Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 328: Big Reversal (Part 1)

The door opened with a clatter, and Minister of Magic Fudge took the lead out of the elevator, followed by them.

The Department of Mysteries is a dark corridor, with no decorations on the walls and no windows. The walls, floors, ceilings and doors are all the same color - black.

There is a door at the end of the corridor, which is where they will solve the problem today. Carney noticed that there is another passage on the left, which should be the courtroom.

"Boss, you're awesome!" The junior was behind Carney. He was Tang Yugang, who had previously recognized Carney as the boss. He only dared to speak after people from the Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore had entered.

"Yeah." Carney didn't find anything to say, so he just hummed. Could it be that he also committed a crime when he followed?

"So, who starts first?" Fudge sat on the stage.

The room is not big, and there are no extra decorations in the room like outside. Except for the lamp hanging upside down from the ceiling, the room is surrounded by newly added seats. A total of eleven people are sitting there, including the Minister of Magic.

It seems that such a small incident is not worthy of everyone's presence, but what about voting? Did Dumbledore canvass for himself.

There was a separate bench in the middle of the room, with Principal Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall sitting on the side.

Dumbledore gave Carney a look, and Carney couldn't wait to walk to the middle and sit down, smiling and waiting for the next interrogation.

"Are you?" The Minister of Magic put on his glasses and turned over the documents and parchment in his hand.

"Dear Mr. Minister, I am Carney Strang, a second-year student at Hogwarts." Carney said, feeling that the atmosphere was not serious.

"I ask, you answer." Fudge seemed to find it in the file, took it out and put it on the desk.

"Kani Strang, knowing that he could not use magic outside the school, deliberately and purposefully cast the Disarming Curse and the Fire Curse in a densely populated Muggle area at 2:54 pm on January 3. , the Splitting Curse and the Crushing Curse, this behavior violates the "Reasonable Restraint of Minor Wizards" promulgated in 1875 and the "International Federation of Magician Secrecy Law".

Fudge read out a long article, and after finishing reading, he turned his attention to Carney, "Do you have any questions about the above content?"

"I think I have a chance to reform. After all, this is my first offender. I think a warning is good." Carney said sternly, but he didn't even deal with the warning directly. The Ministry of Magic lacked him a warning.

The Wizengamot members sitting around exchanged glances and felt that Carney was right.

"The Ministry of Supervision of Underage Wizards reported on the traces of underage wizards casting spells for the time period of January 3rd. There was no trace of you casting spells on that day." Fudge said calmly while holding another report.

Suddenly everyone turned their attention to Carney, who felt that he had to say something at this time.

"Really? Then I was wronged."

"Pfft." Another person under trial, Tang Yugang, almost laughed out loud, but the quiet atmosphere made him suppress his laughter immediately.

"Because you have repeatedly used destructive magic and seriously violated the law."

"Did you use magic on the afternoon of January 3rd?" Fudge did not dwell on the previous question and changed the question. As long as you cast a spell, you were not wronged.

"Yes." Carney replied obediently. He didn't know how much the Ministry of Magic had mastered, but he honestly admitted that after all, there was still a pre-flashback spell. He only needed to try it with his wand to find out.

"You know that you are under seventeen and are not allowed to use magic outside of school, right?"

"Yes,..." Carney wanted to say something else, but Fudge came again with the next sentence.

"You knew you were in a densely populated area with Muggles."

"..." Carney opened his mouth but stopped and said nothing. Fudge then spoke, "You haven't..."

He stopped mid-sentence because there was no answer to his previous question.

"I have made contributions to the British wizarding community. I have shed blood for the British wizarding community. I personally killed an evil alien creature on the afternoon of January 3rd." Carney said immediately after seeing Fudge stop. Start your own speech.

"Did you kill an alien creature that recently appeared in England?" asked a skinny witch next to Fudge.

"Yes, although the content in the Daily Prophet is fabricated, the pictures are real, and there is truth behind the pictures." Carney said categorically.

"Sorry to interrupt." A fat witch raised her hand and spoke, "Is this what you said was your contribution to the British Ministry of Magic?"

"They don't necessarily threaten the British wizarding world, so this can't be regarded as a contribution to the British wizarding world." She put down her hand with a smile.

"If this is not included, I have other contributions. A few months ago, I went to the American wizarding world to participate in the Global Association of Magicians and Transformers to represent England, and won the championship, which brought glory to the people of the British wizarding world. The newspaper proved it." Ni took the credit without blushing, and turned to Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall took out the newspaper, and one newspaper split into eleven pieces and fell into everyone's hands. The first article in the American version of the newspaper was that the contestants from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in England won the championship of the Transfiguration Exchange Competition of the Transfiguration Wizards Association of the United States Headquarters. They deserved to be transformed. Technological genius!

As soon as this report came out, the eyes of the fat witch who had just spoken almost popped out. Fudge, the Minister of Magic, quickly wiped his glasses and the newspaper in his hand trembled slightly.

"Are you thirteen years old now?" the witch from before asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I was taught by Professor McGonagall in my first year. It was only because of her careful teaching of the Transfiguration that I was able to win the championship." Carney's good words are true to Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall felt a little uncomfortable. After all, it was the first time that she had been praised and stared at during the interrogation of the Wizengamot and the Minister of Magic.

"It's really amazing, can you demonstrate it?" the witch said excitedly. The surrounding Wizengamot members were holding newspapers and whispering to each other. It is really unparalleled in the British wizarding world that a young wizard who has only studied for two years can have such magical abilities. O rising hope.

"Of course." Carney took out the magic wand and held it in his hand, then pointed the wand on the chair under his crotch.

The Gege Gege chair changed. The four stool legs sprouted sharp claws. The chair back split and expanded into wings. A huge dragon head came out from under Carney's crotch, and the earthy yellow skin turned to dark green.

A four-legged fire dragon appeared in the room, standing on its hind legs, its wings spread wide, and stopped when it was long enough to touch the walls on both sides of the room.

This would prevent the wings from sweeping up the seats and people on both sides. Carney sat astride the fire dragon's neck. The dragon's head stretched directly in front of Fudge, the Minister of Magic on the high platform. There was no dragon roar, and he just stared at Fudge for a while. , after all, such a small room is not suitable for shouting loudly.

"This is a Welsh green dragon, and it's not the biggest dragon I've ever transformed into." Carney said with a smile.

The members of the Wizengamot all took a deep breath. The dragon was visually estimated to be five or six meters long, and they could clearly feel the 'dragon's breath' around them.

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