Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1,155 Answer

After Lin Rui finished answering, everyone in the cockpit slowly dispersed except Peter who still stayed by Lin Rui's side. The threat has left, and everyone will be able to return to Earth in an hour. At this time, everyone can take advantage of this rare opportunity to experience this unprecedented life in the universe.

Tony, Dr. Banner and Hank the Beast even visited the Dawn with Star-Lord's consent. As for the E-class aerospace battleship, which was controlled by Jarvis and those super warriors, there was nothing to worry about. After everyone else left the cockpit, only four people were left in the cockpit of the aerospace battleship, which was much larger than the cockpit of Dawn.

In addition to Lin Rui and Peter, Star-Lord and Gamora also stayed. Peter stayed to take care of Lin Rui, and Star-Lord's purpose of staying was very clear, that is, to inquire about his father who appeared out of nowhere. Gamora stayed here undoubtedly because of Star-Lord, and Star-Lord obviously didn't want to hide anything from Gamora, so he didn't let her go back.

"Jackson, there is no one here now, and the threat has been stopped by those three... three powerful guys. It's time for you to tell me about the guy who claims to be my father, right?" Zai Lin Star-Lord sat down on the driver's seat in front of Rui. Star-Lord stared at Lin Rui who still didn't take off his phantom suit and asked.

Although Star-Lord didn't know how Lin Rui knew about his father, who was obviously not from Earth, but since the other party said that he knew something about the situation, Star-Lord believed it. After all, some of the things Lin Rui had shown before had shown that what he knew was not simple.

Upon hearing Star-Lord's inquiry, Lin Rui, who was also sitting on a chair to rest and recover, his eyes flashed slightly. Regarding Star-Lord's father, Lin Rui didn't know whether to tell the truth or hide something from him. After all, Star-Lord lost his mother when he was a child, and deep down in his heart, he still longs for family affection. Otherwise, not long after Ego appeared in the original plot, Star-Lord completely trusted him, even though Gamora told him that something was wrong.

"Star-Lord, first of all, answer me. Do you believe that man is your father?" Instead of answering Star-Lord's question immediately, Lin Rui asked him a question first.

Star-Lord was stunned for a moment when he heard Lin Rui's rhetorical question. If an average person loses a loved one and is abducted as a child, grows up in a different environment, and then unexpectedly meets a guy who claims to be his father. Then the first thing that comes to mind should not be belief, but doubt. Star-Lord has grown up in an environment of intrigue among Star Thieves since he was a child. He should not simply believe the words of a random person.

"Actually... I don't know... It's just that since he appeared, I do feel that I have a feeling with him, which has never happened before." After being stunned for a moment, Star-Lord replied with twinkling eyes. .

The feeling Star-Lord talked about was actually a connection at the life level. He had felt it since Ego appeared in front of him, and it was very obvious.

After he was teleported away by the Ancient One Master, that feeling weakened a lot, but it still existed. It was that feeling that made Star-Lord very entangled, it was a kind of kindness from the heart.

In fact, since he was a child, Star-Lord, who lost his family and was taken to the Star Thieves by Yondu and experienced various difficulties and grew up, has imagined since he was a child that his father, whom he has never seen before, is a great hero who will one day appear in front of him to save him. And just now, the man who claimed to be his father really appeared, and really rushed to Dormammu to protect them like a hero.

Therefore, Star-Lord believed in his heart that the man who claimed to be Ego was his father. After all, such a powerful and kind-looking father is much better than an ordinary person on earth.

"In that case... yes, that Egg is indeed your father." After hearing Star-Lord's answer, Lin Rui's eyes flashed and he said in a positive tone.


When Lin Rui finished saying this, he clearly felt that the attack in front of him made his breathing a lot heavier. However, Star-Lord kept his face very well and did not seem to have much emotional change. When Star-Lord's breathing became heavier, Gamora, who was standing beside him, silently put her hand on his shoulder.

"Is there anything else? For example...where is he from? Why did you abandon my mother on Earth and never come to see me after I was born?" After a few seconds of silence, Star-Lord calmed down and asked. road.

When asking these questions, Star-Lord had already determined that Ego was not from Earth. After all, judging from the spaceship that Egg appeared on just now, it was not from the earth. Moreover, if Yi Ge came from the earth, then the Ancient Master and the God King Odin would not fail to recognize him. However, Star-Lord still found it a bit incredible that he was a cosmic hybrid across planets.

"Where did he come from? I can't answer this question because I don't know. As for why he left you and your mother on Earth and never came back to see you, this is the duty he failed to fulfill as a father." Regarding Star-Lord's next question, Lin Rui hesitated and answered.

Although Lin Rui and Star-Lord had only met once before, they got along pretty well, and Star-Lord also trusted Lin Rui. However, if Lin Rui told Star-Lord at this time that his father was here just to absorb him as his own nourishment, Star-Lord might think that Lin Rui was joking on him.

First of all, Lin Rui found it difficult to explain that Star-Lord's father, Ego, was actually a planet with independent consciousness that had existed for countless thousands of years. What's more, he has to explain to Star-Lord that his father actually left seeds everywhere in the universe in order to feed his own planet, so that when those heirs grow up, they can provide core energy to his planet.

If Lin Rui told Star-Lord all these situations, he felt that it was a trivial matter for Star-Lord not to believe him. The worst case scenario was that Star-Lord felt that he was destroying the relationship between him and his father by lying to him again. Because Star-Lord has shown the connection between himself and Ego. Lin Rui felt that this connection had been affecting Star-Lord since Ego appeared, making him involuntarily believe that Ego trusted him.

"Then do you know anything else about him? For example, what kind of person is he?" Star-Lord continued to ask without getting a detailed answer.

"What kind of person is he...probably a very selfish person."

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