Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 114: Fighting incident among freshmen

"Hagrid, what have you been busy with lately?" Harry got rid of Colin after taking the photos and had time to chat with Hagrid.

"I got a lot of vegetable seeds during my vacation, and I made a vegetable garden myself."

"Did you grow all of these?" When they came to the vegetable garden, the fruits and vegetables in it were all extremely large, and they were half a head taller than Harry.

"That's right."

"Why are they so big? Especially that pumpkin." A huge pumpkin can hold a person, and a cabbage is as big as a basin.

"That's because - I gave them a little help." Hagrid smiled mysteriously.

"Expansion spell?" Carney was a little unsure, "Growing spell?"

"It's the Expansion Charm. They haven't fully grown up yet, but they will be big enough by Halloween." Hagrid said with a smile.

"That will take another two months." Harry said, "How big are they? Then we will come to help and see how big they grow."

"no problem."

The sun was going down very quickly. It was no different than Friday afternoon. When I came to the restaurant for dinner, the strange thing was that there were no freshmen there, only two or three freshmen were in the restaurant.

From the moment he noticed something unusual about these new students, Carney began to pay attention to them.

"Good evening, Harry!" Colin deliberately passed by Harry just to say hello.

"Good evening, Colin," Harry said calmly.

"Carney, Harry!" George and Fred plopped down next to them.

"Where have you been? Something weird happened today."

"We're going to Hagrid's," said Harry. "What's going on? Is it weirder than you?"

"Have you not noticed that Professor McGonagall and Sprout are not here?" Fred said.

"Is this something strange?" Ron said boredly while inserting the bread on the plate.

"In the afternoon, the freshmen from Gryffindor got into a fight with the freshmen from other houses." George said, "They are just as cowardly as you before."

"Is it Slytherin?" Ron was immediately interested, and others were equally curious.

"It's Hufflepuff," George said. "Sprout and Professor McGonagall are discussing how to handle it. The whole school almost knows about it, and Dumbledore is also involved in handling it."

"Why did the fight start?" Carney asked. Could it be that they were fighting for control of the girls' bathroom on the third floor?

"Here's the weird part. They fought in the girls' bathroom on the third floor. I don't know why."

"Girls' bathroom!" They were shocked by the news.

"Pervert!" Hermione commented, "But no one seems to be using the bathroom on the third floor because Moaning Myrtle lives in it."

"This is a deduction of nearly a hundred points!" George said.

"What!" Carney shouted immediately, "So many, and still on boring things!"

The points deducted are not worth it, and Hufflepuff and Hufflepuff are hurting each other. They were already at loggerheads with Slytherin when school started, but now they are really far apart.

"Where are they now?" Hermione asked.

"I was assigned to clean empty classrooms and wipe trophies. I heard that I will be assigned to work for Hagrid next week." George said, "Well, for a week in a row. This should be the most serious lesson."

"I want to teach them a lesson now!" Carney took out his wand.

"Ah, that's still serious." Fred moved his seat. They all knew that Carney had booked the Academy Cup, which made it difficult.

"By the way, Carney, what happened in the secret room." George whispered, "How's it going?"

"The entrance to the secret room is in the girls' bathroom on the third floor." Hermione said, "I think this is probably the purpose of the fight among the freshmen."

"I heard that the girls' bathroom on the third floor has been banned from entering. Even Myrtle is banned from entering. Dumbledore has spoken." Fred said.

"This is an opportunity given to us by Dumbledore." Carney calmed down and refrained from going to settle accounts with the freshmen. "That way no one will go there. I've already told Dumbledore."

"Then when are we going?" Harry asked.

"Tonight!" Since the freshmen were fighting, it was just right to deal with the basilisk today, and Dumbledore also had time today.

"So fast!" Fred said in surprise.

"The freshmen started fighting at the door of the secret room. We have to catch the basilisk before the freshmen reveal the location of the secret room and earn back the points." Hermione was thinking the same thing as Carney.

"But it's really too fast. Mine hasn't had time to learn the Eye Spell." Hermione said.

"What do we need to prepare?" George said, "Sacks? Rope, bottles?"

