Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 106 Moaning Myrtle

This is not the first time that Nydia has walked around the castle after the lights-out time, but today's Hogwarts Castle feels particularly quiet, so quiet that it makes people feel uneasy, even in school on weekdays. None of the ghosts wandering around the place appeared, and Peeves has become much more peaceful than before in recent days.

When they came out of the basement and passed the main entrance hall, an unexpected person stopped Nydia who was about to go back to the Gryffindor common room.

"Mr. Malfoy, I didn't know you came to school. What's wrong with Draco?" Lucius Malfoy's appearance made Nydia a little confused. Why was he here at this time?

"No, there have been attacks in the school one after another. As the director of the school, we must step forward and do something." Lucius Malfoy was talking to Nydia, but his eyes were looking in the direction of Hagrid's cabin in the distance.

Did Hagrid say that the Ministry of Magic is going to take action against Hagrid?

"Sir, Hagrid is innocent." Nydia hoped that Lucius Malfoy could help Hagrid.

"It doesn't matter whether you are innocent or not. What is important is that the attack has made people panic. The Ministry of Magic must do something to make everyone feel at ease." Lucius Malfoy said indifferently, as if he didn't care what would happen to Hagrid. Use punishment, "Nidia, you need to hurry up. The longer the time is delayed, the stronger he will be."

"What?" Lucius Malfoy's unreasonable words left Nydia confused.

"Find it." Lucius Malfoy did not explain much. He once again left a meaningless sentence and started walking in the direction of Hagrid's cabin.

Nydia was stunned. She was thinking about what Lucius Malfoy had just said. Was he talking about the Chamber of Secrets? The longer he would become more powerful, was he referring to the diary? But why did he know the existence of the diary? She misunderstood what he meant. Nydia couldn't figure it out. She shook her head, and then looked worriedly in the direction of Hagrid's cabin. She only hoped that this time Dumbledore would be able to take Hagrid away like last time. Protect him and prevent him from being taken away by the Ministry of Magic. As long as he gets the diary from Ginny, Hagrid can clear away the suspicion.

However, the next day, Nidia learned that the direction of development of things was very different from what she expected. She was particularly shocked, and all the teachers and students in the school were also shocked. No one expected that the seamen who were taken away from the Ministry of Magic last night At the same time, Dumbledore was dismissed from his position as principal by the school board.

"I thought he would help Dumbledore." Nydia felt incredible about this result.

"Just think about his behavior in Flourish and Blotts. There's a reason why the Weasley family hates the Malfoy family." Michelle knew, because Lucius Malfoy is Draco's father, and Nydia must be He didn't want to believe that Lucius Malfoy was not on the same side as him.

"Floor and Blott Bookstore" Nydia suddenly remembered something.

"Yes, have you forgotten? During the summer vacation in Diagon Alley, he had a big fight with Mr. Weasley at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore. Isn't that what you told me?" Michelle was deeply impressed by this incident. , two adults fought in front of their children, the scene was really ugly.

"No, I remember. What I still remember is that Mr. Malfoy threw a book to Ginny before leaving." Nydia said with some excitement.

"So, does this mean that he is not bad?"

"That's not the point, Michelle. I've never figured out where Ginny got that diary. It was in Flourish and Blotts Bookstore. Think about Dobby, a house elf who basically never leaves his master's house. Where did you know that Harry would be in danger?" Ginny's books were scattered on the floor, and Lucius Malfoy must have taken the opportunity to sneak the diary in at that time.

Michelle thought about Nydia's words, and then said in horror, "You mean, all this is caused by Lucius Malfoy, who is working for the mysterious man."

Nydia thought for a moment and recalled what her father told her that Lucius Malfoy was one of her own. If her father believed in him, then he must be trustworthy. Coupled with what he said last night, now she It was certain that Lucius Malfoy was urging him to end the incident quickly. "Not necessarily. The truth of the matter may not be what we see on the surface."

"Is it because of Draco that you don't want to believe that Lucius Malfoy is working for the mysterious man? You must know that the outside world's comments about the Malfoy family are not very good. Although they try to deny it, there are still many people who accuse it. Lucius Malfoy was once a Death Eater." Michelle hoped Nydia wouldn't be blinded by emotion.

"No, I'm not because of Draco, but because of my father. My father thinks he is trustworthy, so I believe he must have done this for a reason. At least so far, no students have actually died, everyone. They were just petrified. As long as the mandrake matures, they will recover." Nidia's eyes were firm. Although she didn't know the specific situation, she believed in her father's judgment. Even looking back now, she felt that her father also knew about it. Seriously, those repeated reminders at the bus station when school started seemed to remind me that something was about to happen.

"Okay, since you said so." Michelle still had doubts in her heart, "But what should we do in this situation now? Dumbledore is gone. Even if you get the diary from Ginny, you should give it to Who? Others might think that you did all this and just handed over the diary because you were scared."

