Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 751: Death by Daylight (1)

Survival game is Lin Yan’s Burning Sky game for a long time, a very good feature game. After all, it is now recognized in the market that Burning Sky game is definitely a founder-level existence in terms of mode survival games, so related games Shaping is extremely experienced for Burning Sky. Of course, Lin Yan himself has some special ideas for the next game production arrangement.

Although the current time period is a period of great development for the entire game industry, in Lin Yan's view, the spiritual entertainment achievements of the world itself are only at a preliminary stage compared to previous lives. Many previous lives The categories that exist in the game industry do not exist in this world.

Although it seems that there are more categories of games in the entire industry, in Lin Yan’s view, there are still many gaps in the classification and type of the industry. At least from Lin Yan’s own point of view, the market’s There is still much to do in the blank spot.

As for what kind of game to make next, Lin Yan already has his own ideas in mind.

Now on the Internet, if you print out research papers on the online game industry, Lin Yan can just print out a train of skins and fill a container, and these papers have an impact on the game itself. Experience is the most studied.

But according to Lin Yan’s idea, in fact, the fundamental purpose of the game is to give people a feeling of excitement. The game is a competitive category. Whether it is a simple game or even a child’s puzzle game, there is inevitable competition. The purpose is in it, but the competition itself can give people a very powerful sense of excitement.

It's just that the mental stimulation that different game types can bring is completely different, and for the game Lin Yan is going to make this time, he doesn't mind to bring this kind of stimulation to the limit that people can bear.

What is the most fearful thing in this world? Perhaps according to the current cultural atmosphere, it may be said that it is poor or there is no male ticket female ticket, or something else, but according to the normal psychological scope, the most original fear in human life is death... …

Everyone is full of awe for death. The Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the Emperor of Qin, the Emperor of Han Wu, and the Emperor of Tang Zong and Song Zu are just like this. These people ask immortals and ask the story of immortality, otherwise there will be no emperor, my emperor. Long live... the sound.

And normal people’s fear of death is even more obvious. Everyone is afraid of death, so adding this fear of death to the game is a very wise choice.

But here comes the problem. Death is not a terrible thing in the world of the game. After the death of the player character in the game, it is nothing more than resurrection from the original save point. If the mission fails, it can be redone. Things to save.

Therefore, death, the deepest fear in human psychology, is severely watered down in most games because of the game mechanism.

Fear itself and excitement are not contradictory. Gamers like to find that excitement in a horrible atmosphere, just like those who love extreme sports, they fly over the cliffs and walk between the two cliffs. Are they really not afraid of walking a tightrope on a steel rope of hundreds of meters and bungee jumping on the crocodile pool? Is it true that you are not afraid of falling off the wire, falling off the cliff and falling into the flesh?

Aren't you afraid that the rope will break during the bungee jumping and be unloaded by the crocodile? Lin Yan can be sure that they must feel fear. They are truly afraid of death, but it is also because of this fear that they can experience a great sense of excitement from this fear.

So according to Lin Yan's idea, fear and excitement are complementary to each other in the world of the game, but for the new work, the content must be changed to a certain extent.

The scene and content of the game itself are increased, and the main character itself is weakened. In other words, what Lin Yan wants to shape in the shaping of this game is a horror game where the main character is not so powerful.

That's right, it is the kind of horror game, and it is a game with ghost mythology as the main game content. After all, death in ordinary games does not make players feel scared, but it is full of gloom and variety. In the scene of horror elements, fear unconsciously dominates the player's own heart, even players outside the game can feel the kind of cold back in the game from time to time.

After all, for most people, even in this era when the nation is not allowed to become elites, the first fear is death, and the second fear is naturally hell.

Especially in Asian countries, there have been various myths and legends and ghost legends in East Asia since ancient times. Therefore, it can be said that there are a lot of materials in the selection and shaping of the game.

In Lin Yan's past lives, there are a lot of classic horror and horror works, both in film and television and in game works.

The classic works in the movie, such as "Midnight Ring", "The Grudge", "The Sixth Sense of Supernatural"... and many other works, can be described as absolute milestones in the film industry.

Among the game works, there are definitely many "Zero" series of horror games that Lin Yan is familiar with. This is a classic that Lin Yan can't forget in his heart anyway, because when Lin Yan played this game before, It can be said that it is definitely a scared existence.

In addition, there are many games such as "Ethanasia", "Dead Space" series, etc., of course, there is a very popular game "Death by Daylight" before Lin Yan crossed...

Lin Yan still can't forget this game. The structure of the whole game looks very simple. It is basically a game of hunting and being hunted. Of course, this is the biggest highlight of the whole game.

As for the game that Lin Yan is going to shape this time, the final decision is to shape "Death by Daylight" as the final blueprint for the entire game. However, Lin Yan has to re-design and reorganize the entire game. On the creation.

In the end, the game created by Lin Yan will definitely surpass the "Death by Daylight" in the previous life.

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