He Comes From the Void

Chapter 753: Nothingness

The revived Volibear sprang into action again, picking up his spear and striding towards the Watchers.

Now, the alien invader lost all movable tentacles, and they couldn't grow them back in a short period of time, temporarily losing their ability to resist.

This is an excellent time to eliminate the Overseers while you are dying of illness.

Volibear came before the watchers, and the one bulging eye immediately focused on him under the black ice. The watcher's pupils were like abysses, and a force tugged at Volibear's gaze. He looked at him, and felt a gaze seep into his mind, as if he wanted to shake his mind and push his crumbling sanity into the abyss.

The giant bear didn't give the opponent this chance, he took off his cloak and covered the watcher's one eye.

The flames cut off the line of sight, and the feeling of being stared at disappeared. Volibear raised his spear and pointed it at the watcher's pupil, stabbing down hard.

The spear tip broke through ten feet of pure ice and pierced the watcher's eyeball.

In an instant, a fierce purple light erupted, followed by a strong sense of obstruction. The giant bear's figure was instantly submerged in the light, leaving only a black outline.

Kahn and the others hid behind the giant bear, watching him growl and mobilize the strength of his whole body, arching his back muscles full of knives and guns, squeezing all the strength from his body and inserting the spear deeper.

The light became stronger and stronger, and they felt an invisible scream echoing in the Howling Abyss... This feeling became stronger and stronger, as if the scream passed through the eardrums and echoed in their minds. And when the sound exceeded a certain limit, it suddenly disappeared, and all the sounds disappeared.

Everything fell into silence.

But this kind of silence is not the overwhelming silence brought by Spirit Bear, but the dead silence left after all the sounds have been swallowed up and disappeared.

Kahn's five senses are disappearing one after another, first is hearing, then taste, smell, touch...

The sour smell left by the magic breath on the tongue coating and the sweet smell of blood disappeared in an instant. He couldn't feel the flow of air, he didn't know if he was breathing, he didn't know if his heart was still beating, he couldn't feel the pulse of blood rushing in his blood vessels, even Kaisha who was close at hand felt Can't touch. After even his vision disappeared, his world fell into true darkness and nothingness, and he couldn't even feel his own existence.

This kind of darkness is not the darkness you see with your eyes closed. Instead, when you close your right eye alone, when you want to feel what you see with your right eye, you find that you can't feel anything.

True darkness cannot be seen, and the perception of it is the inability to feel anything. Black is a color, but darkness is not. That's not black...it's nothingness.

But in the darkness of nothingness, he began to feel something.

His left eye, eroded by the void, was the only part he could still perceive.

Kahn opened his left eye and saw that all the light was flowing to one place. Yes, the light does not travel in a straight line, but flows in twists and turns like a vortex, and finally all converge in one place.

That place...is the pupil of the watcher.

When the spear pierced the watcher's one eye, a black sphere appeared in the center of the huge eyeball, swallowing everything around it like a black hole.

Light, sound, temperature... including the monitor himself, were all sucked in by the black sphere. Like a hungry mouth, endlessly devouring everything.

The cloak and spear were sucked in first, but the black ball didn't stop there, but continued to devour other contents in the watcher's eyes. The swollen and full eyeball began to shrink, and this body created by combining matter according to the law began to collapse, twist, and shrink sharply...and finally disappeared completely under the violent devouring of all comers.

Karn had seen the entire process from beginning to end, how the Overseer was completely consumed from the inside out. He was shocked, never expecting the Watcher to be destroyed in such a way.

He can feel that it is not a real black hole, but a concept of nothingness, which swallows up time and space, and even the meaning of life and death.

The fear that this black ball brought to him was tens of thousands of times stronger than that brought to him by the watchers!

He knows that if he is also swallowed, all the traces that may belong to him will be erased, all the memories about him will be forgotten in the minds of others, and the things he left will disappear, as if he never came Same in this world.

No one will remember, and there is no point in existence, that black hole leads to nothingness.

Fortunately, after the black ball swallowed the monitor, it also shrunk and disappeared, as if it swallowed its own existence.

Karn, who survived the disaster, wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but the watcher was gone, but the huge hole it left into the void did not disappear.

This channel is completely composed of energy. The boundary between the two domains is smooth, and the edge is surging like a tide, and the majestic energy is stirring in it.

Looking at the huge void with endless darkness, he suddenly felt many strong eyes appearing in it, watching him, the person who stared into the abyss, in nothingness.

This feeling made him shudder, as if something from another dimension might contact him through the void at any time, and if he was not careful, he would be dragged into the abyss. Kahn immediately stepped back until he was no longer directly exposed to that line of sight.

Then he squeezed all the consciousness and perception he could use, established a connection with the world runes, and prepared to use the power of runes to quickly plug the loopholes in the two worlds.

The rune in Volibear's body was recalled and flew back to Karn. Under the control of his thoughts, all five cornerstones were revolving around him. In an instant, he felt that all five of his lost senses had returned, and they had been magnified tens of millions of times.

He can clearly feel the pulse of the earth, the back and forth of the tide, and even hear the beating of the heart in the abyss. You can also see the trajectory of a falling snowflake beyond your line of sight, and Sejuani is comforting the beast that is gradually losing its breath below her.

And these, he can destroy them all with just a slight thought. Wanting to sink the entire continental plate is nothing more than a casual move. If you take the time, you can even reshape the whole of Runeterra into something else.

But is this omniscient and omnipotent power something a mortal can bear? This force is too great, he feels his heart is abnormally heavy, and it is difficult to breathe, as if the entire continental plate is pressed on his shoulders, and he will be crushed to pieces if he relaxes a little.

The power of the runes is penetrating Kahn's body. Once he can't bear it and chooses to accept this power, he will be transformed into an immortal elemental spirit body. Only in this way can he withstand the overbearing power of the runes. And the price of doing so is that the spirit will also be defeated, and eventually become the puppet of the rune.

He had to act quickly, the world rune was bewitching him crazily in his mind, trying to twist this pain into an addictive pleasure.

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