"Just bring a wand and a blindfold."

"The book records that the eyes of the basilisk can kill people. Anyone who sees the eyes of the basilisk will freeze and die." Hermione explained why she needs to wear a blindfold.

"Who's going tonight?" Carney asked. After all, the basilisk was no joke.

"Of course we have to go, we haven't seen the basilisk yet." The Weasley twins were fearless.

"I'm going. You didn't know where you went last semester, so you can't miss out this semester." Simo said easily.

Harry, Ron and Hermione are self-explanatory, and the last one is Neville.

"I'll go too, there's strength in numbers." Neville said resolutely.

"Don't be so nervous. Just think of it as going out to play." Carney patted Neville on the shoulder.

"They're back!"

A dozen freshmen returned to their seats in a sparse manner, and Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout also returned to the teachers' table to eat.

Just as Carney was about to make a move, he was pulled by Fred beside him.

"Kanikani! Don't be impulsive."

"I-I just feel numb on my butt, please move."

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay." George said, "I remember last semester, you also had points deducted for fighting. Although you beat Slytherin and got drinks, it gave us Gryffindors a chance to compete, but there are also some seniors. Angry, but fortunately your performance in class gained a lot of points, so no one cares about it. "

"Of course I know, so I'll give them a chance. If they deduct so much next time, they won't be able to get it back. By then, I'll have time to whip them." Carney told them to rest assured.

Dumbledore also attended the dinner. Carney, who was in the province now, went to the principal's office to find him. After making eye contact with Dumbledore, he nodded.

Seeing Dumbledore's look in return, Filch and Snape probably wouldn't wander around tonight.

"Everyone, eat more! You need to exercise at night."

"Almost forgot about Scabbers again." Ron took Scabbers out of his pocket and put it on the table. This mouse probably won't be happy for long.

Carney is going to take Xiao Hei to the secret room. He wonders if the basilisk has any snake pills or something, and Xiao Hei can also be regarded as an effective helper.

We went back to the common room together and made a date to meet in the common room at twelve o'clock.

"How big do you think the basilisk is?" It was only eight o'clock after dinner, and Ron looked for something to cover his eyes in the dormitory.

"It must be older than Lu Wei. I don't know where Lu Wei went." Harry said, "I checked that room again and it was just an empty room."

"A basilisk can live for hundreds of years and can grow up to fifty feet." The door to their dormitory was pushed open, and Hermione jumped out to give them some information.

"Hermione! You should knock first." Ron said with a frown.

"I knocked, maybe it was too quiet. I'll knock a little louder next time." Hermione said, "The basilisk is still afraid of the crow of the chicken. How about we go to Hagrid and get a chicken?"

"I saw that Hagrid had raised a lot, but it's a bit late now." Harry looked out the window at the pitch black sky.

"No, I can use my transformation technique to conjure up a few of them. It's no problem to crow." Carney said.

"With Carney, we won't lack anything, just ask him to change it." Ron said with a smile, "You can turn a big rock into a big mouse and throw it to the basilisk, and it will be strangled to death if you try anything." ”

"What a good idea. You'll know if this method is feasible when you become proficient in transfiguration." First of all, you have to find a stone seven or eight times larger than the basilisk. The basilisk is fifty feet long, so the stone has to be taller than the basilisk. The house is as big as it is.

I would catch an object that deforms so much and a basilisk with such abilities as a baby, but I already have it, so I'll sell it.

"Hermione, do you plan to stay with us until twelve o'clock?" Carney watched Hermione energetically playing with her wand on the chair.

"Of course, why, any of you are going to take a shower? I'll avoid it for now." Hermione said and stood up.

"No, the place where the basilisk lives is not very clean. Even if you wash it now, it will be in vain." Carney said, "But it's still a little long before twelve o'clock. Let's sleep for a while. Don't get sleepy then."

"That's what I meant." Ron was already lying on the bed, with several Quidditch books on the bedside. Ron would read them before going to bed.

"Remember to call us." Seamo threw the wizard robe aside and squinted his eyes under the quilt.

"I don't remember you going to bed so early," Hermione said, looking at Harry and Carney with distrust.

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