"I believe Dumbledore will come back. He will not be driven away so easily. We just need to wait for him to come back. During this period, it is best if we can get the diary. If we can't get the diary, we will keep an eye on Ginny." , at least don’t let her have another chance to open the secret room.”

Dumbledore's departure made the students even more panicked. Everyone felt that without Dumbledore's protection, their safety would be more difficult to guarantee. Unprecedented fear is spreading throughout the school. All students are stipulated not to act without authorization. They must stay in their college common room when there are no classes. Even if they need to go out, they must do so in groups, and they must The presence of the teacher made it easier for Nidia to monitor Ginny's whereabouts. She tried to communicate with Ginny several times, but Ginny was still very resistant. In the end, Ginny simply stopped letting herself be alone and followed her at any time. The other Weasley brothers stayed together, giving Nydia no chance to talk to her again. But that's okay, at least she won't open the secret room again.

To be on the safe side, Nydia almost regarded the common room as her bedroom. Every day after everyone in the common room dispersed, she would hug her blanket and lie down on the sofa in the common room, so that even if Ginny wanted to Even if you go out in the middle of the night, you will notice it. In this way, Nydia slept on the sofa in the lounge for two weeks. She didn't wait for Ginny to sneak out in the middle of the night, but unexpectedly met two other people who walked back to the common room from outside the school in the middle of the night.

"When did you two sneak out?" Nidia looked at Harry and Ron who returned to the lounge in a state of shock.

"Why are you sleeping here?" Ron looked at Nitya in confusion.

"I asked first, you should answer my question first," Nidia looked at them carefully. Their robes were somewhat torn, and their shoes still had some traces of mud. "Did you go to the Forbidden Forest?"

Harry and Ron were stunned for a moment, then looked at the marks on their bodies and found that it seemed difficult to get away with it, so they had no choice but to tell Nydia everything truthfully.

"You went to find Aragog," Nydia said in surprise. She didn't understand why Harry and Ron went to the Forbidden Forest in the middle of the night to find a giant spider.

"You know Aragog" Harry said in surprise.

"Another of Hagrid's monster pets, yes, I know, Draco and I met it in the Forbidden Forest last year. Hagrid asked us to keep it a secret from him. How did you know?" Nidia Asked doubtfully.

"Thanks to Hagrid's words to follow the spider if you want to know the truth, we are really lucky to be alive." Ron complained angrily. It seemed like they must have experienced something terrible in the Forbidden Forest.

"What truth"

"It's like this. I lied to you about Riddle's diary. It is not blank. Although it looks blank, it can talk to you. It allows me to see Riddle's memories when he was studying. "Harry began to explain what happened to Nydia, "The Chamber of Secrets was opened once when they were studying. It was Riddle who caught the person who opened the Chamber of Secrets, and it was because of this incident that he obtained the piece. Special contribution medal, but we now know that he arrested the wrong person. He mistakenly regarded Hagrid as the heir, and Hagrid was expelled because of this. "

"Hagrid is innocent. I know it. I talked to Hagrid a long time ago." Nydia sighed.

"You know you talked to Hagrid?" Ron said in surprise, "Why did you never tell us? If you had known earlier, why would we have to look for that damn spider tonight?"

"I am quite happy to share this news with you, but will you believe what I say? Didn't you tell me the truth about the diary?" Nidia shook her head helplessly.

"I remember that last time you went to the prize showroom in the middle of the night and smashed some medals, was it Riddle's medal that you smashed?" Harry asked Nydia.

"Yes, he framed Hagrid and doesn't deserve the medal at all." Nidia said lightly. She was worried that thinking about it too much would make her emotional. "Do you have any clues now? I think we should exchange the information we know. This can calm the matter faster."

"There is no accurate information at the moment, just a guess." Harry said, "If you have talked to Hagrid, you must also know that a student died when the Chamber of Secrets was opened. We are guessing whether that girl died. I haven’t left school since then, I’ve been staying in that bathroom.”

"Stay there all the time, you mean Myrtle?" Nidia recalled that Myrtle had been wearing the school uniform. "Have you ever noticed which college's uniform Myrtle was wearing? The girl who died that year was Raven. Crow’s students.”

"No." Harry shook his head.

"I think you need to take the time to go to Myrtle's bathroom to confirm. If it is really her, maybe we can get important information from her." Nidia said, if we can find the entrance to the secret room, we will It couldn't be better.

"Hey, did you forget that's a women's room?" Ron complained.

"Believe me, Myrtle will be more willing to have a good chat with you. Especially Harry, she is very fond of you. If I go, she will just kick me out." Thinking about the day when I was with Ginny in the bathroom Damn it if Myrtle is still willing to have a good conversation with me.

"Okay, let's find a way to go and have a look in the next two days." Harry said to Ron. Ron felt extremely helpless, but in the end he acquiesced to the plan.

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