Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 113: Hagrid’s vegetable garden

"Hagrid!" He went back to the dormitory and put down the books. Carney brought the materials list and Xiao Hei, Ron brought his Scabbers, and Harry let Hedwig out. Since he wanted to take pictures, he brought them all with him and came to the sea. Beautiful hunting lodge.

"I was still wondering when you would come to my place." Hagrid added a lot of things around his hut, including a vegetable garden and a chicken pen.

"Woof woof!" Hagrid came out of the chicken pen behind the hut, and Yaya followed Hagrid.

"There are more people than before..." Hagrid muttered, but he looked very happy. "Harry has made a new friend?" Hagrid was referring to Colin.

"No, he's here to take pictures," Harry said.

"My name is Colin." Colin introduced himself.

"Come in and sit down, everyone."

Carney put Xiao Hei down and let him play by himself.

Ya Ya, who was guarding the chicken coop, immediately trembled and stepped back.

"Xiao Hei, don't eat chicken!" Carney looked at Ya Ya who was retreating repeatedly, and warned Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei's body swimming towards the chicken pen stopped for a moment, and he had no choice but to play in the direction of the Forbidden Forest. He had been there several times before, and with Xiao Hei's size, he was the best in the wild area.

"Senior, you actually raise a snake!" Colin seemed to have discovered some new world.

"What a fuss, it's been a semester."

Colin raised his camera to take a picture of Xiao Hei, but Xiao Hei had already slipped into the Forbidden Forest.

"It ran into the Forbidden Forest!" Colin shouted. When he turned around, Carney had already entered Hagrid's hut, and he and Fang were the only ones left outside.

"Good dog!"

"Woof woof woof!"

Colin quickly ran into the hut, where Carney and the others were already sitting and drinking tea.

"Well, these materials of yours are not cheap." Hagrid held up the list, "There are some things you can't buy in Diagon Alley."

"What about Knockturn Alley?" Harry asked.

Hagrid glared at Harry, and then said, "It's all possible, but some of it will take time."

"It's okay, there's no rush." ​​Carney took out a bag of gold galleons and handed it to Hagrid, "Here are three copies, one hundred gold galleons. If it's not enough, I'll make up for it next time."

"All right."

"Isn't this why so many of you are here?" Hagrid poured a cup of tea for everyone.

"We're here to take pictures." Ron pointed at Colin's camera.

"Hagrid, come too!" Harry said, "I haven't taken a picture with you yet, Hagrid."

"Of course, that's great, I didn't expect that." Hagrid was very happy. Last semester, he didn't even think of taking a photo with Harry.

"Then we'll take a photo together, and then Harry will be arranged by Colin."

"What are Gui Colin's arrangements?" Hagrid asked.

"Of course it's for Harry's personal photo album!" Seamus said with a smile.

After sitting in the room and chatting for a while, we went outside to take pictures.

They were outside the hut with their backs to the woods, and the Forbidden Forest as the background. Hagrid was embarrassed to stand in the middle. He was too big and tall, so Hagrid simply sat on the ground, holding Fang in his arms.

Blackie wasn't far away and was held by Carney. Ron put Scabbers in the pocket under his collar, and Hedwig stopped on Harry's shoulder.

"If I had known, I would have bought a pet too." Hermione said when she saw four people taking photos with their pets.

"It's so troublesome to raise this one. I watched Carney take Little Hei to bask in the moonlight every day for several weeks without giving him anything to eat. Hei is really a miracle pet snake. Ron often forgets to feed his mice. He The mice are smart enough to crawl into my drawers to find food, and Harry’s little bird only eats one meal and never feeds the next.” Seamus scolded the people in the dormitory, “And Neville, his little frog is too active. If you can’t find it when you need it, don’t run out automatically when the time comes.”

Everyone in the dormitory except Seamus had pets. He didn't keep pets, but he saw through everything.

The whole dormitory blushed when Seamus said that Harry and Ron always forgot to feed them, but fortunately the owl could fly out to find food on its own, and Scabbers couldn't get enough of it alone.

Carney hasn't fed much in the past few weeks, and he has no face to face his parents at home. If his mother finds out, it won't be a slap on his face.

"I haven't found my Leif yet..." Neville said.

"Having said that - I'd still like to have a pet," said Hermione.

"Look at the camera." Colin shouted, and after everyone stood up, Colin started taking pictures.


"Let's do one in front of the hut and another in the background of Hogwarts."



"Okay, Harry, you're just asking for it." Then Harry was pulled to the other side by Colin to take pictures.

Seamus and Neville were practicing magic in an open space, and Ron and Hermione got into a quarrel for some unknown reason.

"Hagrid, have you ever been to the other side of the mountain?" Carney started chatting with Hagrid.

"It's not a nice place over there. I've been there once and there's no life there at all. I didn't see an animal. I just walked around and felt very bad," Hagrid said. , "I didn't feel better until I left that area and saw the little creature again, and I haven't been there since."

"You must not go there to play. I told the Weasley twins too."

"Don't worry, by the way, Hagrid, do you know where the tribe is in the Forbidden Forest?"

"I haven't been to their tribe either. They are all a bunch of magicians. If you are not their chosen one, they will not let you into their tribe at all."

"God's Chosen One?" This was the first time that Carney heard the name of God here. It was either Merlin's beard or Merlin's socks.

"Yes, I remember they often went to the Forbidden Forest to play during James' time..." Hagrid suddenly remembered Sirius who killed James and his wife.

"Then who is their god?" Carney asked. Could it be Sagittarius from the twelve signs of the Yellow Palace?

"I don't know, I guess it's on Mars. They talk about Mars being unusually bright every day, so it probably has something to do with Mars." Hagrid guessed.

"By the way, Hagrid, you don't mind if I go and kill some spiders." Carney began to think about an extremely rare creature in the Forbidden Forest, and he suddenly remembered that the eyes of the Acromantula are full of venom and silk. You can make materials or sell them for money.

He is short of money now, so he can't really sell the crystal pendant box.

"Why are you asking me?" Hagrid asked.

"It seems that you raised that Ah Ge, and that's why you were kicked out of school." Carney said directly. Anyway, after solving the basilisk, it would not be true that Hagrid released the basilisk in the secret room to hurt people. Hagrid can become Huo Huo. Gwartz's teacher.

"How do you know?" Hagrid was shocked.

"Don't worry, your innocence will eventually be restored."

"It's been so long, but Dumbledore has always believed in me, but Lucius Malfoy and... This is why I can't stand him." Hagrid ignored Tom's matter. "Don't tell Harry, even if you get innocence, it's already too late."

"It's not too late. In that case, you can become a teacher at Hogwarts, or at least a teaching assistant." Carney said, "This way you can live in Hogwarts, and it will be convenient for us to see you."

"Really? I have a chance to become a teacher?" Hagrid said in a daze.

"That's a story for later, let's still talk about spiders." Carney couldn't guarantee that the current Magical Creatures teacher was still alive.

"Except for Aragog and his wife, everyone else is free." Hagrid didn't care about the other spiders. He raised Aragog with his own hands, and he hoped that it would live out its old age peacefully.

He didn't expect them to reproduce so fast. There used to be quite a lot of creatures in the Forbidden Forest, but they began to decrease after Aragog multiplied. There was nothing he could do.

The men and horses would clean them regularly, but there were too many of them.

"Of course, why would I go to someone else's cave if I have nothing to do?" Carney was relieved after hearing Hagrid's words, and he would go there if he was short of money.

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