Game Entertainment Empire

Chapter 545 What GHS! These are all dressed tightly, there is no leak!

While the outside world is paying attention to the information of "Overwatch", Yang Chen and his team in Xingyun game are still steadily developing the game.

But the only difference is that on Yang Chen's official blog and Xingyun game's official website, the information about "Overwatch" is released little by little.

One about new animation CG every day.

A series of heroes such as Reinhardt, Rift, Soldier 76, Pharah, DVA, Mei, Winston, Genji, Hanzo, Doomfist, etc. are slowly displayed in front of the players.

FPS game with skills.

If it was still the speculation of players and game practitioners before, but with the appearance of the hero's story and a more complete display of hero skills, this is already an official stone hammer.

Regarding the game attributes of "Overwatch" itself, Yang Chen also publicly stated on the official blog that this is a purely free multiplayer game like "League of Legends".

At the same time, compared to "League of Legends" which only has a multiplayer confrontation mode, "Overwatch" will also have a special story mode for players.

This news also aroused heated discussions among players.

Even if it is not clear how much the development cost of "Overwatch" is, but just relying on a well-made game CG a day can already get a glimpse of it.

‘Is it free again? This is Mr. Yang who feels that the previous few games have drained us dry, and wants to keep us as leeks for a while longer! '

'Thinking too much! Still raising leeks? It's okay if it doesn't exist! The skins of "League of Legends" are 50% off again! "Minecraft" has new building blocks, and "Yu-Gi-Oh" also has new card groups! Now there is another "Overwatch", which is going to cut us bald! '

‘No way, Xingyun Games is a small workshop (dog head)’

‘By the way, how many heroes are there in Overwatch? It's been almost two weeks since the episodes of this day, I feel like I'm catching up with new episodes! '

‘+1 for chasing fans, but there is one thing to say, Xingyun Games did not expect to be so good at making anime! '

‘No, it’s not that Xingyun’s game is great, it’s because of his money ability! Haven't seen the production team of "Overwatch"? They are all the top leaders in the industry, this is completely the lineup of the national team! '

'national team? You are making trouble! What is this national team?

It's not all from the same country, this is an international team! '


Compared to the players' hot discussions and expectations for "Overwatch", Yang Chen encountered some serious troubles inside Nebula Games.

"Like "League of Legends", the rating of 15+ cannot be obtained, and some countries can only get 17+? Are the butts of characters such as Rift, Widowmaker, etc. too sexy?"

In the meeting room of "Overwatch", Yang Chen couldn't help being speechless when he heard the report from the person in charge of game review and rating from the operation department.

By the way, they don't have GHS either! None of us missed any of the characters in this game!

Dressed tightly, Xiaomei is so wrapped up that she almost hides her head in the clothes. ,

And this is not "The Witcher 3" that is being planned and developed. There are piling plots in the game.

"17+ is 17+." After a brief moment of silence, Yang Chen didn't think too much.

In fact, the rating of 17+ is not much different from the rating of 15+, as long as it is not 18+.

After all, if you get 18+, it means that you cannot advertise in public places, such as major game portals, billboards in offline shopping malls, and TV program advertisements.

However, except for games that are really anti-human, or just for GHS and GHS, it is basically impossible to get 18+, and generally you will get a guaranteed 17+.

Even Nebula Games’ previous most over the top “Prototype of Massacre” is still rated 17+, only in some strict countries and regions it is rated as 18+, or even banned for sale.

However, the impact is not great, because these regions are not the main audience of the game and cannot provide much sales.

I chatted with the marketing department about some things, and the follow-up promotion of "Overwatch" and the approximate launch time have basically been determined.

When Yang Chen came to the studio, Wang Ye and the others were experiencing the full version of the game.

"Sledgehammer! Shield! Hurry up! Hurry up! Shield! I'm going to die!"

"Shield! Your protection is almost broken. Look at your 76, the auxiliary aiming hits the air? I'm really going to kill someone. Put a milk stick behind me and milk me. If you want to gain points, you have to watch me The sledgehammer's random touch cloak hammer method!"

"Give me a sip! Sister Angel, give me a sip! I'm almost dead!"

"Fucking P's! Who did the bazooka hit? I figured it out, studying medicine can't save you at all, my Valkyrie will be healed soon, let me fly up to the sky to see, and I'll blow up the opposite side!"

"Fuck, Maomei's big move is coming out! Lucio's block is enlarged!"

"I just know how to shout, you f*cking monk has a big move, if you don't let me let you go!"

Seeing everyone in the team yelling and playing the game, Yang Chen didn't say much and just watched from the side.

It is different from Yiwang’s public apology some time ago, which can be regarded as farting.

The working atmosphere of Xingyun Games is much more relaxed. Of course, the premise is that you can complete the corresponding daily work indicators, rather than purely messing around.

In fact, as far as the employees themselves are concerned, there are no really tenable achievements, and basically they will not relax themselves. After all, there are still a lot of people staring at your position.

As for Yiwang's previous public statement that "employees' happiness and health are regarded as the biggest KPI indicators", it is enough to listen to it.

"President Yang..."

After the round was over, Wang Ye and the others noticed that Yang Chen in the conference room was hurriedly taking off his earphones.

Although the workload on my job has been completed, it is still in the company.

"Okay, let's talk about your views on the game." Yang Chen couldn't help but smiled and waved his hands as he looked at the crowd.

Seeing that Yang Chen didn't talk about their affairs, but directly asked questions about the game, Wang Ye used the mouse to click on a record file on the secondary computer screen next to him.

"I feel that in a normal level of game, support tends to be output-oriented, and pure support will make the team lose; but when one's teammates have strong output, proper support can make the output environment better."

Wang Ye said something about what they had just experienced in the game.

When the output of one's own side is not strong, if you play tanks and support, it feels like you can't stop the opponent at all if you just support.

The milk doesn't move, I can't hold it.

On the contrary, at this time, milk and tanks actively attack with the output point, which seems to be better.

But when the output of teammates is strong, the tank and auxiliary protection feel the other way around.

You give him a stable output environment, and he gives you back the whole sky.

Hearing Wang Ye's words, Yang Chen nodded slightly.

In fact, there are still many places that are not very balanced.

For example, in high-end games, everyone is very good at playing.

At this time, if the milk is still inclined to attack, it will definitely be at a disadvantage, unless the teammates are really good at showing off, able to protect themselves and output.

But in the confrontation game of ordinary players, it is another scene.

Supports feel as engaging as tanks.

After all, winning is the only theme in professional competitions, and if you lose, you are not as skilled as others, and you will come back next time.

Even if the assistants do the dirtiest and most tiring work, everyone will not complain, because the competition is their job.

But ordinary players are different. If they win, they do the dirtiest and most tiring work, then they win anyway, and they can still smile.

And if you lose, you've done the dirtiest and most tiring job, and you don't have the gaming experience, how uncomfortable is that?

Public data allows everyone to see their performance, and tanks and support can also have certain offensive capabilities.

This is Yang Chen's change towards entertainment.

Everyone's stats in each position are very good, but if they can't beat the opponent, then there is no other way but to say that they are inferior to others.

It is actually quite important to give players an excuse to comfort themselves and throw the pot away.

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