He Comes From the Void

Chapter 713: The Ruins of Furnace Village

On the third day of marching north, they finally saw a large cloud of smoke on the horizon.

That is not the smoke of war, but the smoke of nature.

"As long as you can go to the bottom of Qingyan, you can reach Luxiang!"

Olgavana was overwhelmed, she regarded this as a revelation, everyone felt that they were on the road to death, only she believed the words of the old shaman, and believed that the key to their survival lay in the mysterious Below the blue smoke.

However, the journey to Furnace Township was not so smooth. Just last night, the remaining Ernuk died, and the cause of death was starvation and cold. These Ernuk were made into food reserves, but they didn't last long. There were hundreds of hungry mouths waiting to eat, and the meat from these lean cows was eaten within two days.

The worse news is that for some reason, the distance between them and the bears has not been widened, as if there is a force in the dark that draws these monsters to them. Every report from the scouts told them that death was getting closer. In this situation, everyone's spirit was like a stretched string, which weakened after a long stretch.

The war mother Olgavana told the tribe to hurry up, and there was no other way but to rush to Furnace City.

They saw green smoke from a long distance, but it still took a lot of time when they actually arrived at their destination. It was a few days ago that they had their last meal of beef.

The shaman Kerik said that the mountain was called "Old Ornn's Half Mountain", which was very vivid and exactly consistent with what Kahn saw with his own eyes. This is a big mountain without a top, and the top of the mountain seems to have been lifted off, leaving behind a circular mountain, like a raised crater.

And the thick smoke that keeps coming out comes from the middle of the ring pit.

They began to climb the mountain, and the black stone under their feet felt warm to the touch. There was not a trace of snow here, because it was all melted by the heat gushing out from the ground. This black mountain looks very abrupt in the vast land of ice and snow... If Kahn would describe it, it is as eye-catching as a pimple on a beautiful face.

There are black stones all over the hillside, and there are many scars as far as the eye can see. Then they found a maze of scorched foundations on the mountainside, scattered with lonely ruins.

This is the relic of a small city. It has existed for an unknown number of years. There are traces of battle and magic everywhere. They destroyed this ancient city and turned it into a scorched ruin.

"This place used to be called Furnace Township." Old Kerrick swore on the shoulder of the honest man Bo Alin, and talked about the origin of Furnace Township.

Legend has it that long, long ago, before the Freljord was divided, a group of artisans lived at the foot of Ornn's mountain.

They are the original followers of Ornn, claiming their faith is Ornn, the god of craftsmen. It's just that Ornn never admits that he has followers, and he has no interest in anything other than forging.

However, this group of craftsmen did build a town, and they all hoped that they could make the best artifacts in the world.

There are thousands of people in this group. They would make tools and plowshares, as well as carts, armor and saddles.

Ornn's mountain is called "Furnace Country". They built furnaces and homes at the foot of the mountain, calling themselves "Furnace Family" because they have never felt the bitter cold of Freljord, and they can walk barefoot. Stepping on the hillside of Luxiang, enduring the boiling heat under your feet.

Gradually, the unique geographical environment and dedicated attitude made them become the best group of craftsmen in the world, and the objects they made would only bow down in front of Aoun. Although Aoun didn't say anything, he already recognized these hard-working believers in his heart.

Until Volibear's arrival broke the tranquility of Furnace Township.

The giant bear was going to fight against the rising forces of the Three Sisters. During the preparations for the battle, he found Ornn and asked him to make magic weapons for his soldiers.

But Aoun disapproved of the ferocity of the bear people and was unwilling to help him. So the domineering Volibear took up the idea of ​​the family again, and directly took away the works they worked so hard to make. This directly annoyed Ornn, and the two violent giants fought on the furnace village, and the fierce fight lasted for eight days and nights.

The bases of the mountains trembled, and molten ore gushed from the summit of Furnace. Lightning strikes densely on the mountain, fountains of flame burst out from the cracks in the cliff, and the sky is red and black. The earth trembled, the blood in the heart of the world ran freely in the highlands, and people all over the Freljord witnessed the contest between Volibear and Ornn.

When the smoke cleared, the peak of the mountain had disappeared. But to make matters worse, all the Furnaces are dead. Their town is gone, just a smoldering ruin and a fading past.

Since then, the giant bear has taken off the rune armor made by his brother, and only wants to use fangs, claws, brute force and thunder as weapons. And Ornn also disappeared, leaving only Furnace Village without a hilltop.

Although Ornn disappeared from people's sight, the faith of the Furnace family did not dissipate. With admiration for the god of craftsmen, the craftsmen call themselves furnace households, and commemorate those craftsmen who stick to the furnace village until their death.

Kahn and the others have been climbing up, and finally reached the edge of the crater basin.

Then old Corrick said he saw the fire, and everyone was surprised because Corrick was blind.

Olgavana followed the blue smoke and looked towards the center of the basin, and saw a huge furnace, and the blue smoke that went straight into the sky came out of the furnace. She smelled the smoke too, a very strong smell of sulfur.

The hearth itself is in the shape of a gigantic ram's head, with clusters of goat grass growing between mosaic stone slabs. In the ram's mouth was a flame so bright that one could see it even with closed eyes.

The mighty elemental force boiled in the oven, emitting orange fire. The dazzling light made Kahn squint his eyes. He always felt that this furnace was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

The war mother was fascinated by the sight in front of her, but the scouts around her woke her up immediately.

The dark clouds in the eastern sky were filled with lightning, and the wind carried the stench of wet fur and the sweet smell of fermentation. Everyone knew that it was the bloody smell of bear people.

"The bears are still coming after them." Olgavana comforted the tribe with a wry smile: "Don't panic, at least the steep mountains around the basin are a good shelter from the wind. Maybe if we go inside, our smell will not Scattered by the wind."

That's what she said, but she had already made up her mind. If those bears chased them into the mountains, she would lead her clansmen to defend here and resist to the death. Maybe she could use the terrain here to kill a few more bears.

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