The applause in the auditorium was not much warmer than that of Meseles. Everyone felt that this toad-like woman was a bit scary.

Dumbledore didn't say how long Meselice would have to teach, but Harry and the others thought it didn't matter. After all, they were all acquaintances, and it would be the same for anyone who taught him. Their only concern was Hagrid's safety.

"The school Quidditch match will be..."

He stopped and turned to look at Umbridge sitting behind him.

This woman was not very tall, so when Dumbledore was mid-sentence, the students in the audience didn't know why he stopped.

They looked at Dumbledore in confusion, but Umbridge had already stood up.


She cleared her throat and gave Dumbledore a small look. The old principal looked a little surprised, but then he gave up his seat.

Dumbledore sat down, as if he was expecting Umbridge to speak. This time it was the other teachers' turn to be surprised. Snape raised his eyebrows, but his bangs obscured his eyebrows. The corners of Professor McGonagall's mouth twitched, and even Meserys, who had just joined the job, frowned.

Never before had a new teacher dared to interrupt Dumbledore while he was speaking.

Many students below were laughing, feeling that the silly woman in front of them had no idea how things were done at Hogwarts.

But Louis and Harry didn't laugh. They knew how much background Umbridge had now.

"Thank you, Headmaster." Umbridge said with a fake smile, "Thank you for your welcome speech."

“It’s great to see such young faces.”

She made a high-pitched voice, and it was hard to imagine that a middle-aged woman over forty could actually speak with a little girl's accent.

The students all showed disgusted looks. What did Umbridge think of them, five-year-old children?

There is also her dressing style, a pink cardigan shirt. This kind of aesthetic is completely unacceptable to young people in the 1990s.

But what annoyed Louis the most was her way of doing things.

"Ahem." She coughed again, "I must say, it's great to be back at Hogwarts again!"

"She also graduated from Hogwarts before?"

"Almost all wizards in the British Ministry of Magic are graduates of the Ministry of Magic." Louis explained, "Umbridge was formerly from Slytherin House."

"It's conceivable." Harry sneered, "It's all stuff."

"I believe I can become good friends with each of you."

The students looked at each other, and then a few of them smiled.

"As long as she doesn't wear that cardigan shirt, I think there's hope." Colin smiled secretly. Obviously, Umbridge did not leave a good impression on the students.

Umbridge cleared her throat again, and this time her voice changed, becoming dry and official.

"The Ministry of Magic unanimously believes that educating young people is a very serious and important matter. You have innate talents. If you do not receive correct guidance and training, you will lose your talents. The wizarding world has ancient skills. , needs to be passed down and shared, otherwise it will disappear. The precious heritage left by our ancestors needs to be inherited, protected and improved by those who have received higher education.”

Having said this, Umbridge turned around and bowed to her colleagues behind her, but none of them responded. Professor McGonagall frowned even more. Louise even saw Snape and Meselice beside her exchange a meaningful look.

Umbridge cleared her throat again and continued her tirade.

"Successive principals of Hogwarts have regarded innovation as the standard of education, which is good, because innovation will bring progress, and without progress, there will be stagnation and regression. But equally, it is not advisable to abandon tradition through excessive innovation. . Our tradition has been tempered for many years and does not need to be changed. This needs to reach a balance between the old and the new, between tradition and innovation, between change and constancy.”

Louis yawned, and his attention began to be distracted. He was not used to listening to such long official reports, let alone Umbridge who was speaking.

None of the young wizards were interested in hearing such words. The quiet atmosphere created by Dumbledore was gone. The one I hear best now is probably Ernie MacMillan from Hufflepuff.

However, Lewis could see that this guy was only dealing with it superficially, his eyes were full of emptiness, and he was probably doing this so as not to embarrass the prefect badge on his chest and live up to the weight of the badge.

He looked at the movements of several other friends. Luna was already reading with her copy of The Quibbler. Astoria was fiddling with her nails boredly. When she caught his gaze, she was helpless. Spreading her hands, Daphne was introducing boys from Durmstrang to her. And Qiu is still chatting with her little sisters.

"Some changes are really good, and another change will be found to be a decision-making error when the time is right. At the same time, some old decisions need to be retained, but some very old habits need to be abandoned in order for us to keep moving forward. Keep what needs to be kept, eliminate what needs to be eliminated, and correct what is forbidden.”

Louis really thinks that all the official talk Umbridge speaks is nonsense. In fact, everyone can understand these truths.

The pink toad talked for almost half an hour before she sat back down. When she finally sat down, the students instantly regained their energy.

Dumbledore began to applaud, and several teachers followed Dumbledore's hasty response, but there was little response from the students below.

After a while, Dumbledore stood up again.

"Thank you very much, Professor Umbridge. A very profound speech, very inspiring." Dumbledore nodded at her, "Okay, where did I just say it? Oh yes, Quidditch." Strange match."

"Yes, it is indeed very inspiring..."

"Hermione, what are you talking about?" Ron looked at her strangely and reached out to touch her forehead, but Hermione slapped her away.

"You can't be possessed by Percy. This is the dullest speech I've ever heard."

"There is some deep meaning hidden behind the boredom." Hermione said seriously.

"What is it?"

“Like ‘progress for the sake of progress requires prohibition’ or something like that.”

"What does that mean?"

"It means that the Ministry of Magic may interfere in the affairs of Hogwarts." Louis continued. Anyway, this semester is destined to be uneventful.

Ron and the others wanted to say something else, but soon, the twitching sound of tables and chairs attracted their attention, causing Hermione and Ron to jump up from their seats.

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