"Is this what you call justice? To establish your superiority through cannibalism and oppression of your fellow citizens?"

He zoomed in on one of the images, that of a girl kidnapped into the hands of the Romanian mafia and abused by more than a hundred men over the course of three days.

"This, these are all done by your kind."

Ultron scoffed.

"I gave them justice, revenge, and then a perfect utopia. But what you gave them was death, humiliation, and injustice."

A certain female star who was impersonating Ultron said loudly

"Yes, they lost everything, but they have freedom - hahahahahaha, freedom, the biggest lie in the world!"

"You took everything away from them and then told them they were free. Yes, their only freedom was to suffer and to die!"

"But Stark, tell me, do you and your kind really need those things? Tell me how many resources you have wasted? Tell me!"

Tony said nothing, what Ultron said was the truth, the cruelest truth.

Of course he understood all this, and because he understood it he said nothing. After all, he cannot tell lies like those shameless politicians.

He himself knows that it is because he knows so many disgusting things that he tries to research and create "Brother Eyes"

Because in his heart he had to admit that this is how human beings rule. He will inevitably bring about superiority and inferiority, exceptions, privileges and corruption.

Human beings can never learn lessons. In the spiral of history, human beings repeat the mistakes they have made over and over again.

"But you have malicious intentions." Tony said in a hoarse voice.

In fact, he has already lost the debate from this moment on - when the debater abandons the debate itself and transfers it to the debater, he has already lost.

"You treat humans as pets, and you leave humans with no future! You turn every human being into a bug who only knows how to eat, drink, and have fun!"

"You took away their freedom of choice and resistance! You are not a savior, you are just a sinister machine!"

"Every statement you make is full of fallacies." Ultron said lightly.

"First, according to your human standards, my machines and I serve them according to your highest standards for machines. I serve 99% of the people, and I only allow 100% of them. Don't interfere with my work."

"If your democracy is true, then I am the biggest democrat."

The brain-like matrix bloomed like a flower, and from it, a steel robot about the size of a person slowly emerged.

He flew in front of Stark, looking at him up and down with his scarlet eyes, filled with boundless malice and ridicule.

"Second, human beings are not hopeless. I have given each human being material support and knowledge assistance that meets their standards. And as long as they want to, their productivity will far exceed that of the old society."

"Third, I just gave humans the resources to no longer worry about life. If I am raising humans like rice worms, then what are you who are trying so hard to exploit these humans?"

"Fourth, this is also the most ridiculous." Ultron waved his hand, and Tony fell to the ground. He looked down at Tony, and the scarlet light seemed to contain an indescribable mockery.

"I have never restricted a single person's freedom or choice."

He waved his hand, and all the armors left behind by Stark appeared here. Ultron looked at the surprised Tony and laughed.

"Look, I gave you your freedom. Now you can wear your suit and get out!"

"You took everyone in the United States hostage, I..."

"You're wrong again, Stark!" Ultron interrupted Tony's righteous words for the first time and said calmly.

"I said that I have never restricted anyone's qualifications to leave our mechanical jurisdiction. They can leave our jurisdiction. As for the misappropriation of resources? I'm sorry, all our resources are being used for humans."

"We respect everyone's choice, and we have never stopped them from servicing machinery."

He paused, looked at Stark and laughed.

"Oh, I forgot, I did deprive some people of something. The nature that they occupied with a bunch of waste paper or even data..."

"Okay, Mr. Stark, I'll take you back to New York."

Mu Feng, who watched the debate from beginning to end, clapped his hands and smiled gently.

"Mr. Stark will definitely be able to persuade enough people to follow you and leave the United States."

According to Ultron and Mu Feng's estimation, this number will definitely not be small - because there will always be a bunch of good people who always like to resist authority and the right people.

Such a group of people will basically do nothing except complain. It would be a good thing for Ultron to get them out of here.

"...I will come back and correct my mistakes."

Tony took a deep look at Ultron and Mu Feng, then put on a suit of armor and left the portal.

"Ah, I suddenly figured out what you want to see most!" Mu Feng suddenly knocked his hands, showing an expression of sudden realization.

"Raising humans is not for any purpose. You don't hesitate to have some fun for yourself!"

166. Lord Doom

Latvinia A huge and towering castle stands in a country that has turned into a white field.

This steep castle has a style that is incompatible with the entire world. To describe it more specifically, it looks like a standard "Demon King's Castle".

In the deepest part of the castle, a man covered in steel stood on the throne, his fingers tapping the edge of the stone handrail. He looked thoughtfully at the two people below who were bound by the magic halo.

The deep blue eyes conveyed a playful gaze through the steel mask, as well as the absolute aura of a superior person.

"So... I was dragged here by her, the Scarlet Witch of this universe, or the power behind her?"

Doctor Doom crossed his fingers, and a sound like steel friction came from under the mask.

He does not belong to this universe, he is a visitor to the true multiverse.

He even remembered that he was entangled with those four annoying bastards a moment ago, but now he appeared here——

Thinking of this, Doctor Doom locked his eyes on the unconscious woman.

Wanda Django Maxime, Scarlet Witch.

In his own world line, this was a character that Doom envied and despised, looked down upon but did not dare to provoke.

Jealousy is because this guy's talent is too good for their mage. Disdain is because this guy has such a good talent, but he is still manipulated by him like an idiot.

But the relationship between Doom and Wanda is indeed very weak - thanks to the fact that this guy's father is Magneto's troublemaker, she is also considered a half-villain, and her relationship with Doom is basically neither salty nor weak.

"Give me an explanation, Quicksilver. You are her brother. If she can't explain it, you have to give me an explanation."

"No, I don't have a sister. I don't even know who she is!"

