He Comes From the Void

Chapter 752 Thunder

The Overseer ripped off one of Volibear's arms, and Volibear's wailing echoed through the abyss.

The bear didn't fall because the Overseer's tentacles clung to him to keep him from falling. He bit the tentacle with his only movable mouth, but not only failed to bite, he was also severely slapped on the side of his face by the tentacle, half of his cheek was cut open by the claw, and blood continued to flow along the hideous wound.

Volibear still hasn't surrendered, but that doesn't change anything, and if he can't find a way to break things off, his fate is to be the Watcher's first meal after he gets out of prison.

But now, the watcher has already stretched out another tentacle in front of him, and it seems that the next second it will penetrate deeply into his eye socket, overturn his celestial spirit cover, and shatter his brain.

Kahn first thought of going back in time, returning Volibear to his peak state, and re-launching the attack in another way. But this idea was suppressed by him as soon as it came up. Two fists are hard to fight with four hands. The monitor controls so many tentacles. No matter how Volibear attacks, he will be blocked and countered, and can only attack by force. What's more, the fighter opportunity is in the blink of an eye, and Kahn temporarily asked him to change, Volibear may not listen, so the result can only be an infinite repetition of the same mistakes.

And Volibear's death is directly linked to the failure of the whole plan, and then they don't want to be alone.

In desperation, he can only use the emergency plan.

"I didn't expect to be forced to this step so soon."

Karn took out the green runestone and threw it at Volibear with all his might.

Now that Volibear has lost his powers, he gives him powers, powers that never end. World runes, the source of all magic, the essence of the world.

When the rune toast was taken out, the monitor had already noticed this stone with infinite magic power, and it stretched its tentacles towards the rune cornerstone, trying to intercept it in midair. It's just that Kahn has attached time magic to it in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, and this magic is blessed by the power of the rune itself, which greatly shortens the flight time.

Almost as soon as he shot, the rune flew behind Volibear and burrowed into his wound.

Kahn can only help him here, and they have to deal with the surrounding insect swarms. These hungry creatures have already rushed over the flames.

The Overseer's rage showed through its frantic movements, all its tentacles digging deep into Volibear, digging deep to rummage the runestones. Volibear let it be pulled without moving, without making any sound, as if he had died, turned into an unconscious walking corpse.

But at the same time, Kahn found that static sparks appeared on his skin armor, and also appeared on those monsters, bouncing back and forth at the corner of the sickle's forelimb.

There is an overwhelming sense of urgency in the air, as if waiting for thunder after lightning. After Karn wiped out the monsters around him, he turned his attention to Volibear again.

Dozens of tentacles pierced and pierced out of his body, each one as thick as his arm, filling his body like fleshy soil, crawling and wriggling in his body, as if hollowing out his flesh and blood, He turned into a tattered skin.

Karn's eyes peeked through the skin, into Volibear's inner being. Because he has runes in his hand, he can clearly feel other runes.

He saw the rune keystone transferred into Volibear's chest, beating like a heart, gushing out huge magical power. Thunder and lightning surged and pulsated in his blood vessels, rushing all over his body from the inside out.

Volibear feels his connection to the Thunder is back, and stronger than ever. The giant bear roared up to the sky, and a thunderbolt instantly pierced the sky and fell into the bottomless abyss. The thunder echoed in the abyss, resonating with the roar of the giant bear, shaking the entire Hall of Nine Venerables.

Thunder and lightning flashed, and thunder fell from the sky.

Dazzling electric light erupted from the giant bear's body, blooming through all the wounds, and those tentacles like thorns were all bathed in the fury of thunder, and they were all annihilated in one breath.

With a silent screech, the Watcher ripped off just one of Volibear's arms, but the latter destroyed all of its living tentacles. The thunder and lightning passed to its body along the tentacles, and the pain it brought to it exceeded the burning pain accumulated by being frozen by the pure ice for thousands of years.

The power of the runes washed Volibear's body, and he was reborn like a dead tree in spring. Endless lightning connected his flesh and blood, suturing the hideous wound, leaving behind a glow and a scar. Its hair stood upright in the charged air, becoming soft and elegant again, as if all impurities had been removed by lightning.

And the most important thing is that his severed arm, which was torn off earlier, was actually pulled by lightning, and it was sucked back to Volibear's side like a magnet. The chains of lightning gushed out of his wound and combined with the broken arm, and the magic force reshaped the steel and iron bones for him, and connected the broken arm back.

The watcher controlled the swarm to launch a crazy offensive, and the giant bear roared again, summoning endless thunder to cleanse the dirt.

The thunder landed in the swarm, and the monsters at the point of impact immediately exploded into broken pieces of meat and weird slurry. The splashing lightning formed a chain and connected the entire swarm of insects. After suffering a strong electric shock, they all turned into corpses, and the scorched black shells continued to smoke.

This chain lightning does not distinguish between friend and foe. Fortunately, Kahn used the energy barrier to protect Kai'Sa and himself in time. Otherwise, he would be lying on the ground convulsing, or his life would be in danger.

"Thank you, little one."

Volibear put one hand on his chest, feeling the steady and unstoppable force of the movement of the continental plates. He is very grateful to Kahn who gave him help in a timely manner. Without this incredible stone, his physical body would be dead now. The bear spirit will live in people's beliefs, and whether it can be resurrected again depends on the history of human wars in the future.

"Don't thank it too early, the thing will be returned after this battle. It is too dangerous, and its power should be sealed up."

Perhaps because Volibear is an avatar of Spirit Bear, the negative effects of the world rune didn't affect him right away. But Kahn felt he still needed to dispel Volibear's misunderstanding that it was given to him.

Volibear had a weird expression on his face, but he didn't say anything, just nodded in acquiescence.

The giant bear is usually used to authority. As the bear of storm and thunder that his followers say has suffered thousands of knives and guns, the most he gets from his followers is the tribute for sacrifice. This time, he also subconsciously regarded the rune cornerstone that Kahn gave him as a tribute. If Kahn hadn't specifically proposed it, he had no intention of changing it at all.

For a long time he would only use fangs, claws, brute force, and thunder as weapons. But I have to admit that sometimes external forces are really useful.

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