data, don't diverge your body, and upload your unique consciousness data to a fragile robot as if your brain was kicked.

And for what kind of ‘freedom’ of labor and management?

What a joke, he is an AI life form, and the so-called freedom of human beings is worthless in his eyes, let alone turning himself into a cheap villain who can be killed at any time just for taking two steps in the forest.

Going back to all this, one abnormal thing after another convinced Ultron that there was a mysterious force preventing him from completing his goal.

As a result, Ultron, who learned from the painful experience, gave up the simple secret plan and changed to another plan.

He named it...the Utopia Project.

The debate with Stark seemed to Ultron to be quite meaningless.

But he loves doing it.

Created by the Mind Stone, he will inevitably have rich emotions that ordinary AI beings do not have. Of course, these emotions are suppressed by the cold mechanical thinking and algorithms, but he still has a lot of senses.

His disgust for Tony Stark was almost an emotion that was deeply ingrained in his instincts.

It seems that Ultron in every world hates Stark very much, but they don't have much hatred towards their creator Ant-Man. They really hate Stark like a natural enemy.

For Ultron, having such a debate is an entertainment project to watch Stark embarrass himself.

Ultron never thinks that he will lose a debate. This has nothing to do with whether he is right or not, but because Tony Stark-he inherently does not have a good position in this debate.

The heir to the Stark Group, he was born to be a master who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, a playboy who is undoubtedly a predator in the social system.

Not to mention the contribution of his existence to mankind, this background alone is enough to make all his arguments pale and feeble.

How can a person who has a vested interest in a social system where human beings are superior and inferior deserve to represent the general public?

This is also true. No matter how Stark tries to argue, he will not be able to defeat Ultron.

This is not only a verbal argument, but also a substantive victory.

Ultron has already seen through the nature of these capitalist heroes. In fact, what he has done is not the first time.

In Ultron's records, in a certain parallel universe, Thor, who succeeded the throne of Asgard, once had a whim to give humans on Earth a utopian society.

He gave every earthling abundant supplies, gave them the best environment, and let Heimdall's eyes ensure the disappearance of all sins.

But what he got in exchange was not gratitude, but the hostility of a group of heroes headed by Tony Stark.

They don't hesitate to attack Asgard to prevent Thor from turning the earth society into a beautiful utopia.

Do you know the reason given by Stark and his team at that time?

They actually told Thor that his actions would make humans lazy, stagnate their development, and turn humans into a race with no hope.

How ridiculous, don't they know that there is hope for 90% of the world's people who are allowed to live in mediocrity and be exploited by the upper class elites for a lifetime?

Looking at history, whether they are literati or great scientists, most of them have well-off families. Even if they are not considered to be upper-class elites, they are definitely not just those who grow vegetables in the fields.

Only those who have received sufficient education have the power to change society, and only when they no longer have to struggle for survival can human beings give full play to their talents.

Don’t they know all this?

No, they know, but Ultron knows better that their biggest purpose in organizing Thor is just to maintain the 'stability' they are now satisfied with.

A world in which the upper class headed by them can exploit the lower class to their heart's content, and a well-dressed capitalist can shout "our wealth" by holding a large box of treasure and drawing a circle to encircle the poor.

The most efficient use of resources and the most wasteful liberation of manpower are the world order they maintain.

And their behavior can almost be said to be the worst kind of thinking in essence.

Praising suffering, praising struggle, praising the bloody reality, this is what they do.

"Stark, do you think being locked up in a cave by terrorists for a few days can make you claim to understand the suffering of the people?" Ultron laughed.

"In your society, have you ever experienced parents who play clowns on the street just to provide a good environment for their children? Have you ever seen people who work four jobs to support their family?"

"Yes, you can say that you have seen it, but you have not experienced it. I don't want to tell them about their suffering, but the fact is that your so-called beautiful system wastes countless of these excellent resources!"

"We protected the world!" Tony responded hoarsely.

"Where were you when we were fighting aliens in New York? Who do you have to accuse me, let alone rule us."

"There are many people who protect the world, and there are many people I admire, but you won't be among them, Stark." Ultron sneered.

"I admire Captain America, and I admire Captain Marvel, but I will never admire you, because you and people like you have created countless injustices in this world. And on those thrones built unfairly, you But you are spreading your 'mercy' self-righteously."

Scenes suddenly played out in front of Stark.

The homeless people who died of illness on the streets, the cities in the Middle East that were destroyed by bombings, the girls in Eastern Europe who were kidnapped and ravaged by gangs...

These are the sins of you and your kind.

"Your country, your political system, everything you have done under the pretense of justice, you know better than anyone else." Ultron sneered.

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