Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 105 The use of demulcents

Nydia searched around the perimeter of the library, but could not find any useful clues, nor could she see Ginny. She was a little discouraged. Maybe she should go back to the Gryffindor common room and wait for Ginny to show up, but it was not a place where she could have a good conversation. Should she ask Ginny to hand over the diary in public? It would be better to go directly. Tell Dumbledore this.

She began to wander around the castle aimlessly, meeting few people along the way. Occasionally, she met one or two people who were also rushing to their college lounge. Nidia dodged a few people. If the teachers patrolling the corridors were met by them, they would definitely drive her back to the Gryffindor common room. She didn't want to go back there just yet. Being in a crowd full of panic and worry would not let her. Feeling better.

When passing Myrtle's bathroom on the second floor, she heard the crying sound again, which made her feel bored. She didn't understand that since they had become ghosts, what else was worth worrying about and feeling sentimental about? , if one day you become a ghost, you must be like Peeves, just wander around mindlessly all day long.

Nidia quickened her pace. She wanted to walk past here quickly and didn't want to listen to this sad cry all the time. But after taking a few steps, she suddenly stopped. No, that voice was not Myrtle's, it was Ginny's. Nydia immediately rushed into the bathroom, and finally she found Ginny in a single room.

When Nidia pushed open the door to the single room, Ginny stopped crying in horror. When she saw clearly that the person who came was Nidia, she quickly wiped away the tears on her face with her sleeves.

"What are you doing?" Ginny asked in a panic.

"Give me Riddle's diary." Nydia didn't want to make any detours and went straight to the point.

Ginny was stunned by Nitya's words. She looked at Nitya with wide eyes and nervously grabbed her bag tighter with her hands. "I don't understand what you are talking about. What are you talking about? Riddle, I Never heard of it."

"It's the diary you took from Harry. Ginny, I already know everything about it. Give it to me. You know how dangerous it is." Nydia persuaded.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't take anything." Ginny continued to deny.

"Ginny, believe me, I won't tell anyone about you. Too many people have been attacked. The secret room can no longer be opened. The school may even be closed because of these attacks." Tia tried to tell Ginny how serious the situation was.

"Why should I believe you?" Ginny was full of resistance to Nydia, "Did you know that Harry kept mentioning you when he came to our house during the summer vacation, and Ron also mentioned you. They all said that you were with other people. Field is different. I was looking forward to seeing you at that time. But when I really saw you, you were with Malfoy and got along so well. What kind of person can compete with the cunning and hypocritical Malfoy family? We had a great time chatting with each other. You deceived Harry with your hypocritical appearance, but in my opinion, you are no different from other members of the Field family. You just know how to pretend better than them."

Ginny's words surprised Nydia. She knew that Ginny had never liked her very much, but she never thought that Ginny had such a deep prejudice against her.

"Ginny, I don't have that much time to explain these things to you now. Being close to Draco does not mean that I am hypocritical towards Harry and the others, and Draco is not as bad as you say." Nidia felt a little angry. She felt that Ginny's thoughts were inseparable from Ron's usual cynicism. Nidia did not pay too much attention to Ron's words because she knew that Ron was just uncomfortable. , she just said a few unpleasant words, but she still regarded her as a friend in her heart, but what she didn't expect was that Ginny actually listened to all those words. "Ginny, give me the diary quickly."

"What will happen if I don't give it to you? Will you attack me like you attacked Astoria?" Ginny was no longer as panicked as she was at the beginning, and her tone of voice became firmer.

"Why should I attack you?" The anger became stronger and stronger in Nidia's heart.

"Stop pretending, everyone knows that on the day at the Duel Club, you used a spell to knock Astoria away, and after that, you attacked Filch, who didn't know how to spell at all. No upright person would do that. You would do such a thing and now you are going to attack me like you attacked them?" Ginny said as she held her bag tighter.

"That's enough, Ginny, things are not as reported by the outside world, but these are not important now. What is important now is that you must hand over the diary to me, and we must stop the attacks." Nidia endured. With anger, if the person opposite was not Ginny, maybe she had actually taken action directly. The diary was in Ginny's bag, and her actions had exposed the location of the diary.

