He Comes From the Void

Chapter 712 The listener is interested

"Damn bear man, really haunted." The blood alliance smashed the bowl into pieces, but he drank the broth before smashing the bowl, and the current situation does not allow him to waste the slightest bit.

"Why did Winter's Claw walk with the Bearman?" Karn asked.

"I don't know why Sejuani did this. Are you not afraid of being assimilated by the bear spirit when you are with the bear people? It's too crazy." How to give Spirit Bear.

If the power of the bear spirit is requested, people's souls will be assimilated by the bear spirit, and eventually become half-bear monsters of the same kind.

"Battle Mother, hurry up and evacuate. Although we have little chance of winning against Winter's Claw, at least we still have a chance. But if the bears attack first, our resistance will be completely futile. Those ugly half-bear monsters will eat us up." Wipe it clean."

The scout showed fear. He was not the only scout who was sent out, but he was the only scout who came back, which is enough to explain the problem.

Listening to the urging of the clansmen, Olgavana frowned deeply. It's not that she doesn't want to escape, but that she doesn't know where to escape.

"The road to the beach is also blocked, we can't run away from those bears." A voice spoke out what she was thinking: "Those half-bear monsters don't sleep or sleep, and they don't have to stop to eat and drink, even if they get rid of them this time. If you catch them, it will be a matter of time before you are caught up by them next time."

Everyone looked at the speaker, an old blind man without a leg was slowly drinking broth, with a leisurely expression that put life and death aside.

"Don't run away if you can't run? Old Kerrick, do you mean to let everyone stay here and wait to die?" But in the eyes of some people, this is just a crazy old man who doesn't even eat and drink. Sarah wants others to serve him, just like a moth that sucks human blood.

Varys, the blood alliance, couldn't understand the old man's demeanor, and said through gritted teeth: "You don't feel pain in your back when you stand and talk, oh no, you can't even stand up, you can only hang behind others' backs and make sarcastic remarks. You can run faster without us."

"Varys, don't be disrespectful to the shaman!" Olgavana immediately reprimanded her blood covenant to shut up.

"If he is really useful, find a way to get everyone out of trouble!"

Kahn silently observed how this group of people would deal with the current situation. They were not in harmony with each other. Many people complained about the disabled old shaman, but due to the majesty of the war mother Olgavana, No one dared to touch him.

"Varys, you misinterpreted my meaning. I didn't let everyone die. Now there is only one way for us to escape the bear man."

"What is it?"

The blind Kerik looked at the distant sky, with endless longing in his cloudy eyeballs. "As early as when we found out that we couldn't go back, I said that the only place in the Northland that can escape the bearman's pursuit is Furnace Township."

"What crazy talk, do you think Ornn will come out to save us?" Varys panted like a pit bull, feeling unreasonable for Corrick's words.

Ornn has not been heard from for thousands of years, and may have been killed by Volibear. Expecting such a nihilistic god to save oneself is no different from waiting for death. They are soldiers, not furnace households, and they feel more worthy of dying on the battlefield than in a holy place.

Old Creek sniffed the air around him, and said in a spirited voice, "It's a volcano that's still alive, and the sleeping ram's snoring will scare off the bears."

He does not mean that.

Kahn's destination is Furnace Township. Wouldn't it be perfect if he could use the conflict between Furnace and Bearman to lure Aoun?

Kaisha looked over, obviously when she heard the word Furnace Township, she also had some thoughts in her heart. This is an excellent opportunity, she patted the back of Kahn's hand and signaled.

Kahn, who received the signal, began to fan the flames. He gave these fighters a suggestion: "If it is a volcano, then the air there must be filled with sulfur. The bears mainly hunt by sound and smell, and the strong Sulfur can cover up the smell we leave behind. The shaman said that it is a living volcano, so the lava activity will not be too active, and we should be able to stand. Just hide in it and wait for the bear people to leave, we have a chance to go Frozen sea to go home by boat."

"Furnaceland is a place of legend, and its location is not recorded on any map. Do you really think we can find it there?" Warrior Bo Alin thought as did most people, and they all thought that Kerik had Lost in mind, no one would believe what a crazy old man said, who knows if he wants to take them to death.

"As long as you follow the blue smoke, you can go to half the mountain of Old Ornn." Kerrick said again, obviously this was a clue to how to get to Furnace Village, but they looked up at the sky, but they didn't see anything like that. Qingyan thing, the misunderstanding and dissatisfaction with Kerik in private deepened again.

Kahn looked around at the soldiers who felt cheated, and said to Olgavana, the only battle mother who was still calm and calm: "I know where Furnace Town is, and I can take you there."

"Are you serious?" Olgavana asked doubtfully.

"I don't need to lie to you. If I were the Claw of Winter, I wouldn't spend a lot of time arranging traitors to harm you. They will do it directly."

Olgavana knew very well that the time left for her to think was very short. She had no choice but to follow the wishes of the old shaman.

"Everyone listen to my order, put out the bonfire and set off immediately. Let's follow the car, Bo Alin will carry the shaman on his back, and no one will be left behind!"

As she spoke, she raised the falling axe, welcomed the pain from Zhen Bing, used it to focus, get rid of distracting thoughts, took a deep breath, and slashed heavily towards the bonfire in front of her.

Pure cold air spread through the edge of the axe, drawing a frosty arc. In an instant, the bonfire was completely frozen, and the dancing flames were surrounded by rapidly growing ice crystals, turning into flame-shaped crystals.

This move made Kahn's eyes shine. This Iceborn battlemother is so powerful, no wonder she was able to lead her tribe out of the encirclement of Winter's Claw and the Bearman before.

Under the leadership of Kahn, the tribe they met halfway evacuated the temporary camp overnight.

It's just that his purpose was not pure. He made some manipulations on the wheel and smeared human blood on it. The unique smell of blood lingers for a long time, leaving a tracking mark for those ugly bloodthirsty half-bear monsters.

He wants to lure the bears to Furnace Village, and let the Furnace and the bears start a life-and-death battle in Ornn's sleeping place. If the tragedy of the Lu family in the legend fails to wake Ornn up again, then he can only save the group of people by himself.

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