Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 348: Meselice’s student days

"Ron, we should go lead the new students."

Hermione shouted because she found that Dumbledore's speech had ended at some point and the students were all filing towards the door of the auditorium.

"Oh yes." Ron quickly wiped his mouth, he almost forgot about this, "Hey, little one, I mean first year, please come with us."

He quickly corrected himself, of course under Hermione's annoyed gaze.

"You should go with them, Raven." Louis said to his sister beside him, "Ron and Hermione are Gryffindor prefects. They will take you to the tower to rest."

"But, brother, won't you come together?"

"I'll follow behind." Louis smiled and handed Raven into Hermione's hands.

Ron was guiding a group of shy Gryffindor freshmen from between Slytherin and Hufflepuff. They looked really small, even with Raven standing among them looking more mature. Louis even wondered if he looked as naive as they did when he first entered Hogwarts three years ago.

"see you later."

The two prefects led a group of newcomers out of the auditorium. When Louis was about to return to Gryffindor Tower with Harry, who was alone beside him, a voice behind him stopped him.

Meseles happened to step down from the podium, the other teachers had already gone back, and Moody also went to the castle to maintain order.

"Come for a walk outside with me?"

Meserys said hello to Harry first, and then set her sights on Louis.

"Of course, it's just..."

"It's okay, Louis, I'll just go back by myself." Harry grinned, knowing what Louis was worried about. However, the reason why he waited until most people had walked out before starting was because he didn't want to pay attention to other people's gossip along the way. The rhythm of the Daily Prophet pushed Harry to the forefront.

"let's go.."

Meserys and Louis did not go towards Gryffindor Tower, but towards the other direction of Hogwarts.

It faces the garden corridor outside Hogwarts Castle, and beyond is the Quidditch venue.

This year's Gryffindor is without the legendary Quidditch goalkeeper Wood, which has put a lot of pressure on them to compete for the championship. Since winning the Quidditch Steward last year, this academy team has been affected by the other three Special attention from the college.

However, Ron had been asking Harry about the Quidditch team before, which was good news. Although Ron doesn't have the strength of Wood, he will definitely be as good as the two selling Courts when he breaks out.

"I really miss it. I didn't expect to be able to return to Hogwarts nearly twenty years after graduation."

Meserys was full of feelings about everything here. A long time had passed, but Hogwarts had not changed much.

"Mom, what was your previous college?"

"Slytherin, you should be able to guess." Meserys smiled, "Everyone in the Lestrange family is Slytherin. I have also been influenced by my family since I was a child, believing that pure blood is supreme. Everyone in the family believes in this, except my aunt.”

"Your great-aunt?"

"Well, she is a legend of the Lestrange family, at least I think so." A rare admiration flashed in Meiselis's eyes, "It's just that she died in the battle with Grindelwald, There are not many records about her in the family, I only know about it from my father and later Dumbledore’s words.”

"I won't talk about her anymore, I just want you to know that the Sorting Hat cannot completely judge a person's future, and several houses should not be biased against each other."

Of course Lewis knew this, but others didn’t think so.

"Why do you remember coming to Hogwarts to teach?"

"Dumbledore asked me to come." Meseles leaned down and stared at the purple flowers on the ground, "Did I tell you that I got an O in the Care of Magical Creatures class in my S exam?"

"Of course it's also to protect you. Dumbledore knows the purpose of that woman named Umbridge coming to Hogwarts, and no one can hide it from him."

"If he doesn't have his own people around him, it might be difficult for him to use his skills."

Yes, as the greatest white wizard in history, how could he be controlled by people from the Ministry of Magic? Fudge thought he was monitoring Hogwarts and Dumbledore, but in fact it was just Dumbledore who didn't want to fight with him. His enemy was always Voldemort who had returned from hell.

"Well, this tree should be here, ah, I found it."

Meserys and Louis had gone far, almost to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

"It's under this tree." She pointed to a small tree not far from her. This tree looked no different from the others.

"Severus often does practical training with me here. In fact, he taught me many of my spells."

"Snape?" Louis did not expect that Meselice would have such a relationship with Snape.

"He is one year older than me, and they are both Slytherin students." Meserys recalled, "Although he is teaching potions now and always looks cold, in fact, his Defense Against the Dark Arts is the best OK."

This is true. Severus Snape asked Dumbledore more than once for a Defense Against the Dark Arts position, but for some unknown reason, the old Dumbledore never agreed.

"Alas, Sev is pitiful. It's just that after he graduated and joined the Death Eaters, we no longer had much contact." Meseles sighed, "Later, after the tragedy happened at the Potter's house, we were able to When we met again, it was just that at that time his eyes had lost their former glory and hope for love."

"Ah, he's here. He was talking about you just now, Sifu..."

Snape didn't know when he appeared next to their mother and son, still wearing his shiny hair.

"It's so leisurely and relaxing, but I really didn't expect that you would be Meseles's child."

"Professor Snape." Lewis couldn't say he disliked Snape. After all, he was always someone close to Dumbledore, although he often deducted points from them for a little public grudge.

"Don't be like this, Sev, I just asked Louis to talk to me."

"You are spoiling him." Snape said expressionlessly, "The Dark Lord has been resurrected, and the situation is becoming increasingly tense. I think it is best for students not to go out during the curfew."

"Then let's go back."

Louis didn't dare to offend this plague god, because he might get angry and deduct a lot of points from Gryffindor.

Meserys nodded helplessly and took Louis towards the castle, leaving Snape alone to pay attention to the tree in a daze, but no one noticed the two tears shed from the corners of his eyes.

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