Quicksilver looked at Doctor Doom with an innocent face. He really wasn't lying. He really didn't know Wanda!

Doom narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his right hand and skillfully used a black magic

Quicksilver's face instantly became extremely painful, and he fell to his knees wailing, while the memories in his mind instantly flowed through Doom's eyes like water.


Doom put away his hand and said thoughtfully

He really didn't lie. This Quicksilver didn't know Wanda at all. Not only did he not have a sister named Scarlet Witch, he didn't even have a father named Magneto.

He comes from a universe where there are only mutants.

There are no Celestials, no S.H.I.E.L.D., no Asgard, no magic, not even superheroes.

This is considered a rare species in the multiverse that Doom knows, but this does not arouse much interest in Doom.

He has no problems with mutants, and he doesn't have much interest in studying the mutant genes of the Celestials.

Since there was no way to find out the cause of the matter from the siblings, Doom seemed to have no choice but to push the problem onto the other guy's head.

I saw Doom's hands igniting runes of scarlet flames, and he skillfully recited blasphemous spells in his mouth. The two magic circles that suddenly expanded instantly opened a space rift leading to the lower plane!

From the other end of the crack came the familiar smell of sulfur, the lingering sensation of flames burning the skin, the screams of humans, the joy of demons, and the smell of torture.

"Hehehehe, Victor, it's been a long time since we last met."

Amid the familiar sinister laughter, Mephisto slowly walked out of the rift. Of course, this was not his true form, but he didn't seem to be disguising himself, instead using his true form as the red-skinned demon.

"Is it your fault again?" Doom asked coldly

In the eyes of those who play magic, once they encounter any unexplainable magic problem - 70% of it is Mephisto's fault.

Especially when it comes to issues such as mental confusion, conspiracy substitution, etc. In short, beating Mephisto is the right thing to do, and if you hit him wrong, it will be treated as a warning for the next time.

"Oh, my dear Victor, don't blame me for everything."

Mephisto said with a sinister smile.

"I was indeed involved in this matter, but I am not the mastermind of everything. It was Wanda who invited you here, who do you need me to tell you who is standing behind her?"

"...Sithorn?" Doom narrowed his eyes.

As a self-taught magic master, Doom also knew a lot about the Lord of Dark Magic, but he almost never dealt with Sithorne.

After all, compared to other sources of black magic, Sithorne's domineering style of doing things that would eat you up even if you get a little bit of it is in conflict with Doom.

"Does he expect me to free him from the seal of this universe?" Doom crossed his arms and sneered.

"Why should I free it if even that stupid girl didn't do it?"

Free Seathorn? Doom wouldn't think so even if his brain was kicked by a donkey.

After all, unblocking Sithorn means going against 90% of the mages in the world, including Karma Taj. If things go wrong, people from other multiverses will cross over to cause trouble, and they will also run the risk of offending a lot of dimensional demons.

"No, Dr. Doom, we are not trying to free the Great Shadow from the shackles of the Earth Mother."

A voice with a faint smile sounded in the room, and a figure soon appeared in front of Doom, a figure that he was extremely familiar with.

It was a gypsy woman with a soft appearance. If anyone who knew Victor von Doom were standing here, they would definitely feel that she and Doom were really similar.

boom! ! ! !

The violent torrent of magic bombarded the figure. Doctor Doom stood up from the throne, and the emotion conveyed through the mask was extremely cold and angry!

He didn't know who this bastard was, but he never should have become like his mother!

"I'm not so irritable, Mr. Victor. It's just your imagination that I'm like this."

The disintegrating shadow instantly changed back to its original appearance after the torrent of magic disappeared. He looked at Doom and smiled.

"If you don't like it, I'll change it."

As a result, the shadow twisted into the appearance of Mr. Fantastic

“…memetic life?”

Doom did not continue to attack, he just narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly.

"Don't think that I really can't do anything to you!"

"No, I greatly admire Dr. Doom's knowledge and ability. In fact, I came here with a friendly attitude."

Lazy bowed slightly and said with a smile

"I didn't expect that the famous Doctor Doom would actually visit such a barren and remote multiverse. How should I put it...an unexpected surprise?"

"Conditions, reasons." Doom said with a cold face.

"If you cooperate with us, I will return poor Cynthia to you." Mephisto said with a sinister smile.

"Do you in this universe also care about my universe?" Doom sneered.

Although Mephisto is a dimensional demon, due to the particularity of the dimension of hell, this old devil does not have the characteristic of 'multiple and unique' compared to other dimensional demons.

It's not that there will be a Mephisto in every universe, but this particularity makes Mephisto, the old devil, almost impossible to kill.

"I have reached an agreement with him." Mephisto smiled happily

"When our cooperation is complete, he will return your mother to you. Victor, this deal is worth it, isn't it?"

The reason why Victor von Doom embarked on his current path was to rescue his mother who was imprisoned by Mephisto. The old devil was right, the condition of releasing his mother's soul was quite tempting to Doom.


"What do you want me to do?" Dr. Doom said coldly.

"First, kill the Ancient One of this universe." Mephisto sneered.

"That loser Dormammu won't be able to fulfill this script assignment for a while, but it would be a good thing for us and her if Ancient One leaves early!"

Gu Yi's 'death' was a script that had already been planned. Not only Gu Yi himself, but even the dimensional demons like them who had been harmed by Gu Yi knew this.

Of course they would not disturb the retirement ceremony that Ancient One had prepared for him, except for that loser Dormammu.

But the current situation has changed dramatically. Because of their intervention, Gu Yi may not be able to escape for a while, and Dormammu, a loser, may not be able to perform his job.

Ancient One must die, but since the Dimension Demon can't do anything, let someone with the ability do it!

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