"Wow." Myrtle suddenly jumped out of the single room next door. She was suspended in mid-air and looked at Nydia and Ginny. "Is it a duel between girls? Don't tell me why. Let me guess. It must be It’s for the boy, maybe”

Myrtle suddenly came closer to Nydia, "I remember you, you were here as Harry Potter." Myrtle suddenly giggled. This was the first time Nydia heard Myrtle's laughter. This voice couldn't be more endearing than her cry, "Are you dueling for Harry Potter?" Myrtle suddenly looked shy, "Yes, yes, little Harry." He's a handsome boy, so it's no surprise that several girls are fighting over him."

After saying that, she glanced at Nitya and Ginny ambiguously, then giggled and rolled in the air.

"Go away Myrtle, no one wants to duel here." Nydia was in a terrible mood. She felt that there seemed to be a huge anger in her heart that wanted to break out of her shell, and she yelled at Myrtle loudly. "Get out of here"

"There is no duel." Myrtle's tone seemed a little disappointed, "Then why did you take out the wand?"

"I have already said that no one wants to duel here, and no one is holding magic." When Nidia looked at her hand, she was stunned. She didn't remember when she had taken out the wand, but now the wand Just holding it in your own hands.

Nydia looked up at Ginny. She was now even more vigilant than before, as if she was ready to dodge Nydia's spell attack at any time. Now Nitya didn't know how to explain it anymore. She hoped that someone could explain to her when she got her wand.

"Hasn't the duel begun yet?" Myrtle said expectantly, "For the boy you love, let's fight, girls."

"I didn't." Nidia felt at a loss to explain. She ran out of the bathroom angrily. She felt as if her heart was being burned. Whenever she recalled Ginny's misunderstood look at her just now, the burning feeling burned even more. She needed someone. To vent, she wanted to smash something or destroy something to vent the fire in her heart.

What happened to her? Nidia tried her best to suppress her manic emotions, but her uneasy mood made it increasingly difficult to control her emotions. Palliatives have palliatives for yourself

She fumbled from her pocket for the small bottle of demulcent that Snape had asked her to take with her. She opened the cap of the bottle in a panic and drank it in one gulp. Soon, the effect of the demulcent drug took effect, the burning feeling in my heart slowly dissipated, and my mood became calmer and calmer. Nidia leaned against the wall, breathing heavily. For such a short period of time, she felt as if all the energy in her body was being drained.

Looking at the empty medicine in her hand, Nidia began to worry. There seemed to be something wrong with her, but she had no idea what the problem was.

In Snape's office, Nydia was concentrating on brewing the palliative. She didn't know whether it was because the palliative was still working, or because too many things had happened in the past two days, Nydia became particularly quiet. and focus. She was so quiet that Snape could hardly feel the presence of a second person in the office.

When the potion was dropped into the mouth of the white mouse, the originally restless white mouse became quiet and did not fall asleep directly like before. It moved freely in the cage, but its pace became much slower.

"It went faster than I expected." Snape looked at Nydia with admiration, "Please take the medicine bottle with you and remember the way you brewed it today."

Nitya still didn't speak, and obediently filled bottles of palliatives. Before, she might have wondered why she had so many palliatives, but now she knew she needed them.

"Hurry up, I'll take you back to the Gryffindor common room." Snape urged. The school has issued new rules. No student is allowed to leave the common room of his own college after six o'clock in the evening. Requires escort by a teacher. So according to the rules, Snape must escort Nydia back to the Gryffindor common room.

"No need, Professor, you know I won't be attacked." Nydia said calmly. She knew that Snape was extremely reluctant to escort him without asking.

Snape was stunned for a moment, then said. "There's really no need to pretend like this." Anyway, there are no other students outside now.

When Nydia packed up the medicine bottles and walked to the office door, she stopped. She turned back to Snape and asked, "Professor, why do you want me to learn to brew demulcents, and why do you require me to bring them with you at all times?" "He must know something."

Snape did not answer immediately. He stared at Nydia and looked at her carefully before saying, "If you are willing, I still have a lot of potions that need to be prepared."

Nidia sighed. Sure enough, he would not tell her. He would explain it from the beginning.

"Good night, Professor." Nydia saluted Snape, closed the door to Snape's office, and turned to leave.

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